Part 36 - The Escape Room (a filler cuz why not)

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The following day~

(name) went to meet Alice and Ryo at their place. Alice grinned widely as (name) kept her company since Ryo was testing his cooks. "How was the BL manga I recommended?", she asked as she was reading the manga in her hand while lying on her back.

(name) was lying on her stomach while reading the continuation of the BL manga, "it was surprisingly good! It's amazing how Victor showed instant interest after Yuuri dance to Victor's play". Alice huffed proudly while patting her chest, "I told you you'll like it, it's gonna be cute!! You should read more!".

"by the way... how's Ryo doing?", (name) asked as she flipped through the pages.

"him? Well he's doing two things for the semi-final.... Working out and cooking", she hummed, "how about Tsubasa-kun? Why don't you let him work out with Ryo-kun?".

"well..... when do boys actually like to work out together anyway?", (name) shrugged her shoulders, before looking at Alice who was grinning ear-to-ear. "why don't you prank Tsubasa-kun for once?", she added.

(name) thought for a while and soon enough she smiled, "let's do that".


That day, (name) told Tsubasa to wait in one of the rooms, since she said she needed to get something, while Alice dragged Ryo to the same room, saying that (name) prepared a gift for him, of course it was a lie.

Tsubasa rose an eyebrow, seeing Ryo as he entered the room.

"good to see you Kurokiba-san", Tsubasa greeted while Ryo nodded his head, hands in his pocket, "osu", he said.

Alice peeked through the door before quietly locking the door and grinned, "have fun!", she squealed before running over to the cctv room where (name) was waiting.

Ryo was looking at the door, trying to open it up, "ojou.... This is not funny", he said. Tsubasa walked over to the door too and tried to open it, "it's locked from the outside".

"now let's play a game~", (name) cooed from the intercom for the said room. Tsubasa quickly walked over to the cctv that was watching them, "(name)-sama, what are you doing?".

(name) giggled, "as I said let's play a game..... this game requires you to find any clue in that room, to get yourself outside of the room.... And yes Alice-nee-chan made sure you are locked tight in that room, so play along now~", she grinned before shutting off the intercom and watching the two who were still looking at the cctv.

Alice chuckled lightly while covering her lips with her hand, "let's see if these two have brains to use instead of brawn".

20 minutes had passed, Ryo simply looked at the cctv while Tsubasa have been looking around for any clues. Both of them didn't show any team work at all. (name) boredly watch them, whereas Alice was fast asleep next to her.

"ah found it!", Tsubasa grinned as he saw what seemed like a jumble of poem in one of the books. Yes, he thoroughly searched one. Ryo peeked from his shoulder with a wondering look.

" 'I have tasted many failures,

Still strive towards my goal,

Tell me not success is sour,

You cannot silence my Soul.

I shall keep my hope alive,

Till the night is bright as day,

The only time I shall give up,

When death comes in my way' – Are you familiar with this poem? If you do, you will find the next clue", Tsubasa ended his recitation before turning to look at Ryo who was annoyed, "any clue Kurokiba-san?".

Ryo shrugged his shoulder and walk back to the cctv and continue to stare at it, as if that could answer the clue.

"Ryo, aren't you going to help Tsubasa?", (name) pondered through the intercom.

"I don't read poetry", he answered lazily. 

"atleast help him out a bit, Ryo, I thought you had a lot of fighting spirit", she hummed in the end, trying her best to provoke him, but of course, it'll never work. "I'm in no mood of playing games, (nickname), is ojou with you?", he asked.

(name) nodded her head, realizing that he cannot see her nod, she quickly replied, "yes, haha~ she's asleep though".

He sighed to himself before sparing a glance at a thinking Tsubasa, "fine.... But I'll do the other way around...... make sure what ojou said is real, I'll come and get you when I get out of this room".

"what did Alice-nee-chan told you??", she asked as she leaned over to hear closer from the speaker. "she said you had a gift for me", he said before untying the red bandana from his wrist and tie it on his forehead.

'Alice-nee-chan...... why did you say that???', she groaned lightly while biting her bottom lip.

Just then a crash could be heard, and she could see that the door was burst open and it was broken, by none other that Ryo who was smirking, "heh, I know where you are (nickname)", he stated before he ran away.

Tsubasa sweatdropped at the impact, "he's really strong...".

Alice giggled, "prepare yourself (name)-chan~".

"eh? You're awake", (name) looked at the smirking girl before the door to the cctv room slammed open, revealing a smirking Ryo who still had a bandana around his forehead. "Ryo-? Kya!", (name) squeaked as she found herself being carried bridal style by Ryo.

"I'll be collecting my gift then, ojou", he grinned before walking away with a blushing (name). "wh-where are you taking me, Ryo?".

He smirked and walked away before leaning closer to her face, making his breath fanning her flushed face, "cook for me, what else".

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