Part 84 - Isshiki's outburst

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After Ryo and Alice left, Fumio quickly made a hot bath for both of them, Tadokoro treated (name) with care as she hugged her from behind, making her warm.

"are you feeling okay now, (name)-chan?", Tadokoro peeked from behind to look at (name) as she too noticed that her bright (e/c) were fading as her golden ones were stronger than before.

"thank you, Tadokoro-chan", she lightly tapped Tadokoro's arm, loving the warmth.

Footsteps could be heard as someone was running down the stairs with heavy steps, "(name)-chan", it was Isshiki, he was worried when he heard that Fumio said that (name) was drenched in the rain and that she's going to stay here along with her sister.

"there you are", Isshiki furrowed his brows, watching the girl's lifeless eyes as she smiled fakely at him. Tadokoro let her go as Isshiki pulled (name) into his arms, "I'm warmer and you can always lean on me (name)-chan", he muttered with a visible frown as his cyan orbs were glinting with anger for a split second.

He pulled away lightly but still had his arms around her, "I'll protect you from now on, (name)-chan".

The spectators were surprised at the outburst coming from Isshiki, including his odd tone.

"you made me worried, running away like that", he hugged her again running his fingers through her black long locks gently. Hisako cleared her throat, she didn't actually know about Isshiki's interest to (name), since she thought Ryo and Shinomiya was the only one who had interest on (name), "w-well it was Alice-ojou's idea".

(name) who was being hugged tight by Isshiki, nodded her head in agreement, her voice was muffled by Isshiki's chest, "true".

Isshiki pulled away abruptly, "I should prepare a room for you two, are the two of you perhaps, sleeping in separate room?", he looked at both (name) and Erina. (name) was silent about it as she only turned her head to look at Erina who was sitting on the stairs.

Erina shook her head, "we're sleeping in one room together-".

"alright! I'll carry another bed into one room to make it bigger for you two to sleep", he smiled before ruffling the raven-haired girl's head gently, "is Fumio-san preparing a hot bath for the two of you?".

Erina nodded her head again.

He hummed in response, "I'll tell Sakaki-kun to prepare pajamas for the both of you, I'm not risking (name)-chan catching a cold after wearing such cold clothes again now can we?", he playfully winked at (name) before jogging his way to the stairs.

Tadokoro saw him leaving so she quickly rubbed (name)'s arms so she could be warm with a smile on her face, "is it getting warm, (name)-chan?".

(name) nodded her head, "yes... thanks to you, Fumio-san and Satoshi".

Tadokoro was still really worried about the change in her behavior. Erina knew she couldn't help her at all despite being her sister.

Just then the door to the dorm, went open revealing Yukihira, his hair was slightly wet due to the rain.

"it's (name)-chan", he grinned widely and strode over to her, Tadokoro quickly pave a way again but this time for Yukihira. He patted her head gently, "what were you doing in the rain, (name)-chan?", he then turned his head to look at Erina, "oh, Nakiri is here too".

"I'm just stopping by", Erina spared a simple glance at him before looking at (name) who simply stood without doing anything. "Arato too? Why?", Yukihira was utter confused, still patting (name)'s wet hair.

"it's a long story... Alice-ojou and Kurokiba-san decides to drag Erina-sama and (name)-sama with her to run away since... well you know things happened", Hisako replied lightly.

"running away? HAHA that's a good idea Nakiri", he laughed out loud before changing his pat into a ruffle as his tone changed a bit, "besides.... I didn't like seeing her like this anyway", he muttered while looking at (name) who was still silent.

"by the way, where's the other Nakiris and Kurokiba?", he continue to ask.

Hisako placed her hands on her hips, "after sending the two here, they decide to leave and so I should take charge for both of them". Yukihira laughed again, "they totally bailed-".

"although Kurokiba-san was unwilling to leave (name)-sama here.... He's just unwilling at anything especially when it comes to (name)-sama", Hisako heaved out a sigh before looking at (name) with a worried look.

Yukihira frowned after hearing her words regarding Kurokiba, he knew that Ryo was interested in (name) but he didn't know that other people knew about it too, he clenched his fist before smiling, "well everyone is worried about these two anyway, it's understandable", he laughed at the end of his words.

Fumio came to intrude again, "the bath's ready, you two must've been cold, go warm yourselves up, Erina, (name)".

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