find a new coach

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The mood in the clubroom had dropped drastically. Lack of coach was a major problem for them.
Steve suggested the players to ask the athletics club advisor.

"U know what lets leave it to Nelly raimon. We wouldn't have been in so much trouble if she wouldn't have fired our coach in first place."

"If she wouldn't have done that we all would have been in the hospital by now" jennifer backed her up. Nelly smiled at her slightly.

"easy now .we shouldn't jump to any conclusions yet. It was Mrs raimon ur poor judgment of not trying to at least find a new coach before firing the  previous one that led us to this crisis." Willy said.

"This talk isn't going to get us anywhere . everybody split up and find a coach."mark shouted annoyed.
"But it can't be anyone right? We need someone who will help us win the match against royal."Nathan said thinking.

"hey mark that guy at the noodle shop knew your grandfather right? Maybe he also plays soccer? Shall we ask him" axel spoke up.

"U r brilliant Axel." Mark shouted"let's go"
Soon they were standing in front of that noodle shop cook. "We want u to be our coach"they all chorused together. But straight away denied.The whole team was also thrown out of the Shop.
They all went to the riverbank to practice. Steve and Nathan were going one on one. Nathan passed Steve and passed the ball to jack who was just sitting there. As the hit jack he waved like a pudding.

"What the fuck Jack??"mark scolded him. "We are playing a game here"Steve joined in.
"I don't see the point of practicing. how hard we practice but if we don't have a coach its of no use." he mumbled.
"Don't worry big guy I m sure we will get a coach any minute now."

"But can u promise that? Can u really promise that??" Jack asked and suddenly held mark tightly. "Leave me jack." Mark tried to free himself but jack held his jersey. Seeing this little display all the team members smiled. Even Jennifer smiled. It was a real genuine smile. "Holy shit jenny did u just smile?" Nathan asked her.Jennifer looked at her realizing what she was doing.

"Holy fuck Nathan did u just cuss??" She replied changing that smile into a smirk.
"damn ur friendship is affecting me." He grinned.

"And so is yours".

Bobby started looking around and his eyes fell on a certain guy standing on the bridge and witnessing this whole scene.
Jude never had this type of friends. Just like Jennifer. If we come to think of it Jude was in many ways similar to jenny.An orphan , cold and ghosted from any affection or real friendship.

"Jude" bobby exclaimed. Mark ran up to him. Jenny noticed Celia becoming uncomfortable."I m sry for Mr wittersky and bobby." Jude apologized ."oh its totally okay. U did nothing big. U guys just tried to kill us. its no big deal."jennifer shouted

.Jude flinched at her words."jenny not now."mark shouted back at her. She just twisted her mouth to the side and rolled her eyes."sry for that."Mark spoke."no u don't have to apologize. Its okay she hates me."

"Nah! She dosent hate u . she talks to everyone like that."mark chuckled"and about bobby he really loves soccer and is passionate for it so don't apologize."
"I m really envious to u guys." Jude said smiling a bit.

Jennifer tilted her head ."did he smile?" She whispered."not everyone is jennifer argent". Axel teased her. Celia's uncomfortable expression was really bothering jenny . she held her wrist and dragged her to the side."what is it?" She asked her."eh? What ?"Celia asked showing confusing.
"u know Jude don't u ?? "
"Don't even try to deny it."
"I don't know what u r talking about."Celia turned her head to the side.
Seeing her worried expression Jennifer's expressions softened. "Hey listen to me."jennifer spoke softly. Celia turned her head back." I know we don't know each other much but talking to others about what's bothering u provides relief. Trust me. I m speaking from experience. I m not saying u have to tell it to me. But try talking to Silvia or anyone and just so u know I m a good listener and secret keeper." Jennifer winked at her and smiled.

There was something about her smile that made cilia calm and persuaded her to speak . "he is my brother." She spoke.
"What? That dre- jude is your brother?? But ur title is hale and he is I guess sharp right??"
"Yeah. We both are orphans. We got adopted by different families. After that he broke every connection with me. Every single one. Its like I m not his sister anymore. He dosent love me anymore. I miss him."tears appeared on the side of celia's eyes .

jennifer wiped her tears and said"I need to talk to him . NOW."
"no no no u cant" Celia panicked.
"I m sry Celia but I m not letting this go away." Jennifer knew exactly what it felt like when u r ghosted by a sibling or by a person who was same as a sibling for u after u r adopted. She ran to mark. "Where's jude?"
"He went away."
"I'll be back before practice ends."
"Where are u....huh I will never understand her." Mark shook his head seeing her run crossing the bridge. After a minute she saw Jude and caught up to him."hey jude".she shouted."/He stopped and turned around.
"Let me breathe first.... This is going to be long"she panted for few seconds. "What's wrong with u?"she continued.
"Why did u break all ties with Celia.??"
Jude was surprised for a second.
"Thats none of ur business."

She held his arm and turned him around." I don't care. Celia is ur sister and my manager and friend."
Jude yanked his hand from her grip."leave me alone"

"she misses u" Jennifer spoke softly.
This made Jude stop. He closed his eyes shut and reopened them"I dont Care"
"Really thats all u have to say?? U don't care?? Do u even know how lucky u r? Even after being an orphan u have someone u can call your real family . ur own blood and u just decide u dont need it anymore? How can u do that to her? How can u do that to yourself??Not everybody is that lucky, remember it."

"What do u know about being an orphan? U have loving parents and a brother."

"Brush up your stalking skills mister. They adopted me . I don't have a family. My parents gave me up just a week after I was born and the worst part is they didnt even have a reason. They just decided they don't need me."
Jude knew nothing about this. He truly felt sorry for the girl.

"I was all alone at that orphanage. There was just one person whom I considered as my elder sister but she did the same thing as u . she broke all her connection with me as soon as I got adopted. For weeks I thought I had no one. The argent family was new for me. I was so scared. U did the same with Celia."

"I told u I don't care. I don't have anything else to say."

Jennifer sighed "u r an ass". She turned to leave but stopped and looked over her shoulder."I hate that women I used to call elder sister once. U r lucky Celia dosent hate u" with that she went away.
Her words echoed in Jude's head "u r lucky Celia dosent hate u". He shook his head and started walking towards his home.

Jennifer reached the practice ground
"Where did u go?"Nathan asked her.
"We need to find a coach fast . I really need to kick royals ass real hard." Jennifer growled

"Don't tell me u fought with Jude."
"Nope we had a civil conversation like the mature human beings we are."
"I doubt that"

The next day at cubroom mark came in with the noodle guy."presenting our new coach. "He said and smiled. so he finally convinced him. Thats like mark.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now