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The caravan was back on its way to inazuma. "By the way Shawn I never expected u to go aggressive and try to hit that bald boy. That move was so sexy. I like ur forward personality better." Jennifer said(wrong sentence Jennifer its gonna become a big problem.) popping her head from between mark and nathan and looking at Shawn . Suddenly her phone started ringing. She picked it up.
"JENNIFER ARGENT." came a loud voice from the phone.

She flinched and dragged the phone away from her ear.
Jennifer didn't need to check her phone to find whose call it was.
"I am sorry Rebecca. I have been busy."
"So busy that u didn't even have the time to call ur bestie? "

"I am so sorry. I know I should have called."
"Who's that?" Mark asked Jennifer.
"My best friend from California."
"Are u with someone? Rebecca asked.
"Not just someone. I am with the whole team."
"Oh I wish I could see them. I was really curious u know."
"Wanna Skype?"
"U have a laptop near u ?"
"Yeah wait. Celia can I borrow ur laptop?"
"Yeah sure." Celia replied.
Jennifer opened Skype and called Rebecca.(the picture above is of Rebecca.)

She instantly picked up.
[R - Rebecca.  j- Jennifer]
R- hey!
J- hey!
R- u r looking good in that jersey.
J- Ikr. U look gorgeous too. How's everyone there?
R- everyone's good. U say why does it look like you are in a bus?
J- Not a bus its a caravan. Long story. I will tell u later.
Jennifer moved the laptop a bit.
J- this is mark.
mark looked at Rebecca and waved. "Hey  there."

R- wait let me recall...mark? Oh that overenthusiastic , optimistic guy? Hi its nice meeting u mark.(chuckle.)
M- same here.

"is that rebecca you are talking to?" Eric asked from the seat diagonally behind Jennifer.
"Yeah." Jennifer replied.
Eric jumped from his seat to the seat behind Jennifer.

R- that voice? Was that....
E(does his famous salute)-hello girl.
R- ERIC EAGLE? What are u doing there with Jennifer? Dylan told me u went to a vacation and had to postpone your return for some reason.
E- yeah I came to Japan and me meeting Jennifer was a total coincidence.
R(squinting)- so she was the reason you postponed your return eh? I thought last summer you said you were over her.
J- hey don't bring me in this.
R- mark( kregur) knows you met her?
E- not really.
R- I m guessing you won't want me to tell him.
J - no don't. I don't want him thinking something like what you thought just now.
R- okay girl. Just for you.
J- anyway wanna meet my team?
R-  hell yeah.
J- this is Nathan.
R- the sweet guy?? Hello.
N- hi.
J- this is Jude.
R- dreadlocks goggle freak? Hey.

Jude gave jennifer a look while a sweat appeared on jennifer's forehead.

R-Now what is he doing on this team? I thought you said he was rival?
jude- umm hello.
J- yeah actually u missed quiet a lot in last few days. I will update you later. Now this is jack.
R- the big guy right? Hey jack.
Jack- hello.
J- this is Tod
R- hey Tod. Jennifer didn't give u any nickname.
T- hi. After listening to Jude's name I m fine with not having a nick name.

Everyone chuckled.

J- this is bobby
r- hey there bobby.
J- willy.
R- the nerd eh? Hi
R- the cold guy. Hey.
J- Shawn.
R- wait you never mentioned him.
J- yeah he is new.
S (smiling)-  nice to see u Rebecca
R( blushing a little)- h...hey.
J( rolling her eyes.) -  i call him pretty boy.
R(whispering)- yeah I can see why.
J-  this is Scotty the prankster.
R- I like that name. You sound like an interesting guy Scotty.
Scotty- I 'am' an interesting guy
j- tori, the only girl on team other than me....pinky hair.
T- hey not fair.
R- hi tori. I know Jennifer is a pain In ass right?
T- yes absolutely.
J- hey Becca don't u dare change your party.Well now meet the managers. Silvia , celia and Nelly.
R- hello girls. All the girls of your team are so pretty Jen.
J-  I know right?
R- hey u didn't show me that guy.
J- what guy.
R-you know. The hot one?
J- who?
R- the one with the nice body....c'mon Jennifer
J- still no clue.
R- the one who is uh what else did u say about him?? Um mm yea the arrogant one.
all the raimon players - Axel?
R- yeah that's the name Axel blaze.

