stop using your hands.

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The next day Silvia brought the new jersey for both mark and Darren. The goalkeeper jersey for Darren while midfielder jersey for mark. They both tried it on. Darren looked at himself  front and back. "U look great kiddo."

"Thank u Jennifer." Darren bowed down.
"Why are u always so scared. Loosen up a bit. I don't bite." Jennifer smiled.
"U look great too Mark."

Mark grinned at her then he ran and brought his grandfather's secret notebook. He handed it to Darren showing him a new hissatsu mugen the hand. "It is another ultimate secret Darren. I m sure u can do it."

Since Darren was also not able to read the notebook so mark explained him the hissatsu. Darren went to practice it with tori , sue and Harley while Jennifer, Axel , Byron and jude were helping mark.

Byron shot a ball at mark but mark instead of using his head used his hand. "MARK! U R OUT OF THE GOAL. REMEMBER THAT." Jennifer shouted at him. Next Axel shot the ball and mark again used his hand.
"C'mon dude."

Jennifer went next and then Jude but mark kept on using his hand. Before Axel could shoot Jennifer went and stood beside mark. " go on Axel don't look at me."

Axel nodded and shot the ball. Mark used his hand AGAIN. Jennifer smacked the back of his head hard.
"Owww! What was that for?"
"Now every time u will use your hand I am gonna smack u."

Mark kept on practicing and receiving painful flicks on his head.

"DONT USE YOUR HAND BAKA." Jennifer threw her head back. "Okay I have an idea." She gave him a devilish grin."
" Oh no not that look."

After 5 minutes mark was standing tied with two tiers trapping his hand between the tiers.

The shooting process started again. Now mark didnt have any choice but to use his head.

"Great idea Jennifer." Jude smirked giving her a high five.
"Hey love wanna try gods apocalypse on him?" Jennifer asked Byron.
"U r calling me love?" Byron raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself. If u don't remember it's your last name"
Axel and jude chuckled from beside her.
"Hey let me finish trying to use that hissatsu with my head Or Gods apocalypse will leave me dead."mark shouted.

"Yeah he is right" Jennifer sighed and continued the shooting process.
They practiced for two days until mark finally completed his new hissatsu which willy named megaton head.
As usual Jennifer ran and jumped on marks back ruffling his hair. "U did it markoooooooo."

"Now I will work even harder to complete mugen the hand." Darren cheered.

"Now it time to learn that hissatsu." Jude gave a dark look to Mark.
"Yesssss." Mark shouted punching the air but then dropped a sweat. "Wait which hissatsu."
"Let's go to royal."
Jude smirked.

The team found themselves standing in front of royal academy.
"Jude why are we here?" Jennifer asked.
"Have patience jenny."

"That's the only thing I don't have dude." She sighed walking in.
When they reached to the royal academy football ground Jude took a good look around while engrossed in his deep thoughts.

"Let's try death zone." Jude told to mark and bobby.
"Hein?U kept us in so much suspense for that?" Jennifer said slouching.
Both bobby and mark agreed to use it. Darren was going to practice mugen the hand.

Everyones improving. I can't sit still with just three hissatsu. Let's take help of grandpa.
Conscience-u seem to look like u have started accepting ur  real family.
Jennifer- my parents left me alone. I can't blame my grandparents for that. For all I know they were dead even before I was born.

Jennifer felt hurt as the realisation hit her that she won't be able to meet his grandparents ever. She walked to the bench turning through the pages of her grandfather's notebook. One move caught her eyes.

The flaming phoenix.
The fist line below it was unleash the phoenix inside u. This move is not a child's play. It needs the full power and concentration of ur mind and body. U focus ur whole body energy on the center of ur forehead and when its concentrated u zoop the energy to ur leg and u go bam and boom. And the ball goes sha sha sha and wack.

A sweat appeared on Jennifer's forehead. U should have really taken literature class grandpa.

"Oi jenny u wanna practice or not?" Byron shouted.
"Yeah I m coming." She ran towards them thinking about the move. Mark , Jude and bobby were practicing their spinning and Darren was still busy with mugen the hand while Herley was helping him. Axel , Byron and Jennifer were going against the defenders.
"Ayyy Byron let's try Gods apocalypse."
"As u say love."

They went near the free goal. Axel passes the ball to Jennifer. "let's go wannabe god." They flew in air with wings and used goads apocalypse. The shoot roared in the goal. Jennifer gave a high five to Byron.

Just then the royals team appeared on the field. "Damsel in distress." Joe shouted. Jennifer turned around . " night in shinning armor." She ran towards them then saw Davids leg.

David noticed her gaze and said. "I'll be alright. I wanted to thank u. Seemed like u healed it to some extent that day."
Jennifer cocked her head to the side. "Nah I can just suck away the pain. I can't heal."

David shrugged. "but that's what the doctor said. They said some of my muscles look newly healed which is impossible to happen in such short time." David shrugged.

"Oh I am mind fucked again. If I did do it I dont know how I did it."
"What are u guys doing here anyway.?" Jude asked.
" we are here to help u. Let's play a practice match". Joe said.
"Why not." Jude smiled.

Mark and bobby were playing on royals team so they can perfect death zone. The match started. Jennifer wasn't giving in much effort to steal the ball as she though letting Jude and others to try death zone and letting Darren try mugen the hand is what the team needs right now.

"They have so much trust in each other. The royal players are passing even without looking."  Jennifer looked around and Axel nodded. Even after Jude , mark and bobby were in perfect sync the death zone was not working.
Jennifer sighed and ran to steal the ball. "Where are u going?" Axel shouted.
"I need to try something."

She got the ball and dribbled till she was in front of Joe.

"So what is it gonna be? Devil's apocalypse?" Joe smirked.
"Nope I need to try something."

She closed her eyes concentrating all her power to the mid of her forehead. A faint yellow circle appeared between her brows. She quickly opened her eyes little flicks of flamed appeared on her head. And she kicked the ball. It was covered in fire but as it went ahead the the fire died and the ball landed in joe's hand.

"That was weak." He frowned.
"Dammit." Jennifer groaned. In that span of time Jude figured out why death zone was not working so when the next time they shot it, it worked. Darren also got an idea of how mugen the hand works.
They all walked to the bench. "You are working on a new move too??" Jude asked Jennifer.

"Yeah I read it in grandpa's notebook. Its very vague and confusing.
What is bam and boom?
suddenly a black ball landed on the ground. The aliens appeared. There was Claude and Gazel both of the.

"We are the fire of prominence and cold and darkness of diamond dust combined together." Gazel and Claude said.
"We are the strongest team ever and we are here to challenge u." They said with serious and dark look on their face.
"Yeah I couldn't have guessed that in a million year." Jennifer rolled her eyes.
Jude and byron snorted.
"And hold on. Why are u guys together? U r so afraid that u couldn't defeat us so u joined forces. I m flattered." Jennifer smirked.

"We will crush u then we will see how cocky u can get after a annihilating defeat."
Claude smirked.
"I will love to see u try."
"The match will be in 2 days." And with that the team disappeared.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now