defeating the god

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The team arrived at the spot of match but the stadium was closed. Nelly received a call stating that the venue has changed at the last second. They all looked up to find that the stadium was up high on a tower like thing.

"It is giving me bad vibes." Jennifer sighed. As they entered the stadium it was empty. Suddenly coach and the others turned their head up to see ray dark standing on the top of a high terrace like thing.

Jennifer turned her head to the side seeing Axel having a determined look on his face but his hands were closed in a tight fist. So tight that his arms were literally shaking. She felt bad. He is thinking about Julia. She walked up to him and slid her hands slowly in axels who loosened his fist and held her hand in a firm grip without taking his eyes off ray dark. She looked at dark with the same hatered in her eyes.

"Mark I think u should know something. Ray dark was the one who did the accident of your grandfather." Coach informed mark.

Mark looked at him with wide eyes. "U mean he killed my grandpa??" Coach nodded. Mark clenched his hands in fist too . He gritted his teeth. Ray dark took away the one person he loved the most. Jennifer could feel his pain. She used her free hand to hold his wrist giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"What's wrong with u ?? Why did u say that to him now?" Nelly shouted at coach but he didn't reply.
Mark started panting. Axel freed his hand from Jennifer's hand and put it on marks shoulder. They both nodded at each other. "We are here for u." Nelly said. "We are here for u." Silvia followed.
"We are here for u."The whole team spoke. "U know we are."
"We will do this together."

Mark let out a deep breath.
" I wouldn't have been able to meet u guys if I wouldn't have played soccer. I defy ray dark but I won't play with that feeling in my heart. Soccer is a fun game and exciting to play. It teaches how to stay and work together so I will play as myself and we will together work towards victory."

He is such a great guy. Jennifer's eyes glistened. "We are winning today guys and no one can steal our victory away." Jennifer cheered.

In the locker room when Jennifer took out her shirt her body was totally bruised but she ignored it and changed. When she went in the boy's room they all were ready. The team stepped in the stadium which was by now full of people. The Zeus team arrived there too. They drank water from a fancy cups.

"Wannabe gods." Jennifer rolled her eyes. Mark and Byron shook hands and the match started. It was Zeus's kick off. Byron was not moving although he had the ball. Axel, Jennifer and Kevin were running towards him.what is that idiot doing? "U can't do anything." Byron laughed "because u are in heaven's time" he snapped his finger and disappeared.

"What the..." Jenni turned around and he was already heading to the second line of defense. "Did he teleport??" Jennifer frowned. But a small tornado of wind appeared out of the blue and she got thrown away. Using the same trick again and again Byron was in front of mark now.

"Bring it on girly." Mark challenged
"Do u know what happens when an angel flaps his wing? God Knows." Wings appeared on his sides and Byron shot the ball. It broke through marks god hand and mark was thrown back. Jennifer and the mid fielders ran to him. "Are u okay?" Jennifer asked him.

"Yeah." He winced a little.
"Your hand." She looked at his gloves whish looked like they were just set on fire. "Take out your glove." She ordered him.

"What why?"
"Just do it." She said and mark nodded he took out his glove. She held his hand and a pink glow surrounded her fingers. She left his hand and started walking back to her position. Mark looked at his hand and muttered a thanx as he felt the pain vanish.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now