the desert lions.

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It was match day. The team was near their bench warming up. "Their coach is so glamorous" Jennifer said looking at her.
"She is." Cami agreed.
"The starting line up stays the same just girl argent u are on the bench. Kyle go on. Captain is Evans and wise captain Jennifer." Coach Travis instructed them
Kyle nodded.
"Bang it bro." Jennifer gave him a quick fist bump and sat on the bench. The desert lions were pretty weak. Raimon easily scored one goal with Xavier's meteor blake. Although the team was known for its rough plays but still they were getting pushed rather easily. Kyle scored the second goal using electric spear. "This games looks like an easy win" Darren leaned back on the bench. "Yeah! It looks suspicious. This shouldnt have been so easy." Jennifer mumbled. Soon the first half ended with score 2-0 raimon on lead.
"U played well guys." Jennifer praised them but then all the guys looked exhausted. They were panting hard.
They got excited and used most of their energy in first half. Thats not good. Wait! Was that thier plan? To make them use up their energy?" Jennifer frowned.
Seeing the look on her face coach Travis spoke up." I think u have figured out why this match looked suspicious in the first half. Jennifer turned towards him and nodded. The second half started. All players were moving visibly slow. Soon Jordan fell on the ground. Due to all the pressure his body was exhausted. He limped back to the bench. Tod replaced him. He dribbled forward with the ball but the forwards were lagging behind him. The ball got stolen. After sometime the desert lion made a header shoot. Herley tried to stop it but got thrown down and the ball went in. Harley wasn't able to get up. Next Xavier fell down too. "Argent , Darren and archer u r in."
The players ran to the field. The game was not going in a good condition though the score was 2-1 with raimon at lead but still the raimons plays were getting slower. Jennifer got the ball. Two players came to tackle her. She looked around . No one was there to pass to. "In that case." She started drblling up and down and confused the players dodging them but a third player came and stole the ball. Kyle got it back with a slide and passed to Shawn. Shawn used wolf legend but it was stopped by the goalkeeper using sand storm. Shawn landed but slowly fell down. Jennifer ran to him. "U okay? Shawn." She cupped her cheek with one hand making him look at her. Shawn nodded smiling. He was also at his limit so he had to go back to the bench. Austin came in. He was playing wonderfully. He got the ball and ran for the goal. "Make a shoot kid." Jennifer who was marked by three players shouted but Austin passed the ball to Axel. "What the..."
Axel used fireball storm but it was stopped. The desert lions headed for inazuma's goal. Their captain used mirage shoot and mark stopped it but the ball went behind the goal and desert lions got a corner shoot. They scored. The score was even now. Austin again got the ball. He was running along Axel . When they were just in front of the Goal he passed to Axel again. Axel shot the ball. Not at the goal but at Austin.  Austin fell down as the ball went out of the line. "What was that ?" Austin shouted holding his shoulder which was hurt.
"Why didnt u take the shoot?There is not much time left in the match. We have to play with all we have got." Axel scolded him hard.
"But this is my best. people make shoot and I assist. That way I won't take away anyone's participation. We can all enjoy that way. Soccer is fun like this "
"DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT." Axel shouted at him.
It made even Jennifer flinch.
"here are all the best players from our country playing with u and we are up against the world. If u don't go all out we won't be able to win. We all are here to win."
The team gathered around them.
"Thats right Austin we are all here to win. We need u to do ur best. Have faith in ur teammates." mark smiled down at him.
"Captain." Austin said looking at his team with a soft expression. "So u r sure? U want me to Go all out?" Austin asked.
The team nodded. They started walking back to their position. "U have made it a habit to bring people back in their right mind by kicking a ball at them" Jennifer chuckled as she walked beside Axel.
"Its like u r litteraly kicking some sense in them."
"He needed it." Axel shrugged.
"U went all big brother on him." She smiled
"You think so?" Axel chuckled too.
"It was sexy. kinda liked it." She whispered and walked in front of him briskly leaving a blushing Axel behind." What....?" He whispered as a shade of pink dusted his cheeks. Jennifer bit her lower lips looking down stopping a smile. What is happening to me. The urge to smile was too much.
'What are u doing to me argent?" Axel whispered to himself but got ready to play. The desert lions had a throw in. Austin intercepted the ball. He flawlessly dribbled across the field. He dodged all the players on the field alone. Jennifer and Axel ran along with him on both side. He was finally in front of the goal. "This is what has been trapped inside me. Tiger Drive." Austin shot the ball and it went in." The whistle blew and the match was over.
The team ran to Austin cheering. Jennifer ruffled his hair."u were amazing kid."
"So this is ur true power." Axel smiled at him. "But u still have to work a bit to catch up with the rest of us."
"I wasn't even serious right now." Austin boasted. "C'mon guys we have to win all the matches. We can't stop just at Asian premils."
"Is it just me or did his personality totally change?" Jude whispered.
"How come such a good player didnt play in football frontier?" Jack asked.
"Thats because I am just a sixth grader in elementary school." Austin smiled sheepishly.
"Whaaat!!!" The whole team went in shock.
"U r that young? Just an elementary student?" Axel asked still surperised.
"Yeah but don't take me lightly. Or I will steal ur ace. I might also steal Jennifer from u guys." He bit his tounge jokingly.
Jennifer smirked and bent down to his height. "But u have already won my heart Austin." Jennifer said and kissed his cheek making him go red. Seeing his flustered expression she laughed.
"U r one lucky man Austin." Shawn smiled.
"I'm jealous now." Xavier pouted and the team laughed together.
After their victory the team returned to the training camp. It was night. Jennifer came out from a shower. Her eyes fell on her phone lying on her bed. She picked the phone up and started scrolling through her contacts. She felt a need to call a certain auburn. She stopped at the N section in her contact list and called the second number. The phone rang two times before it was picked up.
"Hello" Nelly said.
"I miss u." Was the instant reply she received.
"This is Jennifer argent right?"
"U mean the anodite , snarky , Jennifer argent."
"Yes Nelly its me".
"U just said u miss me. Did u hit ur head on a wall?"
"Can't I say miss u to my best friend?"
"Now u called me ur bestfriend. U have definetly hit ur head some where."
"U know what. I was about to tell u something interesting but fuck off."
"Now thats more like u. Say what u were about to tell. Wait. Did u end up kissing someone again? Please tell me it was Axel. My bet is still going on with tori and Silvia."
"Take a breath girl" Jennifer rolled her eyes. "So it is about Axel but its not a kiss."
"This wierd thing happened today and I think I migh like Axel a bit. I mean a very itty bitty tiny bit."
"Whhhaattt? U don't say girl. OMG! This is finally happening?"
"Don't react like That I m becoming embarrassed."
"Don't act all shy now. I have been waiting for this since forever. U can't calm me down."
"But if u keep on shouting I can easily hang the call."
"I m a bit busy right now but I want to hear about it later okay? I will call."
"Yeah sure. Bye. And come back man. I need u."
"I am studying here. I can't really come u know"
Jennifer sighed. "Yeah bye."
And Jennifer hung the call lying down on her bed.
"Finals are coming. Big day ahead."

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now