Ray Dark's death

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The match between Italy and Japan ended with a draw. (No u didn't miss a chapter. I just decided to become super lazy. I hope u remember this episode or else u won't get this chap.)
Jennifer ,Jude, mark, kyle, fidio and Italy's real captain Narata were on the seashore near the Japanese lodge along with Rushe(this was that little girl's name right?).They had just received the news that Ray dark was dead. Yes the evil man had fallen. But in the end like in every good story the villain was not bad enough to be worthy of death. He had spent his last day as a man who loved soccer. On the last day he overcame his darkness and accepted his deeds without hesitation. On his last day. He found himself and after a long time Jude had called him commander. The players were doing something that they had never thought they would do. They were mourning on ray darks death. Jennifer was sitting on a bench under the dome like think. There was only one scene that kept on replaying In her mind.
Jennifer gazed at ray dark as she saw him getting taken away.
"ray dark wait. I need to ask u something."
He turned around to face her."yes I sent u ur mother's and father's investigation file." He replied before she could ask her question.
"I knew that. Then I suppose u sent me this too?" She showed him the purple letter.
Ray dark's expression completely changed. He looked surprised. He snatched the letter from her hand and turned it around. "That's...that's Eva's handwriting. I didn't send it"
"I don't believe u . For all I know u could have been the one behind their death cause the investigation was never completed. I read the whole file. It wasn't a proper investigation."
Ray dark looked dead in her eyes. She felt his gaze piercing her but then his look softened. "I could have never hurt Eva.....did someone ever tell u? You have her eyes."
And he started walking away. Jennifer shouted after him. "Stop! Don't go. Answer my damn question ray dark. Did u send the letter?"
He looked over his shoulder. "If she really is alive and u meet her. Tell her. I tried." And then he was gone. Out of her sight forever.

"Jenny. U okay? see there's no point thinking about it. If that letter was from your parents we will eventually find them when we reach the top."
"Its not the letter that's bothering me. Its what ray dark said yesterday. He could have never hurt my mother. There was something about the way he said it. It was almost like he was....he was...."
"In pain." Kyle completed her sentence.
"Yes" Jennifer sighed."But why? How did he know my mother? What was his relationship to her and if she is not dead then what happened at the car accident? Oh boy! Again in my life I am left with nothing but questions."
"Well then we will find the answers together. Like always." Mark grinned like he always does and his big goofy grin made Jennifer smile too. "you are really a big optimistic goofball."
"That's Mark Evans for you" kyle grinned too.
"We will be going now. It was nice meeting and playing with you Inazuma Japan."  Narata extended his hand to Mark who shook it. "Twin eclipse and thunder sword were fantastic moves. I don't think ur popularity matches with ur plays kyle Argent. I will be looking forward to play with u again." Narata complimented Kyle.
"Let's meet in the finals then." Kyle nodded. After they left Jennifer nudged Kyle."u r finally being acknowledged in the world of soccer ,brother"
"Shut your hole."
Jennifer then turned to Jude who was standing there quietly and smiling at the siblings.
"I forgot to mention. U look good with ur goggles off" she said referring to yesterdays event when Jude took his goggles off.

time skip (American vs  Argentina)
The inazuma Japan gathered in the cafeteria to spectate the match of american vs Argentina.
"I won't be seeing the match with u guys." Jennifer informed them.
"Why? Are u going somewhere?" Shawn asked her.
"Not my body. Just my sole."
"Ehhhh!!!" The whole team exclaimed.
"I mean I will use astral projection to send my sole to america for sometime. Its an important match for Eric. I want to be there with him"
"What's Astral projection?."
"Google it. I don't have time to explain. The match will start anytime now."
She took a chair, sat on it and started concentrating. After the pink glow surrounded her. Her body felt limp. Like it went lifeless.
"W....what happened to her?" Jack shivered.
"Some anodite creepy thing. I am sure. Let's just watch the match." Axel told them.
"Don't expect me to be able to concentrate with her body here like that." Herley stated with a scared look.

Meanwhile Jennifer opened her eyes to find herself in front of a light blue gate. She opened it to find Eric sitting on his bed leaning on the wall as a bedsheet covered his leg.
"ooye Magician."
Eric immediately turned his head towards her.
"Little Devil??" He got up as Jennifer stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Oh my god! What are you doing here? U have matches left. Then why are u here?"
she pulled her upper body back. "U r not happy?"
"Are u mad? I am euphoric"
He leaned in and gave her a brief kiss.
Jennifer giggled. "I used some magic. I will go back after the match. Just came to support you. C'mon let's sit." She dragged his arm making him sit down. "Where should I sit now?" She looked around. Eric spreaded his leg and signaled her to sit between them. She did as told. Sitting between his leg she leaned her whole body on his so that the back of her head rested on his shoulder. Eric trapped her body in his hand and looked back at the TV. Jennifer tried to concentrate too but Eric's light breathing on her shoulder was not helping.
The match had started ,by now the couple were immersed in watching the match with great interest.
"They are playing pretty good."
"Yeah. They are putting all they have got for me. I don't want to be here. I want to play." Eric sighed.
"Hey don't worry. After the surgery u will be fine and we will play together again."
Jennifer slowly slided her hands in his intertwining their fingers. Eric smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I love you."
"I love you too magician ."

The match ended with Argentina's victory which meant the two teams going to the next level will be inazuma Japan and Orpheus. Eric let out an exasperated sigh. Jennifer felt bad. She sat up straight and turned towards him. "Hey." She kept one hand on his cheek. Eric looked at her and smiled sadly. "Win the finals for me. Will you?"
"Of course I will."
She leaned in and Pressed their lips together. For a brief moment as their lips mover in sync they forgot all about the match and the surrounding and the fact that they are in a hospital. When they broke the kiss Jennifer's body started fading away and becoming transparent.
"What's happening?" Eric asked her.
"I think I used too much energy for today. I will have to go now. But I will come back to meet you soon. Wait for me."
"Forever." Eric smiled as she completely faded.

Her body was still in cafeteria. The team was gathered around her body. Looking at her closely. Jennifer's eyes shot open and seeing so many faces so close to her she screamed making mark fall back on his butt as Jennifer also fell of the chair.
"We were just worried why you were not waking up."
"For hells sake guys!....huh I am going to my room. I am tiered. Bye".
She stomped away.
"Why does she always say hell's sake? Its supposed to be gods sake right?". Austin questioned.
"When has Jennifer argent ever said what she is ~supposed ~to say?" Axel scoffed.

The next day Jennifer,Silvia and mark went to see bobby off at the airport as he was returning to look after Eric but he told them that Mark kregur and Dylan have decided to stick around till finals.

one day mark came in with his grandfather's last notebook which Nelly had found out with the help of Cami's memories which were now completely back. Her father had sealed that notebook away at some place in inazuma  town. The last notebook didn't have any new hissatsu but it had 11 points on the soccer of heart. After listening to them the team went to practice.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now