occult jr high

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Jennifer and kyle returned home around 4. "We are back" both said in unision.

"So how was your first day?" Their mother asked both of them." Great" kyle smiled "better than I expected" Jennifer just shrugged. After cleaning up and changing both siblings went to their respective rooms. Jennifer sat on her bed with her laptop and facetimed her girl best friend Rebecca who was out of town when jennifer was coming to Japan thus she wasn't able to bid her goodbye. "Hello babe." Rebecca answered with enthusiasm. "Hey" Jennifer replied

"so how was ur first day?"


"Why do I hear a question mark at the end? Anyway tell me everything. By every thing I mean every single detail from the guys who stared at u to the guys u stared at. Every bit of it."

Hearing this Jennifer chuckled . Rebecca was one of the few people that could actually make her laugh. Others being kyle, Eric, mark (her ex) and Dylan. (I know u can notice the lack of girls in her life.) Jennifer went ahead and explained everything to Rebecca.

"....and after that he just threw the jersey in the captains hand and went away."
"Shirtless?? Was he any good ?"
"U mean his looks??"
"Ofc I mean his looks"
" u can say he was kinda hot but he looked so arrogant and oversmart that it was a waste of such a good face."
"U don't know that. maybe when u actually get to know him he turns out to be good?"

"Yeah thats not gonna happen. That idiot used fire tornado my fire tornado. How can he even do that?"
"U sure he is not one of the guy who used to live with u in the orphanage and saw u using that technique??"
"Even if he is the one it is not possible.I was only 6 when I got adopted. I hadn't mastered it then. I had just figured out the technique theoretically and I only told about it to two people. One was my orphanage best friend I told u about."
"U mean Ur childhood love??"Rebecca snickered

"Shut up" Jennifer rolled her eyes but smiled
"And the other?"

"It was a little girl who used to come at our orphanage with her mom to give donations. She was like my little sister. We were really close. I don't remember her name properly. It was smthng like Julie Julia or I don't know I guess it was Julia."

"well I think u should join the soccer team and find out more about this Axel guy. Maybe it will lead u to ur childhood guy." Rebecca winked.
"I will think about it." With that they both ended the call.

Next day after returning from school Jennifer decided to take a walk around the city. Mark was not in class today because the soccer team had another match coming up and they had to practice. It bothered Jennifer. At least her bench partner's efforts to talk to her kept her entertained the previous day. without him school was a bit boring.

While walking around she saw raimon's team practicing near the riverbank.she stopped and started observing them.Their forward who had pink hair was getting really harsh. He dragged one of his own team player and intercepted the ball. Jennifer frowned. When he kicked the ball its direction was totally misplaced. Jennifer notice it wasn't going to go in the net. She ran and jumped in the air kicking the ball with great force scoring a goal.

The team players looked at her amazed. "Jenny" mark shouted running towards her. "u never told me u play soccer." "U never asked" she shrugged with her hands in her pocket. "will u like to practice with us??"mark asked again. "some other time maybe.I have gotta go now." She turned around but stopped "by the way what's ur name?" She asked the pink hair guy. "Kevin dragonfly." He replied. "Kevin, haste and Panick won't take u anywhere." With that she left them alone. "What was that??" Kevin asked but jenny just waved her hand not turning around.

Next day at school

Jennifer sat on her usual seat. Mark was again not there. She looked at his chair and sighed. During luch mark came running inside the class. "Jennyyyy" he shouted making the whole class turn towards them. Jennifer face palmed. This guy huh. "What?" She asked annoyed. "Today is our match with occult junior high. U will watch it right??"

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now