the killer triangle z

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"Can't believe we are playing Kirkwood Jr high."mark said. The whole team was in the club room. Celia had informed them that their next match was against axels ex school Kirkwood Jr high. "Yeah if I would have transfered to a different school and someone would have told me to play against raimon it would have been totally awkward." Kevin nodded.
"I can't let emotions come in my way. Soccer is soccer." Axel got up and headed to the field.

"U said it Axel c'mon guys let's practice." Mark joined him.
"Ooye Mr. arrogant let's start practicing for fire tornado double drive."
"Yeah sure."

They both started running towards the goal. The ball was with Axel. They both jumped as Axel kicked the ball up. Everything was perfect till the twirl but when they both kicked the ball Jennifer kicked on axels leg and they both fell down. "Are u trying to hurt me?" Axel yelled at her. "That was just a mistake why are u getting so aggressive. Let's try again".

They both went again. They even kicked the ball but it went flying above the goalpost. "We are totally out of sync." Jennifer shook her head.

"Yeah why don't u try jumping a bit higher. U r not jumping high enough."
"Hey its not just my fault. U r also too slow. Move faster."

They tried and tried again but it wasn't getting any better. "u kicked too much towards right." Jennifer groaned. "I m not the one creating problem okay? U r the one messing this stuff. Do u even want to do this or are u just happy with enjoying the fame u r getting because of the team." This hit Jennifer in her heart.

"u r saying it like I just sit there doing nothing. What's gotten into u Axel. I was the one who came up with this shoots idea. Why will I not want to succeed. How do I end up being the one responsible for everything? oh wait why am I even talking to u. Ur arrogant ass will never understand a word I say. U know what forget about this. I m not making any combo shoots with u." And Jennifer stomped off from the scene.

Mark and Jude came running to Axel. "What was that? Why did u do that?" Jude asked Axel with a hint of anger in his voice. "I ....uh ...I don't know. I didnt think she will take it to her heart."
"U were way too rude. U should apologize." Mark suggested Axel. "I'm not going to do that."

"Axel go....take it as an order from your captain."
"Okay fine." Axel sighed.
He walked to Jennifer who was drinking water. "Listen I m sorry." He said in monotone.

"Sry my ass. Dont talk to me."
Axel gritted his teeth. "i said what I had to say. If u don't want to accept my apology then go to hell."

"How dare...." Just then Nelly came interrupting them. The team gathered as Nelly informed them that if they win this match then their finals will be with Zeus.
After practice Jude Axel mark and jenny were sitting by a tree having a strategy meeting. Jennifer and Axel were ignoring each other. Mark sweat dropped. "U guys know what let's stop this meeting for a while and go somewhere."

Mark started running as if he was running for his life. Jude and Axel followed close behind him while Jennifer was lagging two steps behind. "Hey u guys I m wearing a fucking skirt. Slow down a bit." Soon they reached a candy shop. Jennifer saw a vending machine on the side of the shop and took her favorite latte from it. Axel followed her and took an energy drink. When their eyes met they both turned the other way. Jude sweat dropped.'kids'.

Suddenly they heard mark fighting with someone inside the shop. There were a triplet inside. As their eyes fell on Axel one of them said. "Axel blaze"

" its been long since u turned ur back and ran chicken boy." Axel turned his face while Jennifer clenched her fist.
"U guys know each other?" Mark asked.
"They are the triplet of Kirkwood Jr high. They replaced Axel after he abandoned that match." Jude answered his question.
"U really do know about the best players of the country sharp." The triplet tweeted.

"Huh its nothing like that . You guys are the only triplet in a soccer team in Japan thats why I know about u." Jude replied with a smirk. .good one Jude. Jennifer mentally patted his back.

"What do u mean? Haven't u been following our great skills" and with that they started bragging about how good they are. "We will destroy u Axel blaze."
Thats enough. "Hey hey hey easy there weirdos." Jennifer interrupted them."now who's this pretty lady over hear?" The triplet smirked. "The one who dosent just bark about her powers but shows the world who rules."

"U got sass lady." One of them said while coming towards her. Jennifer hit his groin with her knee and he bent down. "Ur breath stinks." She scrunched her nose. "How dare u hurt our brother."the other two said in unision. "U r a traitor blaze.u ran away from the finals" They shouted pointing at Axel. "Wait a second there was reason..."mark began but Axel cut him off by shouting"No. Its all in the past."

One of the siblings took out a ball and said."let's see how much u have improved since we last played u Mr.chicken hair."

"I don't think so." Axel turned around
"What's this? running away like u did last time? I know that u r a coward."
"Enough!" Jennifer couldn't take it anymore."one more word against Axel and ur tounges will go missing ass heads." She shouted.

"Looks like Axel has a girlfriend. why are wasting ur breath on that stupid guy lady. We are much better
........blah blah blah"(I couldn't think of what else to write)
She just yawned.
"Are u listening to us?"

"It takes my brain some time to process so much stupidity all at once." She smiled sarcastically Making Jude smirk.
"how dare u insult us."
"Thats Jennifer argent for u." Jude spoke from beside her.

"If Axel is sacred of fighting us then we think its a waste of time talking to this bunch. Coward remains Coward."
"I will take ur challenge. Try to score at me." Mark accepted their challenge. The face off started at the river bank. First one triplet used back tornado but mark easily stopped it. Suddenly two balls passed by his sides. "looks like we scored on u." The triplet smirked.

"u shitheads call urself ace strikers. First go and read the basic rule book of soccer. Its not fucking pool u can't shoot three balls at once."

"She's right." Mark agreed with the female.

"U think u can stop our shoot then stop this." The trio shooted killer  triangle zee and mark was thrown inside the goal along with the ball. Everyone gasped. the coach of Kirkwood Jr high came to the field and stopped the showdown.

There was another guy with green dreadlocks with the coach who turned out to be Eric's Silvia and bobby's childhood friend so they went with him to catch up while Jennifer mark Jude Axel and some of the other teammates started walking towards the noodle shop. Axel started talking about how the triplets were right about him.

"But u know thats not true." Mark objected
"No mark I did betray my team. Its no suprise that the whole Kirkwood team hates me."

Jennifer's patience snapped. She held Axel by his collar. "Hey listen here u idiot. I didnt fight with those weirdo oh-I-am-gonna-brag-about-myself triplets for u to start calling ur self a betrayer so drop it and get back to your arrogant over smart self." Axels eyes widened for a second at her action but then a soft expression took over his features.

"Thanks for defending me there even though I was an ass to u today and I m truly sorry." He whispered.
"Yeah now don't get all senti. I did it because they were bugging me. Besides only I have the right to call u names." She turned around hiding her blush. (Catch- Jennifer is blushing. Axel-1 others -0)
Then they all were sitting in the noodle shop. "We need to find out a way to stop that shoot."Jude spoke.

"Don't worry guys they just caught me by surprise. I will definitely stop it next time." mark grinned
"Why so confident?"
"Because I will practice like woohoo."
Everyone sweat dropped. "U r a really simple guy mark aren't u ??" Jude chuckled. "C'mon guys from tmrw let's practice like it 999" mark shouted with his usual enthusiasm.

"Is that even a phrase? U just made it up didn't u?" Jennifer shook her head.
"No its a phrase."
"No its not Mark."
"It is jenny."
"No its not."
"It is"
"Maybe"a sweat appeared on his headband as he saw Jennifer glaring.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now