the flame re ignites.

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"we are here to challenge u. We have gotten better than last time. We are the epsilon prime." Devalin told the raimon team.

They accepted his challenge and the match started. The epsilon team started dribbling. Sue and Jennifer charged forward. They got past sue but Jennifer stole the ball. She smirked. "Bring it on bitches."

Dribbling with incredible speed. She was faster than before. She was face to face with devalin. "Fire ballscrew." She shouted but devalin stopped it with drill smasher. Tch why didn't I use devils apocalypse.

Devalin passed to his forwards who used their tri combo shoot.

"Fist of justice." Mark shouted and used his new hissatsu. It was marvelous. He stopped the ball and the ball went high up in air. Jennifer ran towards it and jumped up receiving the ball on her knee.

She turned back and dashed forward. Jumping and dodging every player. Devalin smirked "she is good."
Use devils apocalypse.use devils apocalypse. "Fireball screw." Devalin used drill smasher again but this time staggered back a bit.

What the hell am I doing. She gritted her teeth. Even if I have mastered it my body is still afraid to use the move as it used to make me weak.

"U have surpassed my expectations little girl but u r still not enough." Devalin shouted. He then passed the ball to shawn. " I want u to shoot."
Shawn got the ball. "Don't let him get to u Shawn. Play ur way." Jude requested him.

Shawn's personality changed."don't worry . I will score a goal."
Oh shit! This is not good.

Shawn dribbled up the field and used eternal blizzard but devalin stopped it. Shawn again got the ball and used his hissatsu but still no benefit. When he used it for the fourth time devalin stopped it with his one hand without any hissatsu. Everyone gasped.

"That's not possible." Jennifer whispered with wide eyes.

"I was waiting eagerly for this moment and this is all u have got for me? U r of no use anymore." Devalin said to Shawn who became still like a statue for a second and in the other second 'thud' he collapsed and sat on the ground. The whole team ran towards him.

Jennifer kneeled beside him keeping one hand in his cheek making him look up. His eyes looked lifeless and dark.
"Shawn ...Shawn say something. Are u okay . shawn. Dammit say something u idiot." Jennifer shook him but received no response.

"Change players." Coach lina shouted and mark and Jude carried Shawn to the bench as Jennifer followed. Once he was on the bench Jennifer squeezed his hand. "Hang in there Pretty boy. We are winning this one." She leaned in and kissed his forehead.

The match resumed. Jennifer was Furious after all it was the second time someone dared to hurt her pretty boy. pressure of raimon increased. The epsilon was attacking with full force. Jennifer was trying her best to play forwards as well as defense but this was tiering her.

She was panting. Eric passed to her. "Jennifer only u can score now."
She nodded and shot fireball screw. I don't have enough energy for devils apocalypse now. I am useless. She growled.

"U have got nothing for me now little girl. There's no point of staying in goal now. Referee I want to change my position."

Devalin changed places with his forward.
"What?" the whole team was shocked.

"I m gonna break through ur fist of justice , Evans.". devalin challenged mark. The game resumed. Devalin got the ball. Jennifer tackled him but he was fast. Faster than any player on his team. He dodged all the players and came face to face with mark.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now