Part 44 - I owed you, now you owe me

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After listening to Shiomi's explanation about stagiaire, (name) went to her next destination, which was the Polar Star Dormitory. Tsubasa opened the door to the dorm, and let (name) enter first.

She looked around and spotted Isshiki and Fumio talking with each other.

As Isshiki spotted (name), he strode over to her and leaned over with a smile, "how are you feeling? I'm glad that you finally could come, Soma-kun is not here incase you're looking for him". She shook her head with a smile, "I'm feeling good, how about you Satoshi?".

He chuckled to himself, "of course I'm well~", he leaned away and felt proud of himself.

"how're the others?", she asked with a worried tone, but Isshiki put her mind to ease with his encouraging words, "The girls are working out on their cooking skills in the kitchen, while the boys are doing the same thing in Marui-kun's room.... You should visit them", he smiled at the girl.

"okay~", she grinned and skipped over to the kitchen, surprising the girls.

"(name)-chan/cchi/sama!", they called out in disbelief. They were all worried, since they couldn't contact her nor hear any news of her, as her phone was confiscated by Erina, since she didn't want her to be stressed out.

"I'll help you guys with the tasting", she smiled sweetly.

Sakaki smiled while sighing, "it's good that you're back, (name)-chan", she patted the girl's head. "don't worry (name)cchi! I won't be asking any unnecessary question! We already heard from Isshiki-senpai that you didn't even want to be find out in the first place", Yoshino wrapped her arms around (name)'s body with a gleeful smile.

"u-uhm... is it really okay for you to hold (name)-sama like that??", Ikumi was worried as her hands were twitching at the thought of doing that to someone as prestigious as (name), who was in the same league as Erina.

(name) looked up and smiled at Ikumi, "you don't have to worry about that Ikumi-chan". Ikumi's blush deepened, "a-alright (name)-sama!".

As it was getting darker and Yukihira had already returned from Shiomi's seminar while (name) was about to return to the mansion. Yukihira sighed to himself, "so I guess see you tomorrow, (name)-chan". She nodded with a gentle smile on her face, "yeap, just notify me tomorrow, bye bye everyone~", she waved at her polar star dormitory friends with her brightest smile.

"have a good rest!!".


The next day~

Takumi and Yukihira was standing on each of (name)'s side while watching her plating her dish, both were blushing at the nice scent emanating from the dish.

"done~ fufu~ munch off now beautiful boys~", she brought her finger to her glossy lips with an evident smirk, making both of them even more red. She walked away to watch them both at the same time.

Both were brimming with tears as they ate the food, they were speechless. (name) leaned on the counter while twirling strands of her hair, "thanks for enjoying the food~", she smirked, before her golden orbs turned into their normal colour.

"now since I have made mine, Takumi owe me his Napolitan Curry Fettucine", she smiled while tilting her head. "yes....but.... I used mezzaluna..", he muttered lowly. "Soma~ did you bring Takumi's mezzaluna?", she asked. "yeap! I did as you said, (name)-chan... here ya go", he gave Takumi the mezzaluna.

"don't worry Takumi~ it's just for today... for me", she looked at him with her puppy eyes, pursing her bottom lip into a cute pout. Takumi couldn't help but blush again, "j-j-just for today!". (name) clapped her hands excitedly, "yay!", she rested her arms on the counter as she watched Takumi staring at his mezzaluna with furrowed brows, before he nodded to himself and started cooking.

"so (name)-chan, come to think of it...I remembered Nakiri Alice mentioned about you beating Shinomiya-senpai in a cooking battle, how was it?", he looked at her after copying her gesture right beside her. She tuck the strands of her hair behind her ear before looking at Yukihira with a sweet smile, "it was fun", she then looked down at her own hands, "Kojiro never won against me.... I don't have anything against his food but he always think so, that's why we keep on having a cooking battle".

Suddenly (name)'s phone rang, she fished her phone out from her pocket and checked the caller ID before smiling widely and answering the call, "Eishii~ how have you been doing?".

'Eishii? Who's that?', the boy next to her, furrowed his brows in both confusion and felt a tad of jealousy, well let's say it a bit of jealousy since he's so dense.

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