Part 91 - "Who ordered the chicken?"

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"Erina-sama!!!! Look at the tv!!", Hisako yelled as she stumbled on a few things as she finally arrived at the dining room where the others were waiting, "switch to the campus channel!!! Yukihira and (name)-sama!!!!", she screeched.

Sato turned on the tv, revealing a live broadcast.

"A cooking Battle's going to happen! It appears Eizan Etsuya has accepted the challenge! The match is scheduled to begin shortly", Sasaki one of the emcee reported live on the tv.

"what do you mean (name)-chan, Hisako? I haven't seen her since this morning", Erina frowned to herself.

While with (name) and Yukihira in the waiting room~

Yukihira was checking out the ingredients, while (name) was pulling on Eizan's shoulder-length slicked dirty-blonde hair. "are you even listening to me, Yukihira Soma?", Eizan asked while gritting his teeth, trying his best not to wince while she was pulling on his hair as her face was clearly blank.

"knowing you, I wouldn't put it past you to sabotage them somehow", Yukihira replied while comparing the ingredients in his hand. "heh, no matter.... Moreover, take (name) with you, she's be- ACK!!", he screeched as his head was pulled back, he was ready to glare at (name) but stopped himself once he saw her golden orbs.

"n-nevermind", he muttered under his breath.

Suddenly the door flew open, revealing an annoyed Rindo, "Eizan, hey!!", she yelled in an annoyed tone. "what!? Why are you here, Rindo, you b*tch?!", he looked at her as his surprised look was obvious, but to his bad luck, the two girls surrounded him, one girl choked him with her arm, while the other was jabbing his side in annoyance.

"that's Rindo-senpai to you!", Rindo glared at him, before turning her head and smiled as she spotted (name), golden orbs meeting with another golden orbs, "ooh~ I knew it! My favorite junior is here~", after finish choking him, she finally let him go to greet (name) and Yukihira.

"yo, Yukihira Soma!", she waved before glomping (name), "Eizan you better be grateful that (name)-chan isn't the one you're having a shokugeki against.... You'll be the one who'll have an auto-lose~", she smirked. "it's been kind of a while huh, Rindo-senpai?", Yukihira stated with his usual dumb-cute-blank face.

"well~ it's been really hectic, a lot of things changed at the academy, thanks to Nakiri Azami's revolution, so the Elite Ten are swamped with paperwork and administrative duties~ lucky for (name)-chan, she doesn't have to do that much, (name)-chan's existence is already a helped to us, ne (name)-chan~~~", she snuggled her head with a pouty (name) whose eyes were already back to normal.

"well! I gave all my work to Tsukasa, since I can't bother (name)-chan here", she grinned while staring at (name).

(name) sighed to herself, "Rindo-senpai.... Don't you find Eishii pitiful, if you do that? I might help him if I have the chance, but I made a promise already".

"what promise, (name)-chan? Ah by the way, I'm sure Nakiri Azami already passed the information to you, right?", Rindo grinned before patting her head, "and tiring Tsukasa is fun though!! He accepts it without a budge~". (name) had trouble understanding what her senpai was talking about.

Yukihira picked up a box and turned his head to look at (name), "I'm going to start prepping, are you following me (name)-chan?".

"it's fine, Soma... you can go ahead.. I'll talk with Rindo-senpai for a while", she said with a smile on her face as he finally walked away. Her gaze turned serious a bit as she looked at both of them, "how was the preparation for the examination? I'm sure you guys are busy as it is".

"you don't have to worry about that, they made early preparations as always", Eizan replied, getting up on his feet and rubbing his neck since it still hurt. Rindo smirked, "shouldn't you be worried about Yukihira Soma's Shokugeki today though, (name)-chan~", she cooed.

(name) crossed her arm across her chest while staring straight at Eizan, "there's nothing to worry about him".

Eizan scoffed, "are you sure about that? I already bought the judges~ shouldn't you be worried since he'll be expelled for sure after this shokugeki".

She lift her chin up, still locking her striking golden orbs with his dull golden ones, "hah, you're soooo funny~", she smirked, her golden orbs glinting with menace, "it's up to you though, Etsuya........ unlike you, I trust Soma much more than you... ah right~ to begin with, I never trusted you".

(name) went to the door, "I'll be awaiting for a ton of Shokugeki challenge news from the Chief after this", she gave him a side-glance before looking at Rindo, who was still smirking, "and Rindo... let's enjoy Soma's food later".

"oh yes!!! Let's go take a chair and...... nevermind that! Eizan!! Bring us two chairs so we can take a seat and watch the cooking battle!", Rindo announced proudly but Eizan was annoyed so he rolled his eyes. Rindo had a tick mark on the side of her face before she started choking him again.

"oi! Listen to your senpai!!!", Rindo gritted her teeth, "you only listen to (name)-chan too because you're scared of her". "I'm never scared of her!!", he denied, but he didn't deny that he always listened to (name)'s words.

(name) simply glared at him, making the two senpai shivered in unison.

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