Part 19 - Training Camp last pt

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[Miru's note:~ hello there, it's your author here.... actually I'm not feeling well these past few days, period thing~ and my headache is getting worst by day.... and since I got worried about not publishing any chapters.... I decide to publish one]

The next day, Tsubasa knocked on her door with a smile on his face, "(name)-sama, it's time to go to the hall", he stated. (name) got up from her chair after checking her phone, and went to the door, "why are you all-smiling?".

"secret", he smiled as he leads her down the elevator where the other students were waiting.

"I'm so tireeeed", Yoshino exclaimed while leaning onto Tadokoro. (name) greeted them, "hello there".

"you seem fine", Aoki smirked. "likewise Daigo", she muttered with a knowing grin, before tilting her head to Ibusaki, "I'm sure you did fine too, Shun?". He nodded his head, "it was tiring, but afterall we still have one last assignment.... hopefully, it's not scary as Chef Shinomiya's task".

"you bet.... He had the scariest most troublesome assignment ever, in our first day we had our first task with him, and damn! He already fired 50 students, lucky we were closest to the back", Sato exclaimed as he placed an arm around (name), who was shrinking since he was heavy for him.

"how's Zenji doing?", she looked around.

"(name)-....chan....", a crack voice reached out to her, "I'm..............", and he fainted. Sakaki sighed, "Marui got it way worst but he did well".

"oi hands off of her", Sato glared at the male, making him release the girl to glare back at him, "whatchu want?". Sakaki shook her head in disbelief, "when will they ever stop fighting each other like that?", before looking at (name) who simply shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

"look! It's Chef Dojima", Yoshino pointed making them stop what they were doing to focus on what the next task was.

"welcome to those who had passed these few days of assignments, out of 980 students who started off at the camp, 628 had made it thus far, and I shall congratulate you for making this far, use this opportunity to broaden your mind and your experience to further your culinary journey..... well then, I will now announce your final assignment of this training camp...".

There was a long silence before a door was opened by the Totsuki Resort Staff to welcome the students into the Banquet Hall.

Dojima then announced again, "the 628 students who had made it thus far had passed the camp and your final assignment is a lavish banquet prepared by the Resort Staff and the Totsuki Alumni. Enjoy!!", he smiled at the students who were already surprised when they enter the banquet hall.

"(name)cchi, come sit with us", Yoshino invited as she tugged excitedly on her arm. (name) was more than surprised at the banquet, 'no wonder Tsubasa was all smiles....'.

"(name)-sama, your presence is needed by Erina-sama", one of the staff called out to her. She looked at the pouting Yoshino before sighing, "don't worry Yoshino-chan, I'll make sure to stay at the Polar Star Dormitory after this is over, I'll tell Eri-nee-chan, I promise", she smiled sweetly.

"(name)cchiiiiiiii why are you so precious and so kinddd and so beautiful", she wailed as (name) left their side to go to a clingy Erina. Tadokoro then tilted her head with a curious look in her golden orbs, "I got curious....why does Nakiri-san likes to have (name)-chan around?".

Sakaki raised her eyebrow, "good question, but for now let's enjoy everyone!", she cheered.


"what took you so long , (name)-chan?", Erina pouted at her while Hisako next to her was chuckling lightly. "sorry, Yoshino-chan wanted me to sit with them, let's dine in-". "you were late (name)", a voice behind her surprised her. "Kojiro, don't crept behind me like that", she looked up at him, who was carrying a plate.

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