mud practice

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Axel and Austin were everyday working on their combo shoot. Shawn and Thor were also working on their combo. Jennifer was training hard than usual. Two days ago mark got a letter in his grandfather's handwriting saying "I will be waiting for u at the top." The team was confused but mark decided to let it go. Mark now knew that Axel will be leaving after the finals.
The day inazuma Japans finalists were selected which was Korea BTW, coach Travis took the team near a mud field
"U will be practicing here for the rest of the left days now" coach Travis informed the team.
"Eh! But we have to practice our new hissatsu combos coach. They are almost complete." Mark whined.
"U will do as u r told." Coach Travis said firmly. The team stared at the mud field.
My hair! My clothes. I m gonna get dirty.
Just then Axel walked to the mud with determination and his passion for football visible all over his face. Jennifer looked at him.
if this is ur last game. It is going to be the best one.
Jennifer rolled her hair into a bun. Axel started dribbling in the mud. Getting dirt all over his jersey. Jennifer followed him and stepped inside the mud. I love this game. This mud won't stop me from getting what I love.
"Hey Axel!" Jennifer asked for a pass. Axel passed the ball to her making the dirt splash up on her jersey. They both dribbled along.
"What are we waiting for c'mon guys." Jude shouted and they all entered the mud and practiced. Getting dirty , falling in the mud. It was hard playing in it but they tried their best.
After the end of practice on the third day Jennifer grinned. "I managed to keep the dirt out of my hair." Just then a ball came flying towards her it hit her back as she slipped down landing in the mud. She got up coughing the mud out as it covered her face. "WHO WAS THAT??"
"I...I am sorry" a sweat appeared on herley's forehead as a tick appeared on Jennifer's "U R DEAD U BASTARD." Jennifer ran after him.
"I said I'm sorry....please leave meeeeee." Herley ran too. The team watched this little show and laughed.
Even Axel smiled a bit. After practice Jennifer cleaned herself throughout from her hair to toe. During dinner she was sitting beside Axel who looked lost. She kept a hand on his hand which was resting on his lap giving it a light squeeze. Axel looked at her and smiled a don't worry I m good smile.
"Hey guys. After dinner why don't we gather together. We have finals tomorrow. We can chill out for sometime." Mark said the team.
"Thats a good idea mark." Jude agreed.
"Come to my room then." Jennifer told everyone and everybody nodded.
After dinner the team was sitting in Jennifer's room chit chatting and laughing. Caleb and archer didn't get much involved. Axel was spaced out for most of the time.
"Hey jenny. U still have ur guitar." Mark said looking at the guitar in a corner."play something for us. Let our new members know more about ur talents."
"Yeah sure why not." Jennifer got up and held the guitar. She looked at Axel who was looking at her, and smiled.

Her fingers started hitting the strings and she began.

Waiting for the time to pass you by
Hope the winds of change will change your mind
I could give a thousand reasons why
And I know you, and you've got to

Make it on your own, but we don't have to grow up
We can stay forever young
Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola
Underneath the rising sun
I could give a thousand reasons why
But you're going, and you know that

All you have to do is stay a minute
Just take your time
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is wait a second
Your hands on mine
The clock is ticking, so stay

All you have to do is
All you have to do is stay

Won't admit what I already know
I've never been the best at letting go
I don't wanna spend the night alone
Guess I need you, and I need to

Make it on my own, but I don't wanna grow up
We can stay forever young
Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola
Underneath the rising sun
I could give a million reasons why
But you're going, and you know that

All you have to do is stay a minute
Just take your time
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is wait a second
Your hands on mine
The clock is ticking, so stay

All you have to do is
All you have to do is stay

All you have to do is stay
So stay, yeah

All you have to do is stay a minute
Just take your time
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is wait a second
Your hands on mine
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is stay
(Song: stay)

he room was dead silent as she stopped. "Well??"
"WAAAOOOOOOWWWW" Harley shouted and the room interrupted with whistles and hooting.
"Tch.what so cool about singing a petty song."
Caleb whispered.After talking for some more time the team headed to their own dorms and slept.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now