Part 63 - Worrisome Tadokoro

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The next day, Tsubasa carried some cardboards under his arms, as (name) carried boxes of cutters and ribbons in her arms with a smile, as they finally walked into the Polar Star Dormitory.

"welcome (name)-chan~!", Isshiki welcomed the two, with his arms wide apart and a bright smile on his face. (name) lifted her head up to look at Isshiki before returning the gesture which was smiling back at him, "good morning Satoshi~". Isshiki placed his hand under (name)'s hand that was carrying the box, "now then, you can help Sakaki-kun and Yoshino-kun with the interior design, leave the dangerous works to us men", he smiled sweetly at the girl.

(name) slowly pulled her hand away but he still hold it in place, "I heard what happened with the stagiaire, (name)-chan", his voice were laced with utter serious and his eyes were narrowed at her.

"Sa-To-Shi~", she cooed with a gentle smile, "leave it be, I'm fine".

He pulled his hands away and cupped her cheeks, "glad you're fine, (name)-chan", suddenly his eyes darken, "if they repeat the same mistake again, they'll never see the living daylights again...", he muttered with a dangerous tone.

"idiot~ you don't have to be that way", she gave the box to Isshiki and ruffled his fluffy brown hair after tiptoeing, "geez why do guys always have to be so tall", she puffed her cheeks with an annoyed look on her face.

He chuckled, "what a cutie, take care of yourself and please.....avoid doing dangerous work, I'm watching", he smiled his eye-smile before walking away to talk to Tsubasa.

"(NAME)CCHI!!!!", a squeaky voice could be heard before someone glomped her from behind, "I missed you!!! Where have you been? Were you busy??", it was Yoshino. (name) giggled as she let her hug her, "I miss you guys too, well I was a bit busy.... That's why I'm here to help you guys a bit!", she cheered with her brightest smile.

Sakaki laughed lightly and patted her head, "by the way, (name)-chan... Yukihira-kun and Tadokoro-chan will be in the kitchen, incase you're wondering". (name) piped up, "really? I should visit them both before helping you guys", she lightly tugged on Yoshino's arm.

Yoshino finally released her and smiled, "just come over here later, okay~", she waved at (name) as she left to the kitchen.

(name) peeked through the door to see Yukihira cooking while Tadokoro was waiting patiently with a curious look, and as if she could sense someone staring, she turned her head to look at the door. As she spotted a familiar head, she smiled brightly, "(name)-chan! You're here!".

Hearing the name being called out, Yukihira stopped what he was doing and swiftly turned his head with a grin, upon seeing (name) on the door he couldn't help but smile even more, if that was possible. (name) waved at the duo, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you with testing the food last night... and today.... I already made promises with them earlier", she bowed her head a little.

Yukihira passed the spoon to Tadokoro, before striding over to (name) and held her hand, "come here". (name) tilted her head in curiosity as she let herself being pulled by Yukihira to take a seat. He left her near the counter before carrying another chair to her side, and make her sit.

"wait here a bit, the food is about to finish", he grinned and smiled at her, who was looking at him with still a wondering look on her face.

"are you trying to surpass Kuga with spiciness?", she said, tilting her head to one side with a gentle smile on her face. He nodded his head as he took the spoon from Tadokoro to continue cooking. (name) hummed a bit before stating, "you know..... if you wanna gain a lot of customers and stealing customers from Kuga.... try going with something special~ like you always do", she smirked. 

Yukihira turned his head a bit to look at her and gave her a thumbs up, "I'll make sure to put that in mind!".

"umm.. (name)-chan", Tadokoro called to her as she dragged her chair near her, "I heard you are going to help Soma-kun too during the festival", she smiled widely. (name) nodded her head, "yes! Although I can't help him during the first day, since Rindo-senpai decide to bring me along with her".

"Rindo-senpai..... you mean the second seat from the Elite Ten???", she asked in a surprised tone as her inner self was freaking out. The raven-haired girl nodded her head, "Rindo-senpai is a really friendly person!".

Tadokoro faltered a bit, "(name)-chan.... I'm actually worried about you", she placed her hand ontop of (name)'s hand. "there's nothing for you to be worried about me, Tadokoro-chan~", she chimed, giving her an eye-smile at that.

Tadokoro shook her head a bit, "no (name)-chan, there is! I'm worried that you are overworking yourself", she furrowed her brows at her while saying that.

The other girl simply smiled, "thanks for worrying about me, but seriously Tadokoro-chan... you don't have to worry about me, I'm more worried about you though! For all I know you're the one who overworks! You should rest at my place, we'll serve you the best calming tea", she grinned.

Tadokoro sighed to herself, "(name)-chan...".

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