the keys to the legend.

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While practicing Harley got the ball from Jude but when he kicked it, it went in the wrong direction. Suddenly two female figures jumped in air shouting."butterfly trance".
"Sue and Tory?" Mark shouted but received the shot straight on his face.

Cami put a wet cloth on his face as he layed down on the bench. Meanwhile the rest of the team surrounded Sue and Tori. Jennifer hugged Tori. "Its good to see you."
"Its good to see you too. Magical freak." Tori laughed.
"And how are you sue?" Jennifer asked her next.
"I am still angry that you proposed my darling." Sue puffed her cheeks and pouted.
Jennifer sweat dropped. "Hehe. Sry for stealing your man. Though you can still call him darling and clinge to his hand I won't mind." She shrugged.
"I will think about forgiving you." Sue folded her hand over her chest. Jennifer's eyes fell on a bracelet in her hand. "Hey that looks cute." She pointed to the bracelet.
"U think so?" Sue squealed. Her eyes instantly started shining with stars and she clasped her hands together. A lone sweat appeared on Jennifer's forehead."uh.....yeah."
"two old men gave it to me and Tori for free. We are so lucky. Wait I have one more. You can take that one." Sue fetched a purple bracelet from her bag. Jennifer looked at it and her eyes glowed pink for a second but no one noticed it. "U sure u don't mind? I can take it?"
"Yeah! I don't like it anyway." Tori nodded her head. Jennifer wore the bracelet over acqulina's bracelet. She showed it to Celia , Silvia and Cami.
"Its really pretty. Do you mind if I try it?" Celia asked Jennifer. Jennifer nodded and tried to take it out but it was stuck in one place she tried harder but it was of no help. "It won't come out." She complained.
"What about u sue?" mark asked sue who also tried to take it out but she was not able to do it either.
"Sissy. Let me try." Kyle held the bracelet and pulled it.
"You will tear my hand off you idiot." Jennifer swatted her hand away.
"Its a fucking defective piece." Kyle asserted.
"I guess I will have to find that old man and give him a piece of my mind." Sue put her hands on her hips.
"He seemed crazy anyway. Talking about the keys of legend and stuff." Tori shrugged.
"What did u just say?" Nelly asked tori.
"Umm the man said these bracelets were keys to some legends or something like that."
"Come with me guys. Let me show you something."
Nelly took them to cafeteria and showed them a presentation on a legend which goes something like. Once the hell dwellers and heaven dwellers lived on the big mountain on this island. There was a war between them and they used soccer as a method to resolve it. The heaven dwellers won and sealed the demon lord in away but its said he can be unsealed with the help of the keys of legend.
Jennifer scoffed."u mean angels and devils used soccer to settle a war? Bruh...thats epic shit"
"Well its just a story. Its not like this is true." Nelly replied to her and then showed a picture of the demon lord and the heaven lord fighting and they were wearing the same bracelet as the one sue and Jennifer were wearing.
"Must be a replica. I don't believe this. Come on guys back to practice."kyle stood up and started walking out as the team followed. While practicing they noticed Fidio standing by the gate. "Oii Fidio ,hi" Jennifer waved to him.
"Pass me the ball." Fidio shouted back.
She did as told and Fidio received the ball kicking it to the other side and out of nowhere Teres, the captain of Argentina got the ball and kicked it to the opposite side. Dylan was there too and he passes the ball to Mark kregur.
"Wtf guys. All of you are here." Jennifer chirped
"Yeah. We wanted to play with you guys." Teres said.
"Sure." Mark jumped with excitement.
"Oh my god. My darling is not here so I am presented with a bunch of hotties" sue squealed.
"Its not like they are here for you." Jennifer whispered to herself rolling her eyes.
Conscience: be kind to her today. U are the bitch in her story right now.
Jennifer: yaya.
"Why don't we just split into two teams and play a match?" Xavier suggested.
"Good idea. But then one of the teams will have 11 players while the others will have 12"
"I will join one team." Tori jumped.
"Yup Tori can play." Jennifer grinned.
"Then how do we decide the teams?"
"I know. Here are different strips.Their ends are colored red and white." Sue tweeted folding the ends of her strips in her fist."choose one of the strips and you guys will be divided in red and white team accordingly. Now Mark and Darren you choose first."
"Do you always carry them with you?" Jennifer questioned.
"Yup helps me in shopping." Sue replied to her.
Jennifer sweat dropped. "Why am I not surprised?."
Mark and Darren started choosing from her fist but they were going for the same strip again and again.
" u go first." Darren retreated his hand and insisted mark.
"No u go first."
"No no u go first."
"Please you go first".
A tick 💢appeared on Jennifer's head. She spontaneously held the back of their heads and banged their foreheads into each other. "Ooowww" they both groaned in pain rubbing their foreheads.
"Now choose u ass hats"
This time they chose different strips.
"Wow that actually worked." Fidio chuckled.
"I remember u did the same thing to me and Eric once." Mark laughed.
"Those were the golden days." Jennifer said pretending to be deep in thoughts.
Finally the teams got divided. Jennifer was in marks team. As the whistle blew she started dribbling but the atmosphere suddenly changes. Dark clouds surrounded the sunny sky. She passed the ball to Xavier. Suddenly lightning started and instinctively Jennifer ran closer to Shawn as she knew he was scared of thunderstorms.
"U know I have over come my fear right?" Shawn gently smiled at her.
"Uh yeah. I am just taking precautions." Jennifer imitated his charming smile.
"Well you don't have to."
And just on cue a lightning striked one of the poled on the field. The players scooted down. "What the fucking hell?"
Kyle shouted looking at the now destroyed pole.
The bracelets on sue's and Jennifer's hand started shining.
"Okay? Is this a normal thing?" Jennifer raised her eyebrows.
"I don't think so." Sue replied to her terrified.
"Mark behind u!" Darren screamed and as the players turned around they saw a guy with long ponytail wearing a weird outfit which had wings.
"Bitch! Who's that?" Jennifer asked. The weird guy jumped down from the goalpost and walked to sue. "So the keys of legend has chosen you. Come with me." He was about to hold her wrist but Jennifer came in between them. Pushing Sue behind her protectively. "who are u? And why should she go anywhere with you?" She growled.
"Don't interfere in between our ritual. You are just a mere human."
She smirked. "Can a mere human do this?"
She formed a pink disc on her hand and threw it at the wing guy. She expected him to be thrown back but was shocked when he didn't move an inch.
"Was that supposed to hurt?" the guy asked with a smirk.
"Fuck my life." Jennifer whispered. "well I am trained in hand to hand combat." she stood in a fighting stance. The guy smiled at her. "My name is sain and I am the messenger of heaven. Your little tricks won't work on me." He pointed his index finger at her forehead and immediately Jennifer felt dizzy as she fell on the ground. Once she was out of his way, Sain made Sue go unconscious with pointing his finger at her forehead too and he lifted her bridal style. The other players tried to stop Sain but received a hard shot of soccer ball at their stomach. Jennifer shook her head and stood up. Her vision was still blurry and she could see two sains going away with two sues. She took a step forward but someone held her wrist in a hard grip. Jennifer turned around and squinted to see clearly through her blurred vision. From all she could make out the one holding her hand was a guy wearing a black body suit like sain's  white one and his outfit also had wings which were black. "Who the fuck are you now?" She shouted annoyed making all the team players turned towards her. Even sain stopped and looked back.
"I am the hell's messenger." weird guy number two told her.
"The key has chosen a beautiful sacrifice."
"Sacrifice?" Jennifer frowned but was immediately knocked unconscious but not before she heard desperate screams of kyle going. "Hey leave my sister. Stay away from her. Jennifer wake up."

