i m back

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Three months after the aliea acadmey incident. (The mystic school, new York.)
"Hey roomie. U got a letter. I found it in mail box." Claire came in the room.
The brunette sitting on the bed lifted her face from her book taking off her glasses.
"I got a letter? Well thats new. Who's it from?"
"Its from someone named hill...hillmen seamore"
"Coach?" The brunette jumped up from the bed snatching the letter from Claire's hand.
"Gee calm down Jennifer."
"Well I havent contacted anyone of soccer team since last three months. Why would coach write me a letter?" Jennifer started opening the seal.
"Oh that's from your coach? Read it out."

To Jennifer argent,

Jennifer, I hope u r doing well. Since your school dosent allow anyone other than ur family to contact u over phone thus I am writing a letter. I need u here in inazuma for a very important work. The envelope contains a ticket . Better hurry up and pack your bags. Dont worry I  have talked to ur school and your leave is approved. Lastly don't overthink its nothing bad.
Coach seamore hillman      

Thats it??" Jennifer turned the paper around. "He left me hanging on a fucking back to home ticket?"

Wait your coach got u a free leave?? Now i m seriously jelous of u. I mean when u were in japan u went on a raod trip with that lot.

claire pointed to a framed  picture of the whole raimon team.

"I told u that wasn't a road trip."Jennifer rolled her eyes.
"I don't care. Look at those guys. Most of them are literally definition of hot and cute now u get a free leave."
"U react too much Claire divina Denver."
"that sentence didnt require my full name."

Jennifer shook her head and started packing.
"U will come back right?" Claire asked her roommate sincerely worried.
"Ofcourse I will clay. I won't leave u alone."
"I will miss u." Claire pouted.
"Come here idiot." Jennifer gave her a tight hug.
The next day claire , jade , jessica, and some of  jennifers friends headed to airport with Jennifer to see her off.
After bidding their goodbyes. Jennifer boarded her flight.
What can it be about? Coach wrote its nothing bad. Maybe I should not think so much.

Jennifer yawned and decided to take a nap. Soon the flight landed in Japan. Jennifer excitedly skipped out of the airplane . She was going to meet her team afterall. "Finally we can play soccer together." She grinned. When she reached the exit area sipping on her latte she spotted kyle.

"Sissy!!!" Kely exclaimed.
"Kyle" Jennifer squealed and pounced on him.
"Its been so long." Kyle grinned and Jennifer nodded.
"How's mom and dad. How's the team?"
"Mom dad are waiting for u eagerly. The team doesn't know u r coming. Its going to be one heck of a suprise."
"Yesssssss!! Hey wait do u know why I m recruited??"

"Nope. Coach called me yesterday saying to pick u up from airport. Mom almost got a heart attack. Then he told me to come to the school gym tomorrow at 9 sharp."
"Thats weird."

"Don't think too much. Let's go home.".
Jennifer followed kyle but as they neared his car Jennifer's jaw dropped. Standing in front of her was a sleek black Lamborghini.
"U got a new car?"
"Dad's promotion gift." kyle shrugged.
"Dad got promoted and u got a gift?? What type of logic is that?"
"make sure u don't spill that latte on my seat."
"Ya ya."

As she reached home she was welcomed with hugs and kisses from her mom.
"How's your school training going?" Dad asked her.
"Well I can choke a person with just one glare."
"should I consider that as good?" Her dad raised his eyebrows.
"Was that sarcastic??"

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now