Part 46 - First stage of the Stagiaire

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A few days later, (name) arrived in Shibuya city along with Tsubasa by her side, carrying her luggage. "it is said that your stagiaire will be around this city, it's a rundown café and ..", he sighed to himself, "aren't they being too harsh on you, (name)-sama?.... this café had been open over 2 decades... and they almost went bankrupt a few months ago", he frowned at himself before looking at the younger ravenette.

She pressed her lips together and smiled, "I'm sure others are being treated the same as me...".

"trust me, they aren't.... the treatment for them are better than this... yours are far more worse", he clenched his fist, "I even made sure to check your friends' files on where they're having their first stagiaire, moreover you were supposed to work in pairs but you are doing this all alone".

She thought to herself, "could it be.... The treatment I get after misusing Totsuki Elite Ten?". "that's not possible.... Because.... The one who arranged this stagiaire are the Elite Ten themselves..... maybe they wanted to see your potential so don't ever think that you misused them..... anyway... here we are, L'Occitane Café and if I may add, there's a bad review in the website saying that 'Cakes was served in bad shape, melted and quality was horrible. Feedback to café staffs, they showed attitude and refused to make changes. Totally no Japanese culture that being courteous, just because we are not local. Please do not visit this café' is what had been reviewed by one of the customers", he heaved out an annoyed sigh, "this is impossible, (name)-sama.... Should I contact the Elite ten about this?".

(name) lightly shook her head as she looked around the exterior, nodding to herself, "so I have a week to make it right, right?", she looked up at Tsubasa who nodded his head. "yes.... I'll be in close distant in case something bad happen", he looked at her with worried eyes, "I'll bring your luggage to an apartment for you to stay and I'll pick you up when it's closing time.. good luck (name)-sama", he rested his right hand on his left chest before bowing his body and walked away.

"let's get this over with, first off I need to see what's wrong with this café before fixing it...", she grinned before walking into the building and meeting up with the manager.

His face was filled with both annoyed and worried at the same time, "look at this", he said, "the Totsuki only lend me one student..... and it's a she", his brow twitched in annoyance as he looked down on the shorter girl, "Sebastian and Meyrin, show this girl her attire and apron...... I guess this café is going to be shut down in a few days", he grunted in the end before walking away.

(name) was clearly annoyed with his treatment but did her best to keep it in.

A tall male with raven hair and red striking eyes, nearly the same as Tsubasa and Ryo, and a girl with maroon-red hair with hazel eyes beneath thick rimmed glasses walked over to her.

"welcome, my dear lady, my name is Sebastian and this is Meyrin, we're waiters and the waitresses that are incharge around here", he smiled while bowing his head a little. "I'm (name), a Totsuki student", she looked around a bit, the place was dead silence.

"please come with us so you could wear our attire and then we'll show you around", Meyrin said kindly with a blush on her face, 'she is so pretty and she's only 15'.

Sebastian prepared her waitress attire(the picture above) and gave it to (name) as Meyrin led her to the women's changing room. After wearing it, she looks in the mirror and tie the stripe ribbon on her neck before nodding to herself. She then walked out of the room, seeing both Sebastian and Meyrin waiting for her.

She smiled, "sorry for the wait, can I see the kitchen?", she asked. Meyrin looked at Sebastian to wait for his approval. He nodded and smiled at the younger girl, "my dear lady.... I believe your work has nothing to do with the kitchen-". (name) stared intently at him with an eye-smile, "just show me where it is?".

He sighed and led her to the kitchen, (name) checked the menu, "European cuisine I see...", she looked around, "where're the chefs? It's opening hours, isn't it?".

Meyrin cleared her throat and looked away, "well you see...... we've been having a lot of trouble with customers and our stocks are limited, so Sebastian-san is usually the one who would cook and bake along with another chef", she explains, "our manager isn't even helping at all, he told us not to put any mind to the customers complaints".

(name) nodded her head in understandment before looking up at Sebastian, "cook and bake for me, I want to see". "yes, my dear lady", he nodded his head and started cooking. Meyrin helped with the prepping and soon there was another chef that walks in, tall and blonde.

"is there a customer?", the mysterious chef asked Sebastian.

"no, but this dear lady wants to see the food", he answered. "why bother doing that for that little girl? She's just wasting your time and the ingredients! We're already at the brink of bankrupt", he growled before looking at (name) with an evident frown.

(name) looked at him with her blank façade and was already crossing her arms in the beginning making her look like she's the b*tch boss. The chef stomped over to her and grabbed the collar of her shirt, "whatchu lookin' at brat? You think you're the boss of me?".

(name) closed her eyes slowly before smirking and opening her eyes, revealing menacing gold eyes, "wanna find out who's the best chef in this café?" she lift her chin up while looking down at him, making the taller male gritted his teeth, "sure as hell! If you lose, you'll leave my kitchen and fail your internship".

"and if you lose, I'll be in charge of this kitchen", she smirked.

"like I'll ever lose to a 15-year-old cocky brat!".

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