Part 97 - Momo-senpai being Momo-senpai

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Upon arriving at Hall C, they went straight to the railing and noticed the number of students surrounding the hall. "umm, this match is between the Fourth Seat Akanegakubo-senpai against the Chocolate RS". An unwilling Takumi muttered, "There's also Eizan-senpai against the Western Cuisine RS... looks like there will be several Shokugeki happening in parallel at each arena".

(name) nodded to herself and leaned on the railing with a curious look, since she wanted to know what Momo was baking.

"I guess we got at the right place... since (nickname) wanted to watch Akanegakubo-senpai's shokugeki", Takumi looked to his right side where (name) was leaning.

"so, the Don RS guys aren't here, huh? And also, Shiomi Research Group's Hayama isn't here, either... ne (name)-chan, do you happen to know which Hall is Hayama?", he turned his head to his left side since (name) was in between Takumi and him.

(name) frowned to herself, "I did call him the other night..... but he said he decided to take it personally with Otou-sama... so I'm kinda worried about him.... It had been a while since I see him..... should I meet him up soon?", she asked to herself while tilting her head in confusion.

"then should I go with you, (name)-chan? I recall Nakiri-san asked to have someone around you and with you when you leave the dorm", Tadokoro peeked from next to Yukihira to smile at (name). She grinned and nodded her head, "Sure, Tadokoro-chan~".

When Momo ripped Bucchi's paws, it surprised Takumi, Yukihira, and Tadokoro while (name) had a smile on her face, "she's making a cake~", she chimed in delight. "ah right... I forgot that (nickname) is close with Akanegakubo-senpai that's why she wasn't that surprised.... Well, I heard Akanegakubo-senpai does it all the time while she cooks", Takumi explained briefly as Momo was baking swiftly.

"I heard she's called the best pâtissier at Totsuki Academy... but (nickname) how about you? Have you ever beat her in baking? You are after all the Phantom Seat", he asked as his eyes were focused on what Momo was doing.

(name) giggled, "Of course, I beat her.... She was surprised at first since she always looked down on me and she used to call me (na)-nyan before".

The two boys quickly look at her, 'cute..... wish she could say it again'.

"but with only one Shokugeki with her, she eventually admitted defeat since she enjoyed what I had baked, soon enough she always baked for me and make sure to hear me complimenting her food... I'm not quite sure why though, but at least I get free food~", she grinned to herself, "reminds me of Kojiro though~ I remember Alice-nee-chan told the three of you before", she looked to her left side where Yukihira and Tadokoro were and then she looked at her right side where Takumi was as she smiled, "about Kojiro wanting me to compliment his cuisine..... I never did".

"I kinda got curious about that too (name)-chan.. why didn't you compliment Shinomiya-shisho though? His foods are delicious!", Yukihira furrowed his brows while leaning on the railing to take a better look at her.

(name) shrugged her shoulders, "I remember tasting his first ever creation which was Coq au vin well it was good than the others but for me.... It wasn't enough to become a perfect dish".

"Coq au vin? Is that a French cuisine?", Takumi asked while looking at her. She nodded her head slightly, "Surprisingly when I looked at Shino's menu during stagiaire, they don't serve any Coq au vin maybe he doesn't-! Oh? Momo-senpai won".

Hearing what she said made the two boys turn their heads towards the score seeing all three judges voted for both Central. Momo looked around and pouted, 'Where is she.......', and when she spotted the one she was looking for, she cut another slice of the cake and carried it to the stairs.

"here (name)-nyan", Momo gave the plate of chocolate cake to (name) while hugging Bucchi in her other hand, well she was actually struggling. (name) let out melodious laughter before taking the plate, "You could've asked me to come to you though senpai", she smiled at her.

Momo puffed her cheeks, "I just wanna surprised you with my cute cake".

"Anyway, thank you Momo-senpai", (name) chimed while giving her an eye-smile before taking a bite of the cake and it was sweet as always.

Momo waited for her to say something with a visible pout and was hugging Bucchi tightly. "it tastes sweet and it's cute, Momo-senpai~", (name) tilted her head with a soft smile gracing her lovely features. Momo nodded her head and walked back downstairs to take a seat and continue to watch the Shokugeki from a close perspective.

Then (name) spotted Eizan looking up at her from the stage with an obvious frown. In return, she frowned back at him, 'What does he want now?'.

'I'll make you pay (name)-brat for embarrassing me in front of the campus.... And you too Yukihira Soma', he glared at both of them while Yukihira didn't even realize he was being glared at.

(name) simply made a gesture of slitting the throat with her cute smile on her face, indicating him to leave them alone and he shuddered at the thought before quickly striding away while kicking some boxes, 'that damn brat!'.

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