Part 66 - Moon Banquet Festival pt 1

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[miru's note:~ should we do a Q&A session? if we do, then ask away I guess? ah by the way I will be busy starting next week so yeah~]

A few days had passed and finally it was the first day of the Moon Banquet Festival. This time, (name) was late again for coming to the assembly since she was helping out with a panicking Tsukasa, who was worried about which chef outfit would he use for tomorrow.

"(name)-nyan... we're going to get late....", Momo muttered lowly while looking up at (name) who finally picked out a clean and better chef outfit for Tsukasa. She nodded her head, "just a little bit before we head there, Momo-senpai.... Here you go, Eishii", she gave the outfit to Tsukasa as he finally heaved out a sigh of relief.

"thank you, (name)-chan.... Now let's go to the assembly....... where's Kuga-san...?", he looked around.

"about time~", Kuga entered the room and wrapped an arm around (name)'s shoulder, "let's charge to (name)-chin's limou~~", he cheered childishly as he dragged the raven-haired girl, followed by Rindo, Tsukasa and Momo.

After finally arriving at the assembly by car, (name) walked side by side with Kuga, who was overly clingy to (name), she didn't really mind it that much, now we know who she got that clingy behavior from. "don't get lost, okay (name)-chin, Tsubasa-chin would be angry at me if you do", he giggled.

(name) poked his cheek, "sure, sure~".

Tsukasa turned his head a bit to look at (name) and smiled softly, "you should stay close with us (name)-chan.... Besides... it was my fault that I freaked out and dragged you into this", he laughed lightly. Rindo smirked and slapped his back, "moreover me and (name)-chan is going to hang out after this anyway~ so it's fine~".

"Rindo-senpai is right, Eishii~ by the way Rindo-senpai... should I bring along Tsubasa with me?", her soft black locks were jumping with her as she skipped in between the two of them. Rindo quickly wrapped her arms around the younger girl, "let's have a date, the two of us!", she smirked tauntingly while looking at the two boys who had their ears perked after hearing what Rindo implied.

"hei! I want to have a date with (name)-chin too! Unfair!", Kuga fumed after he smirked at Yukihira who was a few feet away from them as they walked further away.

Tsukasa frowned a bit, "but please take care of (name)-chan while you're hanging out with her... Nakiri-san might be really mad if something bad happened to her".

Rindo laughed out loud, "rest assure! Nothing bad will happen to (name)-chan when I'm around", she pointed to herself with a very proud face before they finally arrived alongside with the other Totsuki Elite Ten.

After they had the conversation, all of the students sang the school anthem and soon enough the Director came to make an announcement.

"Tsukassan, I hope you will keep your promise", Kuga muttered while switching his gaze to stare up at Tsukasa who simply had a blank look on his face. He didn't answer but (name) was there next to him to encourage him, "don't worry Kuga~ I know Eishii may be a bit of a worrywart.... Or maybe a lot, NONETHELESS he always keeps his words, right Eishii~?", she winked with a sweet smile.

Tsukasa couldn't help but stare at her, only answering her with his soft smile.

"The time has come! I now announce the opening of the Moon Banquet Festival!", Director Senzaemon announced through the mic as the students cheered in excitement.

Kuga waved at (name), "see ya later (name)-chin, I'll be waiting~ and don't worry I'll reserve one seat for you", he jogged away. "hey Kuga, how about me??", Rindo placed her hands on her hips in an annoyed way. "nope!", he stuck a tongue out to her as he was finally out of reach.

"tch, that brat is sassy and he only listens to you, mouuu~ (name)-chan, why do they always listens to you and not me?", she pouted as she enveloped (name) in a protective hug, glaring at the guys around her for looking at (name).

"what do you mean, Rindo-senpai?", she tilted her head as the two head to the nearest counter to exchange their money into tickets. Rindo grinned ear to ear at her, "I mean exactly what I meant~ oh oh! I have another question for you (name)-chan, did you know that Kuga, Isshiki and Tsukasa had a thing for you?".

(name) was even more confused, "what thing are you talking about?".

"oh, you know~ that thing~", she teased while still hugging the girl. (name) puffed her cheeks in annoyance since she didn't really understand what her senpai was talking about, "senpai... you're not making me understand at all..". She chuckled and ruffled the younger girl's hair, "you don't have to understand, (name)-chan! At least you don't know there are a lot of guys who has a thing for you~", she grinned before looking away.

"by the way (name)-chan, if you want to know my opinion about all these things~ I honestly ship you with Tsukasa.... But I happened to watch you with Yukihira Soma too~ and I LOVE YOUR INTERACTION WITH HIM oh and I also knew that...umm...what was his name again?.... y'know the guy who have the same hair colour like your assistant and he also had the same eye colour like him", she pondered as her brows were furrowed together.

(name) giggled, "you mean Kurokiba Ryo?".

"yes, that guy! Previously I saw you with him and I FOUND YOUR INTERACTION WITH HIM WAS SO ADORABLE!!!", she squealed as she started squeezing (name) excitedly like a starving fangirl who wanted to see more interaction between their favorite characters.

(name) simply sighed to herself as she didn't really get what Rindo was talking about. 

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