royal redux

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The caravan was on their way to inazuma to practice for their next match with epsilon . scotty being his usual playful self was pranking and disturbing everyone getting scolded by celia
"Hey celia stop scolding him for everything. I m with u scotty." Jennifer winked giving scotty a high five."By the way. U r going to be a good mother." Jennifer teased her.

"And u will spoil ur kid." Celia teased her back. Coach lina got a mail. "I got a mail from seamore. He says that ray dark is out of locker and is building royal academy again named royal academy redux."

Jude's eyes widened and he clenched his fist.

"Let's go there then." Mark said and the caravan headed to the direction in the mail. On the way the team told tori Shawn and Scotty about ray dark and his connection with Jude. The caravan stopped near a small shopping mart to rest for sometimes. Jennifer was inside searching for latte when her phone started ringing. She sighed and picked it up seeing it was mark.

"Yeah let me guess we have a problem. I am coming wait."

She disconnected the call and walked out with her latte. She saw a mawhawk haircut guy with an orange lighting tattoo on his head.

Who gets a tattoo on head?
He started speaking. "I know u. U r Jude sharp. We have some guests waiting for u at royals."

The guy's back was facing Jennifer. She stopped in track listening to what he was saying and also observing Jude's angered and furious expression.

"What do u mean?"
"They are ur ex teammates. U wanna meet them?"

"No they can't be. Everyone saw what a dirty guy ray dark was. No one will ever join him again."

"I would preffer the word asshole for ....ray...dark." She trailed of at the end when she saw everyone shooting daggers at her with their eyes.

The mawhawk guy whose name Jennifer later learnt was Caleb stonewall looked at her. "U r on this team cutie?" He smirked.

"Why dont u focus at Jude right now?" Jennifer replied with irritation.
"So Jude, coming?" He smirked again.
The caravan headed towards a dock. Everyone got out when Caleb told them this was the place.

"Wait there's no school. Its just the ocean?" mark said.
"Ray dark is building a team of fishes?" Jennifer scoffed.

"Have patience and look again."
As she turned around a big submarine like thing came out of the water. It was the royal academy redux.
"Holy fucking shit." Jennifer cussed.
Stairs came out of the submarine. And ray dark was standing at its door.
"What are u doing this time ray dark." Jude shouted.

"Its a shame u don't call me master now. U would have known my plan Jude if u wouldn't have run away from royal."
Ray dark started walking inside. Jude ran after him. So did jenny and mark. When tori tried to follow them Caleb stood in front of her. "Give them space girl. Its gonna be one hell of a reunion." And there was that smirk again.

"But u didn't stop Jennifer or mark?"
"They both are close to him. Jude won't mind crying and wailing like a baby in front of them. Plus that girls kinda hot. I don't mind being around her." Caleb went inside too.

"I don't like this guy." Tori growled

"What's with every new guy flirting with Jennifer. " Eric whispered.

The three teenagers stopped in mid of a soccer field. "Be ready to meet ur ex teammates who came running to me and begging like dogs to take them back."
Jude , Jennifer and mark looked up to find David and Joe standing on pillars looking like wild maniacs. They jumped down. "Hey there Jude, mark and Jennifer." David said. "How are u guys?"
"Why? Why are u doing this?" Jude asked them.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now