against the fire and ice

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The raimon team returned to their home.
Jennifer was in her room sitting on her bed while kyle was sitting in front of her with his laptop. "Those aliens are so stuck up." Jennifer sneered.
"Ya." Kyle replied with his eyes still glued to the screen of his laptop.
Jennifer frowned. "These days u stay glued to ur laptop. What do u do?"
"Just some research."

Jennifer slowly got up and peeked in his screen but kyle instantly turned the monitor down. Jennifer thought for a second that she saw the word rosewood on the screen.
"What are u doing kyle?" She asked seriously.

"Nothing." Kyle insisted.
He cant be doing anything related to my parents. I m thinking too much.

The next day the team reached to their homeground to start practice.
"We have two days which means today is practice practice practice." Jude shouted.
"Yeah." The team cheered.

Jude , mark and bobby got engaged in making the death zone two stronger. Darren and herley were busy with mugen the hand. Herley was acting like Darren's big brother.
Jennifer was trying flaming phoenix. She was slowly improving but something was missing. After two days of rigorus practice it was finally the match day.

The match between raimon and the aliea team started. The aliea players were far better than before. Jennifer was being marked by three players.
She tried to fool them but was failing. "C'mon guys shove ur asses on someone else's face" she growled with frustation.
"all ur powerful combos include u." The aliea team player smirked. "What is ur team gonna do when u r dead in the match."

Gazel shot northern ray light and Darren used majin the hand but the ball went in. The team ran to Darren.
"U okay kiddo?"
"Yeah.....I m sry I let that one in." Darren looked sad.
"Don't worry. We will get that point back for u." Eric smiled.
"Guys" Jennifer spoke up. "They are planning to keep me dead. I can't dodge three players. U will need to cover for me"

"Don't worry. Just concentrate on getting a loophole." Jude assured her. Even though raimon was giving a tough fight Gazel and torch together were scoring goals after goals. Soon the score was 10-0 with aliens on lead. Jennifer was being totally locked out of the game. Even Byron's heavens time was not working on them. When torch again used his atomic blast mark jumped in front of the ball using megaton head. Even though he succeeded I saving the goal he got thrown away.

Jennifer noticed something. "Jude." She shouted. "The balance is on the right. They don't trust the left."
Jude got confused for a second but then be observed their plays. The prominence is not passing the ball to diamond dust player.

"Great work jenny."
"U better do something with that information."
The whole team was confused. "How do they even understand each others message?" Sue said from the bench.
"They have great communication skill." Lina smirked.

Jude got an idea. "I m gonna mess thier rhythm big time."
The raimon got back in game. Jude stole the ball and used death zone. The ball went in. The momentum was on raimons side. Next Byron used god knows and Axel used fireball storm. Both of them scored. "I can't just stand here." Jennifer groaned. She started trying to get past her markers.A great forward is not just about kicking. He knows how to play with the opponent s mind too. This was the first written on her grandfather's notebook.

Playing with the mind eh?
Jennifer went left and right. The players marking her followed her. She remembered how she used to get past the denfnse in basketball. She confused the player with her quick movements and got past them . "over here evans." She got the ball and used devils apocalypse. The team started scoring goals after goals. Soon it was 7-10. The first half ended. The players went to their benches. Jude explained them the rythm technique he learnt from the captain of party animals. "And so I was messing their 8 beats."

"And what was that little msg u both exchanged?" Byron asked to Jude and Jennifer. "Oh that? Its just that prominence players are not passing to diamond dust player" Jennifer shrugged.
"Great work Jude and jenny. Let's win this one." Mark cheered.

The second half was going good until Gazel and torch combined their atomic shot and northern ray light and scored a goal. The prominence players realized their mistake and finally started passing to diamond dust too.

The second time Gazel and torch used thier combined shoot Jennifer ran in front of the ball and used a new hissatse. "I haven't named this fucking hissatsu" Jennifer shouted and waved her hand in front of her making an translucent pink wall.

 "I haven't named this fucking hissatsu" Jennifer shouted and waved her hand in front of her making an translucent pink wall

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(Something like this 😅😅)
But it broke and mugen the hand was not able to save it. Axel got the ball but two players tackled him and the ball went out. Axel tried again but failed.
"Pass the ball to me. I might know what to do." Byron said. As he got the ball he was also tackled. "keep passing to me. I will go through next time." Byron was getting tackled again and again. He was brutly injured. "Stop giving him the ball guys. He will destroy himself." Jennifer cried out. She got the ball but was blocked. Byron was on her right . "pass it to me Jennifer." after a pause he said. "Trust me."
Do I trust him?

"Take it wannabe god" she passed to Byron. As Byron was about to go again a black ball landed between the defenders and Byron stopping both of them. Xavier appeared on the roof of the stadium.
"Xavier." Jennifer hissed.
"Jennifer." He replied with a stoic face.
"What are u doing here again?" Mark asked him.

"I wanted to talk to u about something Evans but I m wondering what they are doing here now." Xavier nodded towards torch and Gazel.
"We are the strongest team Xavier and we will claim the title of Genesis." Torch growled.

"We will talk about it later." Xavier jumped on the ground.
"Next time keep ur side kicks in a leash so u won't have to come barging in between our game next time." Jennifer sneered.

"It won't happen again. I promise." Xavier replied to her.
"U promise?" *snorts*
"Unlike u Jennifer I m a man of my words.I keep my promises." Xavier smirked with a blinding light appearing and they disappeared.
"Ass head." Jennifer shouted clenching her fist.

"C'mon Byron let's take u to the hospital." Mark said and Jennifer helped him. Once they were in the hospital and Byron was bandaged the trio went to the terrace of hospital."I m Sry. I think I am not as good as I though I was." Byron apologized.
"U r the one who is hurt so u r not the one that should be sorry." Jennifer presses her lips together in a hard line.
Suddenly shawn came walking to them. He stood in front of Byron and said "amazing." With that he went away.
"So u were doing it for Shawn?" Mark asked.

"Yes." Byron nodded.

Jennifer bent down and kissed his cheek. Byron went red.

"Now there , be greatful pesant u just got a kiss from Athena herself." She grinned making both mark and Byron chuckle.
"I m honored ur majesty. Hey btw how did u suddenly come up with a new defense move?"

"Oh It started when I was protecting mark from epsilon's shoots. I never really practiced it after that. It just happened." She shrugged.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now