Jude raised his eyebrows at Jennifer."hot one eh?"
Nathan spoke next. "Nice body?"
Jennifer panicked. "Hey no I never said those things . Tell them Rebecca."
"You totally said it . She was talking about how he went shirtless on the first day and I asked if he was hot and she replied .'Kind off! You can say he has a nice body'."

Jude smirked.

"hey becc I will talk to u later." Jennifer blushed and hung the call.
"Now I am becoming curious to meet the Axel guy." Tori said thinking.
"Me too." Shawn mumbled .

As the caravan reached inazuma the team saw a grey haired guy and the captain of brainwashing jr high practicing on the river bank. Mark and Jennifer told Mr. Veteran to stop and ran down to the river bank.

"Heyyy porcupine head." Jennifer shouted.
Welt smiled "hey. U guys are back."
"What are u doing?" Mark asked.
"Just helping him train." Welt pointed to the grey hair guy. "He is shadow. He transferred to raimon on the day of attack. Shadow showed them his dark tornado. "That was great dude." Jennifer complimented him. "One free advice take an extra turn when u shoot it. It will make your shoot stronger."
Shadow tried it and it worked.
"Told ya."

The caravan took off from there to raimon school which was under construction where mr. Raimon praised them and told them to rest for a while. Jennifer went home.
"I m b..." And she was tackled in a hug by her mother.

"How are u sweety?"
"I m fine mom." Jennifer smiled.
"Warrior back from the mission?" Her dad chirped.
"You are at home dad?"
"Yeah I have night work today." Her dad smiled.
"Where's kyle.?"
"He will be back in sometime. He is with your ex coach."

"Coach seamore? That's weird."
"Go take a bath. You r smelling." Her mom said and Jennifer headed to her bathroom. After taking shower she changed into casual clothes and called Rebecca updating her about everything.
She was on her way out when kyle entered the house. "Hey sissy . alive or dead?"

"dead but still breathing." Jennifer smiled and jumped in for a hug.
"You were heading out?"
"Yeah thought I will go practice for sometime."

"C'mon I will come with u." Both the siblings headed out to the riverbank only to find the team already practicing there . kyle dashed down while Jennifer looked at him confused. He intercepted the ball from Tod and started dribbling towards mark. He dodged Nathan , then bobby , he came face to face with Jude . Their face off was complicated.

To everyone's surprise kyle dodged jude too .

After that he passed Eric with lightning speed. When he was face to face with mark he stomped on the floor making the ball jump up a bit and a electric sphere surrounded it. Kyle spined and kicked the ball. "Lightning spear." Mark used blazing knuckle but the ball went in.

Watching this Jennifer gasped.She was standing by the bench. kyle grinned rubbing his thumb under his nose. "That was fun." jennifer and Shawn walked towards kyle. "Who are u?" They both asked. Shawn being genuinely curious while Jennifer refusing to believe that was his brother.

"that's Jennifer's brother." Mark explained and looked at Jennifer "why are u asking that?"
"HOW DID U FUCKING DO THAT?" Jennifer shouted.

Kyle closed his ears using his hand." Easy women. I have been practicing."
"That was awesome." Jude said.
"Really argent. That was clearly shocking". Eric smiled.
"I wanna feel that shot again. C'mon kyle." Mark said.

Suddenly Kevin fell down clutching his leg. Kevin and Shawn had been practicing wynder blizzard, a new combo shoot before jennifer arrived but Kevin was really hurt during the match against royal redux so his leg got worse.
Mr. Veteran said that the injury won't heal in one week so coach lina had to put Kevin temporarily off the team. At first Nathan protested for a bit but everyone had to understand the situation so Kevin was of. But on the positive part scotty learnt a new really cool shoot called whirlwind force.

Coach lina said that they have to head out again as they were suspicious that they might have found the alien base.
"Kyle why don't u join us?" Mark asked.
"I can't I have some work here mark." kyle gave him a faint smile. "Take care of my sister." He grinned and mark grinned too. Jennifer sweat dropped looking at both of them "they have the same toothy smile."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now