so this is the farewell?

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"We.....we won." Jennifer jumped punching the air. Mark tackled her along with Axel and Shawn. Then the whole team followed. "Weeeee ddiiidddd iiiittttt." As the raimon was busy celebrating their victory, the taste of defeat was bitter for the Genesis. Bellatrix fell on her knees crying. "I wanted to make father proud."

Suddenly astrum appeared on the field.
"I m sorry children. I am sorry lina. I guess I was blinded by the power of aliea rock. It was so wrong of me to use children as a weapon.

Bellatrix stood up with a scary and furios look on her face. "We sacrificed everything for u. We did everything u asked us to do and now u r backing up?? U COWARD" Bella roared loudly kicking the ball at astrum but Xavier came in front of the ball right in time and took the shot for father. He squeezed his eyes shut blocking the shoot with her body but then he fell down.

"XAVIER!" Jennifer shouted and ran to him. "C'mon Xavier.Get up. Are u okay?" She panicked shaking him. Tears filled her eyes. "Xavier wake up please."
"Why did u do that? He betrayed us. Why are u siding with him?" Bella asked.

Xavier grunted a little. He looked up at Allison and gave her a faint smile. Jennifer sighed with relief. He slowly got up. "I know how you feel Bella. I also feel betrayed and angry but look we have been calling this man father.

Dosent that word mean anything to u? I know he is not my real father. I m not as deluded as that and I remember that Xavier is not my real name. I remember Xavier Schiller who died in an accident a few years ago but I don't care about that at all. Even if he is seeing his son and not me it dosent matter because I remember how happy we used to get when he used to come to our orphanage. It used to be like christmas."

Memories flashed back in Jennifer's eyes. Once she also thought of this man as her farther. He loved her so much, he cared for her like her own daughter.
"Then after Allison went away I remember how I felt. I was broken. U used to make me feel home alli." Xavier glanced at her. Jennifer looked down feeling guilty.

"Father was the one who comforted me after that. His presence gave me warmth. It doesn't matter that we lost today. What matters is that u r the only father we have."

"I m moved that u think so highly of me Xavier but I m a bad person." Astrum passed the ball to Bellatrix and stood in front of her. "kick the ball at me Bella. I deserve it."

It looked like Bellatrix will kick the ball again but she fell down. "I cant .Xavier is right. U r the only father we have."
Jennifer walked to astrum and looked straight in his eyes. She was silent for some second.
"I am sorry Alli....."

Jennifer shook her head harshly "no I am sry....father. I shouldn't have ran away. I should been there to comfort u after Xavier's death. I should have told u that u are wrong but I was scared. I was so scared." Tears steamed down her face.
"Don't cry my child." Astrum wiped her tears. "I remember an Allison who never used to Cry. U were the strongest of all."
Just then detective came in.

"I think u should start spilling the beans astrum"
"Yes I will tell u the truth. My son Xavier Schiller was an amazing soccer player. But when I sent him over seas to study soccer he met a mysterious car accident. The accident involved a government official so the case was closed without proper investigation. I was furious. I decided to avenge my son so I started training these children in soccer.

Allison was excellent player. She was a natural. One day I saw her glowing. Later I found out that she had some special powers I decided to use it but lina was against it so she sent Jennifer away. Then one day I found the aliea rock and u know the rest."

Suddenly the bulding started shaking. it was getting destroyed. Mr veteran appeared with the caravan. Everyone started running towards it but Jennifer noticed that the bracelet which lina gave to her was missing. She stopped and started looking around. Xavier ran back to her "what are u doing ?"

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now