the start

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"Wake up Jenny!!!" A shrill voice rang into the brunette's ears from downstairs. Although the comfort of her bed and blanket were too sweet to leave but she knew that if she stays in her bed any longer her mom will probably kill her so she dragged her body up and as her feet touched the Wooden floor a shiver ran through her spine. Of course it was chilly outside. Its California after all.

"Jennifer argent" came the voice again.
"I'm uuupppp"she screamed back annoyed. After brushing her teeth she made her way downstairs where she was greeted by her dad ,mom and older brother. "Good morning honey"

"morning mom ,morning dad" she mumbled a bit exhausted. Suddenly she noticed her parents exchange a look ,the look she knew too well

'oh boy this can't be good' she thought to herself.


and here it goes

"Your dad is being transferred and he was wondering if u guys will like to shift to the new place with him I mean we don't have to go if u both disagree but it would have been better if we all could you know live together"

Jennifer was about to say something when her brother interrupted her "where is he being transferred to??"kyle her older brother asked. "J..japan" jacy (jenny's mother) said giving a concerned look to jennifer. Jennifer's eyes widened slightly. After all it was her birth place. It was the place from where this loving family adopted her when she was 6 .

Yes she was adopted but never once in her life she ever felt like she was not a real part of the argent family. "I'll go." she whispered.

"Are you sure sweety??" Her dad looked at her and received a nod as a reply. Then they all looked at kyle for an answer.

" well I guess why not...I mean Japan does have some good stuff" kyle grinned. Both their parents smiled and their father shouted cheerfully "its settled then we will Be in Japan in a week!!".

"Whaaaaattt??" Jeniffer exclaimed. kyle who was sitting beside her fell of his chair "what the f..hell women!"he said from the ground. Jennifer ignored him and turned towards her dad who was shooting daggers at his son with his eyes for cussing. "But dad that's too early."

Her dad sighed and turned towards her" I don't have a choice, now go and better start packing." She nodded and went upstairs. Taking out her trolley bag she left enough clothes for one week in her wardrobe and packed the rest. Out of nowhere kyle bursted in her room.

Jennifer rolled her eyes at him"you know there is a thing called knocking and its kinda considered a good habit"kyle ignored her comment and said"what are you gonna say to your Mr.I can seduce u with my soccer??"
"What do u mean??"

"You totally know what I mean.Its not like your boyfriend is going to be happy about this shifting thing especially when he will know that u had an option still u declined to stay."kyle jumped and lied on her bed beside her packed bag.Jennifer stared at him for a while and then spoke up."that's why you arer not going to tell him that we had an option"she gave him a firm look and kyle just shrugged getting up "as you say".

"Wait."Jennifer stopped him" what are those good stuff Japan has that I clearly don't know about??"

"Huh?"kyle asked in confusion
"Down there with mom and dad u agreed to go to Japan saying Japan has some good stuff."

"Oh! I was talking about the ~girls~"kyle cooed winking.

"but u have a girlfriend here"Jennifer scrunched her eyebrows. "Yeah a girlfriend who will not even shed a tear if I die because it will ruin her makeup"he said making double quotes in air with his fingers on the word makeup.
Jennifer shook her head and smirked "that's true".

Time skip(the last day at school in California)
Jennifer had already told her boyfriend about her dad's transfer and as expected he was pissed. The whole time they talked he was trying to think of a possible way she can stay.

Right now Jennifer was headed to school it was her last day. Suddenly she saw her boyfriend running towards her."oi jenny!hold up" she slowed her pace so that he could catch up. He stopped beside her and caught her arm turning her towards himself."why did u lie??" He glared at her. "What do u mean??"she asked surprised."my mom talked to your mom last night ....your mom said that she gave u an option to stay but u chose to go"hearing this she stood there speechless.

"I...i"she stammered for a bit" listen mark I know u r pissed but I had my reasons.U know Japan is my birthplace. I told u about the friends I had back there in the orphanage.I told u about him"she whispered the last part."So thats ur excuse?? rather than staying here with me u preffer to go to Japan expecting to meet a guy u were friends with and haven't seen since u were 6??thats great!!and I thought u actually loved me."with that he left her arm and went towards school.the whole day they both didnt talk . Jennifer was awfully quite.

"what's up?u don't look so well."her best friend Eric said sitting beside her."no snarky and sarcastic comments, no snapping at those -what do u call them?ya- plastic bitches,and stuff. Thats unlike u". she sighed dropping her head on his shoulder "mark" was the only word that escaped her lips.

"Oh! Ya he is a bit mad right now" Eric said thoughtfully."but don't worry he will come around" he smiled reassuring of the day went by real quick and she found herself on her way home."2 days to go" she mumbled as she entered her house.

author:okay so that was my first chapter of this fanfic....its sort of boring and cringy RN but I promise it will get better and u guys will love first I thought I will not reveal her boyfriend's name then I thought well fuck it u guys would have guessed already when I wrote Eric eagle.I mean if Eric is her best friend then obviously mark kruger is her boyfriend.

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