cami's secret

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During practice on the next day the team received a bunch of letters from all the players who were in Japan. The team excitedly went through the letters. There was a long letter from devalin stating how bad the inazuma Japan was playing and how much they need to improve. A purple aura surrounded the team as they sweatdropped. Austin looked a bit sad looking at the letter he got from his mom.
After going through the letter Jennifer's eyed fell on a very peculiar envelope. It was black. She picked it up and saw her name on it written in white calligraphy. On opening it she found a purple paper in it. By now the team's focus was on her and the weird letter in her hand. Black and purple?my favorite colors?.
She slowly took out the paper. It had a beautiful calligraphy in golden color
"What does it say?" Kyle asked her.
"U exceeded our expectations. We are waiting for u at the top. Mom and dad." She frowned. "Why would they send me a letter this weird?" She looked at kyle.
"How am I supposed to know that. Our parents are a bit......nevermind?"
She turned the page around and a look of disbelief cover her face. The players asked her what happened. "Mark!" She called him "try not to gasp." and showed him the back of her letter.

" and showed him the back of her letter

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Mark gasped.
"are they?"
"Yes" Jennifer breathed. "I should check the file." She started running towards her dorm. The other players and managers looked at her and mark confused. "what is this about mark?" Nathan asked him.
"Just wait for her to return. She will explain it."
Jenny returned with the file. She opened the pic of her mother and father on the file. "They are the same." She whispered.
"what is going on here? Will someone explain us?" Silvia asked the two teenagers.
Jennifer told the team about her parent's accident file she received just before the match they were going to play for the Italian team. The players were shocked. They looked at the picture on the letter carefully.
"Whose that kid?" Jude asked turning towards Jennifer.
"Its her." Xavier replied from beside Jude. "Its u Jennifer. Right?"
Jennifer slowly nodded. "But I don't remember meeting them. I look old there. I think I am around 10. How is it possible?"
"Do u think ur memory has been tampered?" Mark asked suggestively.
"I don't know." Jennifer glanced at him and then slightly at Cami.
"But who sent this? Its says mom and dad. If ur parents are dead then who is the sender?" Kyle rubbed his chin with his index finger.
"Our next match is against Italy. Ray dark is their coach. Who do u think sent it?"
"Yeah he is a dick . Its his dirty trick again." Jennifer sighed as that flicker of hope inside her died. The players got back to their practice.

"Twin eclispse." The argent siblings used their new hissatsu. "Dimensioal hand." Mark tried to stop it but it was no luck. The ball went in. Jennifer and kyle smirked and fist bumped. "We rock."
"Yes we do."
Austin was still looking a bit worried. Jennifer walked to him. "U look a bit worried. Are u okay?"
"Yeah I am fine. Thanx" Austin immediately walked away from her.
Jennifer decided to leave him alone for sometime.  After practice the players were in cafeteria eating dinner. Herley was rambling about how he wants to get on the waves as it's been so long since he last surfed.
"Mind if I join Herley? I also want to surf." Jenny smiled.
"Yay! It will be fun with both of us."
"U wanna come too Austin? We can teach u some basics."
Austin got up from his seat with his tray. "We are here for a serious tournament. Not for going around having fun. U guys can go I will like to concentrate on practice" he replied rudely.
"What's ur problem man?" Herley tried to stop him but he went away.
"I'll talk to him." Jennifer also got up to follow Austin but archer interrupted her."let me handle this wise captain."
After he went away the team returned to their room. Jennifer took out her book on anodite power and started flipping through the pages until her eyes fell on a certain topic. Astral projection.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now