austin's secret

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The next day coach Travis gathered the whole team to announce the opponents of their next match. It was the desert lions. They were famous for their everlasting stamina and strength. After this getting information the team was huddled up in the cafeteria.
"Why do we have to play against a team with stamina? My level of stamina sucks." Jennifer groaned.
"Now how do we train to work on our stamina?" Mark asked.
"By running of course. We run and run and run and when we are done our thighs will be of steel." Herley suggested getting up.
The team agreed.
Just then Austin got up to leave.
"Sorry I have to leave early again guys. I will see u tomorrow." He bowed down and went out.
"Why is he always leaving in mid practice?" Xavier asked.
"Yeah thats not good." Mark nodded.
"Its disturbing the teams unity and morale. I will look into this matter." Willy said with his inner detective coming out.
"I will join u too." Celia shouted from behind her."c'mon Silvia we are going to spy on him." She dragged Silvia with her.
The team went out to practice. They ran and ran and ran for hours. Finally when they were done all of them fell down on ground.
"My legs have gone numb." Kyle groaned.
"I can't feel my legs.". jack joined him. Mark noticed that Jordan hadn't stopped running. "Hey Jordan. Its done u can stop." Mark shouted after him but he didn't reply.
"Its so hot out here. I wanna tear my clothes down." Jennifer lied on the ground.
"want some help doing it?"xavier chuckled.
She glared at him.
" Pervert."
After cooling down mark and Jennifer were headed for the gate where they found Silvia. "Hey mark we found where Austin goes." She told them.
"Take me there."
"I will go too."
"I am coming as well." Axel appeared behind them.
"Why u?" Jennifer asked.
"I m actually quiet interested."
The trio and Silvia started heading to the place Silvia was directing them too. They met Cami on the way. "Hey Cami." Mark stopped her.
"Oh hey guys where are u going?" She replied with another question.
"We were just going to see where Austin goes leaving our practice in between."
Suddenly a wierd looking guy came in front of them on a equally weird bike.
"Hey there pretty ladies what are u doing hanging with these geeks. Why don't u come with us?we can hang out together. It will be fun" he said with a teasing tone
"U know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself." Jennifer scoffed.
"A fiesty one I see." The guy smirked.
"C'mon we shouldn't get involved." Mark whispered to Jennifer then stepped up."we are in a hurry. We need to go."
They started walking from beside him but that guy held Jennifer's and cami's wrist.
"Where are u going girls"
"Get ur hands off them" axels sneered.
"who are u to interrupt?"
"Leave us u filthy bastard." Jennifer hissed.
"get away from them." Came a voice from behind the guy. He turned around to find archer standing behind him.
The guy left their hand and Cami ran to Silvia as Silvia hugged her. Jennifer rubbef her wrist lightly. "U okay?" Axel gave her a concerned look. She nodded.

"What are u doing?" The guys asked archer.
"I would like to ask what u r doing? Have u forgotten our agreement?"
"Easy now archer. Have u forgotten u r not our leader anymore."
"So what does that mean that u r their leader now, felix?what happened to Justin?"
"He got a little arrogant so we had to throw him of the GRP with a little scar or two."
Archer's face contracted in an furious way.
"Go get him." the guy Felix ordered his side kicks. The side kicks who looker like they didn't want to do it ran towards him. Archer swung his leg a a gust of air appeared throwing the three goons back.
Felix stepped forward to punch archer but mark ran in front of him. "He is on my team. He is an important piece of merchendise. U wanna punch someone then punch me."
"But captain..." Archer said from behind mark.
"That goes for u too archer. U wanna fight him u have to go through me."
Felix sat on his bike. "Way to ruin the mood. I will leave u girls alone for now. But I will remember this archer." And with that he rided away.
"Sometimes the past really comes back to haunt you." Archer said in a low voice.
"What happened archer?" Mark asked him.
"Its a long story captain. Its better left in the past."
"okay no problem." Mark smiled at him as archer walked away.
"I wonder what's the matter with him." Jennifer mumbled.
"I feel kinda mean saying it buts its better we don't get involved to much with him." Mark said.
"I will disagree. As his teammates I think it is our job to get to know him. Whatever he has done may be hard to talk about but its our Job to make him open up." Axel said smiling at his captain."u r the one who taught this to me mark."
Jennifer looked at Axel . He is so mature. she smiled lightly as a warm feeling endured he heart.
The players went back on their way to Austins secret place. Cami decided to come with them.
"This is it?" Jennifer looked up at the board hanging in front of the buildings gate. "The tiger place restaurant?"
"If he was hungry he could have just eaten at the cafeteria." mark said thinking.
"I think thats hardly the case mark." Jennifer shook her head. Just then a cute girl with a high ponytail and a bow walked behind them." How can I help u?" She said sweetly.
"We are Austins teammate. We want to talk to him." Mark explained to the girl.
On the cue Austin appeared on the gate with a heavy lunch box.
"U guys? I have to go to deliver this. I will talk then." He took off.
The team sat inside the restaurant. Austins mom was inside. The girl was apparantly Austin's elder sister Rachel. " Austin and Rachel have to take care of this restaurant. Rachel takes care of the lunch boxes while austin does the delivery."
"After all that practice? He must be getting exhausted."
"I feel really guilt that they have to do so much work because of my health problem."
"C'mon mom. We have to help till we can right?" Rachel smiled.
Austin came in after the delivery. "What are u doinng down here mom? U should go and rest."
"Sorry honey. I will go soon."
"Austin Hobbes." mark shouted. Austin turned around in an attention pose. "Y....yes captain?"
"Why didnt us tell me about ur mom?"
Mark got up and took the other lunch box. "I will deliver this one. And he ran out.
"Does he know the delivering address?" Jennifer asked. Mark suddenly returned back. "Where am I taking It again?" He said sheepishly.
"Why dont we help u today?" Jennifer asked Rachel.
"U will?"
"Yeah sure why not." So the girls wore their apron while the boys got ready to deliver the lunch boxes. The restaurant was opened and customers started filling in.
"One ham cheese sandwich please."
"On the way sir."
"One noodle stew."
"Beacon and scrambled eggs."
"Chilli Garlic noodles".
Silvia and cami were taking the orders and serving the food while Jennifer and Rachel were cooking.
"U know Austin really respects and admires u." Rachel said to Jennifer while she was tossing the vegetables.
"Really? He ever talked about me?"
"Yeah just yesterday after ur first match he came home and started rambling on about how good u r and how intelligent u r. He was so happy that u complimented him." the girls chuckled.
"he is such a sweet guy. Let me tell u. He is better at soccer than me. He totally rocked it in our match."
"Really? Thats good. He was talking so much about u that mom teased him. 'Looks like u want to marry her.'
And he replied. 'I can't. She is senior than me but I can tell that I want my wife to be just like her while I will be like Axel' we laughed so hard at that."
"He wants to be like Axel?"
"Yeah Axel is his idol."
"Nice choice Axel is an excellent player."
"I ship u and Axel."
Jennifer huffed. "U r not the only one but its not gonna happen."
"Why u have someone in ur life?"
"Nope. I would have had a certain someone but It got complicated." Jennifer said thinking about Shawn.
"U mean the grey hair guy?"
"How do u know"
"Its just he keeps staring at u whenever u guys play." Rachel giggled.
"Does he now? We have been a bit distant lately."
"Ohkay. He is cute too though. He has a charming face"
"He can litteraly make any girl go head over heels if he tries."
The rest of the the time went by with the restaurant flooding with people. Soon it was night and the players returned to practice center.

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