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Jennifer returned to the lodge and found her team in the cafeteria waiting for dinner. She made her way to her usual spot between mark and Jude.
"U look happy." Jude smirked.
"And red." Mark added.
Jennifer shrugged with a smile. " I finally proposed the guy I was in love with for so long. I am obviously happy and red."
"Never knew u had a thing for Eric." Xavier said resting his cheek on his palm.
"It's complicated."
The managers came in with the dinner. Celia squealed looking at Jennifer. "That was so cute Jennyyy!!."
Jennifer laughed. Silvia put a hand on her shoulder."I am happy for u guys. Keep Eric happy and stay happy."
Jennifer nodded.
Kyle stood behind her and ruffled her hair. "U made that guy work his ass off before he got u."
"U don't look offended like usual." Jennifer raised her eyes at kyle.
"I have known eagle for long enough to know that he won't hurt u."
After dinner Jennifer was in her room sitting on her window and staring at the moon. The nightmare replayed in her head. I'll have to be careful.
She heard a knock on the door. "Door's open. Come in."
Axel appeared on the doorway with his hands in his pocket. "Hey there."
"Oh Axel come in." She got down from the window.
"thank you. I was going to talk to u. Listen. I know I told u I like u just a few weeks ago and now this. I don't want to leave a bad impression on u. I wanted to say that I did like u but I always had feelings for Eric its just I never thought we could ever be together for a stupid reason well....I am sorry."
"U don't need to explain yourself. Especially when ur explaination is so confusing." Axel smiled as jennifer did the same."U r a wonderful girl jenny. I am glad that I get to play with u and fight with u." His expression was soft and the moonlight in his face complimented his features.
He stepped forward taking his hand out of his pocket with a box closed in his fist. "Here." He handed her the box.
Jennifer frowned. "What's this?" She opened the box only to find a beautiful ring inside . It had an infinity sign.

 It had an infinity sign

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Jennifer gapped at it. "That's so beautiful. Bu....but I can't take it Axel. It must me costly."
"U are worth it." Axel smiled cocking his head to the side so he can see her better.
Conscience: and he decides to become so cute when u are finally in a relationship. Ask him why this special gift?
"Why are u giving me this."
"Just a small congratulations gift." Axel shrugged breaking their eye contact.
"U r lying."
"What ?nope. I am not."
"U didnt know that I was going to propose Eric today and after the match u returned straight to the lodge with everyone. I know that. There are no jewelry shops nearby. They are only in central area which takes approx two hours to reach from the lodge or the stadium. I just stayed in stadium with Eric for an hour and when I returned u were there in cafeteria. U didn't have anytime to buy it today. Ergo u r lying."
"U should have been a detective." Axel laughed but it wasn't his usual happy happy laugh which he shows very rarely.
"I bought that ring yesterday."
"I was going to propose u today."
this made Jennifer's mouth hang open with her eyes wide.
"Because I thought u like me."
"And I thought u don't like me." Jennifer looked at the ground with sad eyes. She was feeling guilty because she knew she had hurt his feelings. Axel lifted face up by holding her chin. "U don't need to feel sad or guilty. Its my fault I took too much time to sort myself. Just wear that ring for me. That infinity shows our always and forever. If not as boyfriend and girlfriend then as friends."
He leaned in. Jennifer became stiff. IS HE KISSING ME? NO STOP. "Axel?" She whispered. Axel didn't stop and leaned in closer and kissed her forehead. She sighed with relief and closed her eyes. The guilt inside her building a heavy weight on her heart. Axel took a step back and smirked. "Plus Mr arrogant sounds way better than baby. Baby suits Eric better."
Jennifer chuckled. "Yeah u r not baby  type."
Axel started heading out.
"Oi Mr. Arrogant. I am never taking out this ring. And u better start working ur ass off. We need to win against Italy."
"sure we do." Axel laughed exiting the room.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now