Inazuma drop

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"U r really late Jenny" jenny's mom scolded her."I m sorry mom. I was practicing."she sighed.

The next day Axel and jack were practicing their individual jumping skills. Axel was perfectly reaching the ribbon tied on the tower but jack was having a hard time reaching it and an even harder time landing. "Okay jacks landing isn't great yet but his jump height is getting better. Now let's try the inazuma drop." Said mark.

Axel and jack both jumped up but jacks balance got misplaced and he fell on his back making Axel stagger too."what the heck!What's wrong?" Axel asked.
"U had the first part down completely".
"Its the height.I have got a bit of problem with heights".

"What" Nathan ,Kevin,max,Jim and Sam sweat dropped.

"Why didn't u tell us that earlier?"Jim asked.

"U close your eyes when u r up. It throws your balance off."

"Well that explains why ur landings are so bad."

"Why don't u try focusing on Axel when u r up there. This way u won't feel the height."Jennifer suggested.
"Yeah I can try that." But he failed again."I don't know why I keep looking down."

"I guess u r the only one here who is expert at focusing on Axel, ~Jenny~."came a snicker.
She whipped her head to find kyle leaning on a tree sideways with his hands in his pocket.Jennifer rolled her eyes."bitch".

"Who's that?" Mark asked.
"My pain in the ass brother. dont mind him." Jennifer said walking towards him."what are u doing here?".

"I was getting bored at house so I thought why not come and help u guys."
"No one needs ur help. Go away."
"Hey no need to be rude."

mark came forward with his hand extended "nice to meet u. I m mark." Kyle shook his hand."I know, I m kyle argent."

"C'Mon let's try the inazuma drop once again." Jennifer interrupted their bonding time. The try was once again a failure."oh dear!oh dear!" Again came a voice from beside the tree.Jennifer internally groaned.what's with people popping up in between our practice today. She turned to find Nelly raimon."u r not getting through ur first game in that condition.I went through all that trouble to find that notebook for u and now u r just letting it go to waste.

"What's with the negativity. I know jack and Axel can perfect this move. They only need some time to get there.thats it."mark rebelled.

"Keep trying" with that Nelly went away.
"Why don't u try standing on a swimming board for practice and to remove the fear of height."kyle suggested.
"Great idea" mark hyped up.

"I can get u guys a low swimming board , come with me"

With that they went off but jack was afraid of the lowest swimming board too, heck he was afraid even of a slide. At the end of the day every effort was a failure. Next day everybody was practicing hard by the river bank. Jennifer made a hard shoot which mark caught but slided back and touched the goal line. "That was a hard one jenny. U r strong."mark complimented her.Jennifer smirked.

Axel and jack kept on trying inazuma drop but failed every single time because of jack's fear. After practice Jennifer was returning home when she saw axel practice alone with a wooden plank. "Oi Mr.arrogant are u seriously trying to die before the match?"

"Practicing won't kill me" he said and continued.She sighed and dropped her bag." What are u doing?" Axel tilted his head."planning on stealing ur title as the ace striker." Jennifer replied jumping but she fell on her butt as she was not able to jump high enough. "That was bad."she whispered."I m not giving up that title so easily."axel said "who said u r going to give up that title. U r going to loose that title.".jenny smirked.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now