Her eyes shot opened as she found herself inside a black stone cell which was unnaturally hot. She looked around."what I in hell already?"
She looked around. Just then a girl in the same black body suit as the weird guy came in.
"Wear this and get ready for the sacrifice." She told her.
Jennifer picked up the dress. It was black and very short. There was  also a pair thigh high black stockings.
"I am not wearing this." Jennifer said firmly.

"Who said you have a choice? Wear it

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"Who said you have a choice? Wear it. Now."
"What's this sacrifice shit anyway?"
"In order to unseal the demon lord we have to feed him a maidens sole. Ur sole is the chosen one. Isn't it fascinating?"
"Like hell I will let you even touch me." Jennifer growled. "Wait for my brother and my team. When they will arrive here they will kick your butts."
The girl gave out an evil laugh." We will see about that. Till then you dont have a choice so wear it."
Jennifer sighed as the girl went out of the cell. Putting on the dress she waited for a while till the girl came back and took Jennifer to a raised platform. Jennifer knew protesting wouldn't be of any use as there were 11 of them and she was only one that too with hand cuffs on. They tied her hands on her back using a steel chain and made her kneel down. Jennifer stayed quiet the whole time until she heard Axel's voice. "Jenny!!" She looked up to see half of her team along with mark and Dylan and Teres coming downstairs.
"Guys!" She shouted back. Kyles eyed went wide as he saw her. "Jennifer!" Kyle shouted.
"That's your brother? I have to agree he is cute." The girl giggled.
A dark look took over kyle's face." I don't care whoever the fuck you are but if you hurt my sister. I swear I will kill you. I will kill you all." Kyle growled loudly.
For the first time Jennifer felt like he was concerned for her. He loves her. "kyle." she whispered."U heard him bitches." Jennifer smirked.
"Okay then if you win against us in a soccer match we will free the girl." The weird guy who had kidnapped her said.
The team agreed.
During the first half of the match inazuma Japan was struggling a bit. They were trying there best. Jude ordered the team to hold back and look at the way their opponents strategize but Caleb defied him and dashed forward ."You chose the wrong girl." he snarled and kyle joined him along with archer and herley.
"we won't let you hurt our precious vise captain." Archer passed the ball to Herley.
"I will take my surfing buddy back." Herley passed the ball to kyle. "U touch my sister. U r dead." Kyle shot the ball using thunder sword and it went in.
The second half went by and inazuma Japan won by a score of 2-1. Jennifer was set free and she ran straight to kyle. Jumping in his arms.Kyle slowly caressed the back of her head ."did they hurt you?"
"No.I love you." Jennifer smiled closing her eyes.
"Who doesn't" kyle smirked making Jennifer laugh. "That sounds like something kyle argent would say."

Just on cue the other half of the inazuma Japan also reached there after rescuing sue. Mark ran to Jennifer. "Are u okay?"
"Yup." Jennifer smiled giving him a tight hug too. Mark returned the gesture sighing with relief.
"Let's go back."
"Wait I have to change"
"But you are looking hot." sue suggested .
"I know but..."
"Oh come on you have got a new sexy dress for free. If you won't keep it I will. So come on let's go back fast."
Sue dragged her out of the place.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now