the radical rythmic soccer

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"What are u doing here herley?" Mark asked.

"I got a real kick out of playing with u guys the other day so I want u to play again with my team."

"Ur team?" The team exclaimed together.
"Yeah they are a bunch of guys that play soccer. When I told them about u guys that u were from raimon who won that big soccer tournament thingy they went bonzo. They wanna play with u guy."
"I won't allow it." Coach lina interrupted.
"Who's that ? Chickendee" herley whispered to tori.

"Thats our substitute coach."
"Substitute coach u say? It looks like she sucked 100 lemons"

"have u already forgotten about what happened yesterday?we are fighting aliens. We need to stay at top level and practice with the strongest of the strongest not some team who wants to play just for fun. It will be waste of our time."

"Hey wait there substitute coach. U r implying that u won't benefit from playing with us but we are the best team in okanawa. In fact they were going to make it into that big soccer thingy."
"U mean soccer frontier?" Eric asked.
"Yes but a big uc festival takes place here at okanawa and their coach got so involved in celebrating and dancing that he forgot to register in the tournament."

"Seriously?" jack asked.

"Yeah things happens."

"Please let us play them coach" mark pleaded.

"Please coach." The whole team chorused.

"Fine do whatever u want to do." She turned around and walked away. The team cheered. Herley took them to the Mary Tod school (I don't really know the name. That's the name they wrote in subtitles.) It was beautiful like a resort. It was built above water with bridges joining different buildings.

"So where's the soccer team? Where are u hiding them hun?" Jude asked herley.
"Yup I don't see anyone either "Jennifer added.

Just then two fireworks went in air and the team appeared full of enthusiasm and their coach totally hyped up.

"Surprise!! Did we scare u. Were u surprised?" Their coach asked mark a bit too loudly. Then he walked to coach lina. "U must be their coach. Well hello miss u have no idea its an honour to meet u . Ur performance in soccer frontier was  incredible. I will like to talk to u about it later at dinner perhaps. Maybe exchange notes and theories."

"He is asking her on a date?" Jennifer smirked.

"I m their substitute coach. I will be sure to pass ur comments to Mr seamore hilmen though" lina smirked.

The weird coach became embarrassed.
"Oh I m terribly sry u look a lot like him so I must have gotten confused."
"Lina= Hilmen? That guy has button for eyes." Jennifer mumbled under her breath.

"So tell me herley are all the players on this team like ur coach?" Jenni asked.
"Yeah we all are always in party spirit. This one here is always out fishing with his dad. This one loves riding tractors and this guys house is a party center and his mom is islands seaweed queen." Herley pointed to different players.

"All this information is giving me a migraine." Jennifer sighed.

The match finally started. The party animals.(the name of opponent team.) Started the match by showing off a little but then they started playing really good. Their captain was giving them instructions like go 2 beats down. Go 3beats up. It was all very confusing but after sometimes Jude figured out their play.

"The captain listens to the music and match our movement with the beats and thats how he gives orders making the players move with perfect timing.
"Thats cool" Jennifer complimented. "So we will just have to mess our timing up a bit." She smirked.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now