Part 15 - Training Camp pt 8

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The next day, the alumni insisted on her to take a rest since the fourth day they have a special event for breakfast. There were times when (name) rested on the balcony of her room, enjoying the sun and the air breeze, Shinomiya haven't left her room since the morning, Hinako wanted to stay but since Shinomiya regarded her as nuisance and destroyer of peace, hence she was kicked out of her room, leaving Tsubasa and Shinomiya.

And there was also a mini surprise visit, when Yukihira and Tadokoro would go into her room to invite her and play board games, although she didn't mind. Shinomiya just got a bit annoyed.

"anyway Shinomiya-senpai", Yukihira called out in the middle of the monopoly game. "what do you want brat?", he answered while in the midst of reading his book. "why do you always hang out with (name)-chan? Are you her uncle or something?", he continued.

"uncle??? I'm in no age of being called uncle by you dimwits", he glared daggers at the back of his head.

Yukihira simply laughed, "it's just two look close", his face turned serious as he made eye contact with another pair of golden orbs.

"Soma, it's your turn to roll the dice", (name) said, too concentrate with the board game.

"right!", he rolled the dice before grinning, "I'm buying that", he passed the monopoly money to Tsubasa since he became the person incharge of the bank.

Shinomiya still glared at the boy. Poor Yukihira for being too dense and too direct at the same time.


The door to her room slammed open, revealing Alice, Ryo and Hayama.

"(name)-chan", they called before rushing into her room with worried glance. Alice quickly glomped her making both of them fall on the bed, "why didn't you tell me you were sick, (name)-chan! Ryo-kun and I were worried, we thought you were fired by that scary-dude!", she pulled away before pointing an accusing finger at Shinomiya, who only raised an eyebrow, since he didn't remember her name.

Hayama walked over to (name) with his crushed cinnamon stick on his hand, "are you feeling okay now, (name)-chan?", he placed his palm on her forehead while (name) simply smiled up at him, "yeah, I'm feeling good", she replied before tilting her head to look at Ryo who was still standing on the door.

"come here, Ryo", she ushered him to come over, and when he did, he quickly engulfed her in a tight hug.

"oi", Hayama narrowed his eyes.

"oi brat", Shinomiya hissed.

"oh!", Yukihira raised an eyebrow.

Tsubasa only shook his head, 'she has fanboys everywhere'.

(name) patted his hair, "I'm really sorry for making you guys worry over me, as you can see, I'm healthy like a strong bear", she giggled at the end of her words making the boy holding her, squeezed her even more, but not to the point of squeezing the life out of her.

'healthy like a strong bear? Shouldn't it be a horse?', they thought while sweatdropping.

"anyway, I thought Donato made your assignment in this afternoon, would it really be okay for you to hang out here?", she tilted her head with a wondering expression.

All of them except for Tsubasa and Shinomiya froze, since they just remembered.

"omg omg omg omg", Tadokoro stood up while packing the game board, "Soma-kun, hurry up, we should go".

Alice pouted, "d'awww, but we just got here, we'll come later, okay? Come on Ryo-kun", she dragged the poor boy who was still holding onto (name), to leave the room. Hayama placed a small jar of Tulsi (holy basil), "here, this is good for cooling down your fever, get well soon, okay?", he gently ruffled the top of her hair before leaving the room.

"wow, you're famous among your intakes", the salmon-haired male scoffed while taking a look at the holy basil, 'where in the world did he get these.... these are rare around this region'.

"Akira had those holy basil planted in Shiomi-sensei's yard, if you're curious that is", she definitely read him like an open book but yet she was oblivious about certain things, or maybe too dense.

"you answered me this question that I have yet to ask, but you haven't answered my previous question", he muttered while looking straight at her. She stifled a laughter, "I didn't know that was a question". He grunted before sighing. 

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