we cant practice?

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Right now coach Travis was giving the team a heart attack.
"U have ur respective rooms. U can move in and out of the room but u won't be allowed to leave the training camp building."
"But coach we are a new team we need to practice and get our coordination right." Jude protested.
"My orders are final." Coach Travis gave a stern look to the team and walked away.

Jennifer walked to her room and dropped her body on the bed with a huff.
I want to practice. She groaned after sometime. "I can't sit here just because coach said so." She got up and opened the door of her room just to find mark , Jude , Xavier, Jordan and Nathan standing in the corridor. She smirked "ready for a sneak out?"
Mark grinned."of course".
They tip-toed downstairs only to find coach sitting near the gate.
"Where do u think u r going?" He deadpanned.

"U destroyed the previous school u coached are u planning to do the same with us?" Jude shouted.

"I won't let u disobey my orders." Was the simple reply they received before going back to their room.

Soon it was lunchtime.Jennifer was just playing around with her folk and noodles. "eat up sissy. U need to maintain ur strength." Kyle told her.
"I don't feel like eating. I haven't done any physical work. I need to do something." She groaned.
"Wanna do some physical work with me?" Caleb smirked.
Jennifer glared at him.

"Watch ur mouth asshole thats my sister u r talking to." Kyle sneered.
" He won't need to do that if I break his mouth first." Axel growled getting up but mark stopped him.

Axels getting protective for u. I can feel something ignite here.

Nelly's voice echoed in Jennifer's head.
She coughed a bit and shook her head.
"Everyone. I got something for u." Willy came running in the room.
"Oi willy. Where were ur running skills when u ACTUALLY were in the team?" Jennifer scoffed.

Nathan chuckled from beside her.
"I got the australian match video for u guys." Willy shouted.
The team sat in front of the TV as willy started the video.
The Australia team was warming up. Just as the match started the video gliched and the video changed into the Australian team playing volleyball on a beach.
The whole team dropped on the ground.
" as they are from other nation it was quiet hard to get their match video but I found a video of them playing on the beach." Willy said proudly.
"So U r useless." Camilla said innocently. Willy felt an arrow pierce through his heart as his eyeballs disappeared .
"We do have some information about the team." Silvia began.
"They have some mystery defense technique which can block out any shoot."
"That sound interesting." Jennifer smirked.

"They are called the men of ocean."
"Looks like its a fight for me." Herley smirked too
The team returned to their dorm. Jennifer looked at the soccer ball. Then a voice came from the room across her.
"I want to practice."
Jennifer opened her rooms gate and entered marks room.

"I see u r getting restless too."
"How come he expects us to not practice."
"He told us to not go out. He never told us to not practice."
"What do u mean?"
Jennifer walked to the ball and kicked it towards mark who caught it. Mark grinned " U r right."
"Come on I will shoot the ball at the wall and u catch the rebound."

They started practicing.
"U know. Herley. Got. Out. While. Coach.was. Not. Near.the.gate." mark said between the catches.
Jennifer received the ball with one leg and put it below her shoe sole.
" seriously? They got out with permission?"
"Why do I feel that this coach particularly hates the raimon players?."
Mark shrugged.

Jennifer sighed and continued their practice. After sometimes Axel and Jude came in the room too. Axel stole the ball from jenny and passed to Jude.
"Hey! Cheater." Jennifer pouted.
"I see u guy couldn't control urself after all." Jude smiled.
The quadro sat on the ground in a circle.
"so what do u guys think of the coach?" Jude asked.
"He is definitely fishy." Mark said thinking.
"My opinion remains the same. I think he is a good coach. We are just not used to his way of training." Jennifer leaned back on the bed.
"What makes u believe him so much?" Axel asked her.
"I don't know. Its just the determination I see in his eyes. Last time I told u that the aliea kids are not aliens. U didnt believed me and I was right after all so...."
"Just because u were right that one time doesn't mean u r right now."Axel said calmly.
"What do u mean? I m always right." Jennifer rolled her eyes.
"Oh no u r not." Axel disagreed.
"Can u just shut up.Mr arrogant?"
"Why don't u try doing that for once."
"Now u r getting on my nerve."
Mark and Jude sweat dropped.
"Don't start right now guys." Jude sighed.
Both Axel and Jennifer turned their heads to opposite side.
"As long as he is not kicking us out of the team I think I m fine with him." Mark said.
"Oh shit!" Jennifer slapped her forehead.
"What happened?"
"Coach had told me to apologize to Caleb for talking rudely to him the other day or he will kick me out." Jennifer was exasperated.
"U don't need to apologize to that jerk" Jude scoffed.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now