Part 60 - Yukihira being Yukihira

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[miru's note:~ it's going to be new year soon! so let's hope this covid thing disappear next year since there's a vaccine alreadyyyy, anw proceed!!]

Later that day, (name) was hand-in-hand with Yukihira, as if it was a norm for the both of them, as they head to the booth which assigns other people's booth. (name) smiled as she looked at the paper, "are you sure, you don't need staffs Soma?", she looked up at him from the side.

He nodded his head, "I'm a one-man-chef".

She sighed in the end, "everyone is a one-man-chef, but Soma~ you might need help in the future.... Besides, it's not like I don't trust you winning against Kuga, it's just...........". Yukihira stopped infront of her and lean down to her height, before ruffling her upper hair gently with his free hand, "(name)-chan is worried about me again, I like it", he grinned.

He looked at her with small smile, "don't worry about me, (name)-chan..... but please support my booth, you being there would put a smile on my face for the whole week and I'm not joking around", he pulled away, pointing to himself proudly.

"sure Erina-ojou-sama..... what about (name)-ojou-sama? Is she partaking in this event?", the two men in the booth looked up at Erina and Hisako.

Erina looked around and spotted (name) walking hand in hand with Yukihira, she was frowning a bit, she didn't like (name) hanging out with the boy she disliked. "(name)-chan, come over here", she said as she flipped her hair. (name) skipped over to her sister and hugged her, "I'll check your booth during the festival, Eri-nee-chan".

Erina nodded her head with a smile before narrowing her eyes, "why are you hanging out with Yukihira?", she warned her. "Eri-nee-chan, Soma is a nice person, he's just unique~", (name) smiled brightly.

"(name)-ojou-sama, are you perhaps, partake in the booth application?", one of the men smiled up at her.

She looked at the two with a smile, "nope~ I'll be enjoying all the varieties during the festivals", she smiled sweetly.

"th-then, (name)-ojou-sama, would you like to hang out wi-", before the other male could finish his words. Yukihira placed his booth application on the table, blocking them from looking at (name).

Their eyes widened, "are you sure?".

"the booth infront of Kuga-senpai is available, right?", he grinned widely. Both of the men nodded their heads.

"hahaha! that's great then! By the way.... The theme for my booth is Chinese cuisine", he muttered in a serious tone, making all of them look at him with utter surprise and disbelief. (name) simply smiled and shook her head, "see? Soma is unique". Erina raised an eyebrow at him, "you seriously do want to have a cooking battle with Kuga-senpai".

"of course, this is how I'm going to show him that I'm able to beat him", he smirked.

Ikumi yelled at Yukihira for being stupid while he simply grinned like nothing really matter in the world.


Hojo was standing next to (name), while Yukihira was standing on (name)'s other side with a grin as they arrived at Chinese Cuisine RS club. Kuga was ordering his club member around with a proud look on his face.

"two, three! two, three!"

(name) walked over to him and patted his shoulder with a gentle smile. "(name)-chin! fancy seeing you here! Wanna eat something? I can tell them to make you something good", he sat up from his fancy chair and let (name) sat on it instead.

"oh actually, Soma and Hojo-chan is here", she smiled up at him, trying to stand up as Kuga rest his hands on her shoulder so she could stay in place.

"really?", he looked away for a moment to spot Hojo and Yukihira side-by-side with a wondering look on their faces. He walked over to them, and (name) take that cue to stand up from the chair to join him and the others.

"Miyoko-chin! Are you finally going to join the research society~?", he joked while wrapping an arm around (name) who finally arrived at his side. "no", she answered, as her hands was on her hips. "I knew that~", he grinned, "well of course you are welcome to join any time! And who's that with you?", he switched his glance to Yukihira who was slightly glaring at him, "was it.... Yukihira-chin? Why are you here?", he asked with a blank face.

(name) shook her head and pinched Kuga's cheek, "he's my friend, you should be nice", she said in a matter-of-fact-tone.

Yukihira cleared his throat, "well I was just curious to see how you're preparing for the school festival, Kuga-senpai For starters, can you tell us what you're serving?". (name) then smiled widely, "last year, Kuga started off quite good for a starter~ I'm sure he'll do even better".

Kuga looked at her with a wide grin spreading across his face, "dawwww~ (name)-chin~ ne are you supporting me this year too? I'll reserve a spot for you EVERYDAY, how's that?", he started patting her head. She stare up at him with a worried look, "won't it be a bother for you, Kuga? You might be busy".

"I'll do ANYTHING for my favorite junior~", he made an 'OwO' face while still patting the younger girl's head, "anyway~ I'm still thinking about which dish to choose, but our signature dish may be Mapu Tofu ......... Ten of you, Line up! Cook our famous Mapo Tofu for Yukihira-chin, will you?", he ordered before turning his head to look at (name) and grinned, "another five of you, line up! Cook for our favorite (name)-chin, her favorite Dandan Noodles(the pciture above)".

And so they cooked without wasting any time.

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