against Kirkwood jr high

957 39 16

It was the match day. The kick off started.
The triplets dribbled through the field and used back tornado and to everybody's surprise the ball went in."what happened? U were able to stop that before."
"I don't know. That shot was 10 times stronger."

"Looks like we caught u off guard again. U see we never showed u our real strength. U r in for a treat Axel. We are going to show u our real strength.hahahaha."the triplet laughed which irritated Jennifer.

"Can u guys go and be stupid somewhere else please." She said annoyed.
"Ur insults won't affect us today pretty lady because u r going to loose."
The match continued. Mark was able to stop their back tornado now. The triplets were getting desperate to score, they were scolding their own team members. Thats when Jude made a plan. Mark passed the ball to bobby and Axel Kevin and jenny ran forward.

The players thought they were going for a long pass so they ran to mark the strikers leaving a big area open in between making way for mark bobby and Eric to use tri Pegasus. They scored a goal using that awesome technique equaling the score.

Both Jennifer and Axel gave mark a high five and with that the first half was over. In the second half the triplet used triangle z scoring a goal. Malcolm stopped mark Eric's and bobby's attempt to use Tri pegasus.

Axel got the ball used dragon tornado. The goalkeeper stopped it but Jennifer used the rebound to her advantage and used fire tornado and the ball went in. Axel and Jennifer both nodded at each other and the game continued. The score was even and there was hardly any time left. The triplet used triangle z again and mark used god hand. He was struggling when Tod and jack jumped behind him and helped him.

They finally saved the goal. Then mark Eric Bobby again used Tri Pegasus. Malcon tried to stop it again using slide cut but their Pegasus got transformed into a phoenix and the ball went in. Just then the whistle blew and raimon were the victor again.

As Jennifer reached home a really sweet smell hit her nose. "I m b..."
"U are in finals." Her dad came to the hall. "U did it soldier."
Jennifer did a salute. "Hai."
"Come mom made chocolate pastries for u."

The next day on her way to school Jennifer saw Axel Jude Silvia bobby and Eric were surrounding mark. "What happened guys? Geez what's up with u?" She asked mark who was looking let's say not his enthusiastic self.

"He is feeling down because he thinks god hand won't be able to Zeus's shoots."Eric informed her.
"thats unlike u Mark. Generally you would have been like I wouldn't know till I try."she tilted her head.

"But we can't loose. Its the finals. I can't just wait and see.I have to be sure okay?"
"From when did u become so smart?"Jennifer blabbered out. Marks face dropped again with an purple aura surrounding him.

"Shit I didnt make it worse did I?" A sweat appeared on Jennifer's forehead
"Yup,U totally did." Eric sweat dropped.
Everyone was worried about mark. In class too when the maths teacher called mark to solve a question on the board mark was lost somewhere." Mark go sir is calling u ." Jennifer shook him a little, he snapped out of his thoughts and ran to the board. Looking at the question with confusion. The teacher sighed. "Ms argent will u like to give a hand here."
"Sure sir." She went up to the board and solved the question for mark.

After school Jude mark and Axel were sitting in the club room while the others were practicing. Jennifer was late to practice as she had been busy finding her pen she dropped in class. She went running down the hall. "Sry guys I m late." She panted.

Mark was telling Jude bobby Eric and Axel about majin the hand. Jennifer walked to him and slammed the secret notebook shut. "Mark !on the field. Now. If I see u fussing and brooding about the match one more time I m gonna make u do hundred laps around the field.....on your hands. So get up."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now