becoming the wind

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The next day the team started practicing with Shawn. He changed back to orange eye , spiky hair and raspy voice. He was faster than all the players at raimon. "C'mon its like u guys are standing still. Speed up snails" he mocked them.
"He is getting on my nerves" Jennifer whispered and ran to Shawn doing a one on one. Left right left right and Jennifer stole the ball. "Speed up snail." She mimicked him.

"Don't get cocky babe" Shawn smirked and in a second he was in front of Jennifer and in the other second he already had the ball. He dribbled up the field. Jude and Eric asked for pass but he ignored them.

"Hey what are u doing?" Kevin shouted making him stop. "Jude and Eric were asking u for pass . Can't u hear them?" He scolded him. Shawn got back to his grey eye self and said. "But thats how I play."
"Thats not how ur new team plays." Kevin exploded with anger.
"U guys play like turtles." Shawn shrugged and said with a very sweet and innocent tone.

"What did u just say?" Tod and jack held Kevin back as he tried to hit Shawn.
"He is right Kevin. We will have to get faster if we want to win." Nathan said with a sad look on his face.
"U will have to become the wind." Shawn said.

"Mind explaining that sentence pretty boy?" Jennifer asked folding her arms over her chest.
"I can't explain it come with me." The team followed him and he took them to a skiing spot which looked like a upside down tunnel. Next Shawn appeared in a skateboard along with helmet and knee and elbow guard.

He started skiing. He was very fast.
"Just look at him." Jennifer pointed. " he seems almost flawless."
"He does" mark nodded. Then the alpine kids started rolling boulders down at him and Shawn gracefully dodged them.
Jude turned his head to the side seeing Jennifer stare at Shawn in awe. "U r staring."

"Oh I didnt know that." Jennifer replied with sarcasm, turning her face too. On seeing the judging look on Jude's face she shrugged."I m a teenage girl in her age of adolescence. I am allowed to stare at guys."

Jude chuckled and turned back to Shawn. One boulder rolled up the slope taking down willy and Tod with it but as it hit the ground some ice fell of the trees and Shawn again scooted down shivering with fear. Jennifer frowned and looked up at the trees then back at Shawn. "U okay there pretty boy?"

"Yeah I m fine." He shouted back.
The whole raimon team started getting prepared for skateboarding. Jennifer tied her shoes of skateboard but was not able to get up. Shawn came offering his hand to her. She took it and Shawn dragged her up making her Stand a bit too close to him. "U look even cuter up close." He smiled with closed eyes. Jennifer shuffled backwards  blushing a little. "U flirt too much." She rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't flirting. I was just stating what I thought." Again that innocent sweet smile.

A bit away from them Jude , Eric , Nathan and tori were witnessing this.
"if he doesn't stop flirting with her I will join forces with Kevin and kick him out." Eric squinted folding his arms.
"I m with u bro." Nathan said.
Tori and Jude looked at each other.
"I don't know. They will look cute together." Tori said earning a glare from Eric and Nathan.

Tori sighed. "Boys".
The team Practiced skate boarding. Jennifer had did it before so she was having less hard time than others.
They continued for the whole day getting better at it. At dinner time all of them were tired and hungry not to mention disappointed when they saw the amount of food they got. "We are getting more right?" Jennifer asked.

"Nope." Nelly replied and gave a lecture on how coach wanted them to be fit .
Jennifer groaned.

The team practiced skiing for 2-3 days becoming experts at it and becoming visibly faster than before.
Finally it was the day of match with Gemini storm.

They arrived at alpine. Their captain rieze looked at raimon and asked. "What are u doing here again?"
"We are here to play the match against u." Mark explained.

"Seems like learning ability of earthlings are even lesser than we thought. U guys have lost from us twice. What's the point of fighting again?" Rieze smirked.
" Seems like ur thinking ability doesn't exist. Don't u think we would challenge u thrice only if we are sure that we have improved." Jennifer winked at rieze.

Coach again gave a twisted order making Shawn go back at defence and making Jennifer sit out in the first half.
First some players protested but mark convinced them to listen to the coach.
The match started. Jennifer sighed. "Why am I on the bench again?" She asked coach Lina.

"I will leave it on u to figure out."
Kevin started dribbling but the ball got stolen from him. Rieze got the ball and headed towards mark but Shawn stole the ball from him using   ice ground. Raimon was in much better condition than before. They were easily stealing the ball but while observing Jennifer was able to make out some mistakes that they were doing and some loopholes in Gemini's plays too.

Rieze got the ball and he shot his previous hissatsu. It again broke through the wall and the tower. Mark used blazing knuckles but the ball went in along with mark. The first half ended there. The team came to the bench. "Good going guys." Jennifer smiled at them.

"Shawn move to forward in second half and Jennifer u r in."
"Hai" both Jennifer and Shawn said .
"I get it. We were concentrating on defense in first half so that we can get used to their plays." Jude explained.
The team started heading back to the ground.

"Jennifer" coach called.
Jennifer turned around.
"I don't want u to concentrate on shooting today. U r going to make the team play. Instruct them."
Jennifer nodded.
The second half started. Nathan had the ball and was about to pass to jude when Jennifer shouted. "No Nathan. Pass it to Tori. "

Nathan gave her a confused look but passed it to tori anyway. As Jude turned around he found an alien guy just in front of him. 'if Nathan would have passed to me , the ball would have got stolen' Jude thought and smirked 'nice work argent.

The game continued with Jennifer giving instructions. When ball came in Shawn's position he became orange eye guy and started charging forward alone but failed everytime. Finally he passed the ball to Kevin who used a new hissatsu winder crash and scored a goal. Then Jennifer got the ball. She dodged three players and passed the ball to Shawn "here u go pretty boy."

Shawn used eternal blizzard and scored. Just then the whistle blew and raimon won by 2-1. Jennifer stood still. Eric and Bobby came tackling her followed by mark.

"We won." Mark shouted shaking her.  She suddenly bursted out. "WE DID ITTTTTTT."

Everyone was cheering with joy. A smirke on Jennifer's face. She walked to rieze. "Hey alien guy. It was nice meeting u. Sort of . Actually, it was a rather mediocre experience but anyway nice match." She extended her arm but rieze was looking disturbed and shocked.

He didn't move an inch. Jennifer shrugged and walked away to call her parents. "Hey I m not getting network. I'll be back in a minute." She informed mark and started walking away with her phone out searching for network. She finally got it behind the alpine building. She called Kyle.

As he picked up she shouted. "Kyle we..."
"Won. I know. I was watching ur match on TV. Mom and dad have gone insane with happiness. They just rushed out to buy gifts for u."
Jennifer sweat dropped.
"Why are they always so dramatic. Hold on mark is calling."

She put Kyle's call on hold and picked mark's call. "Jenny we have a little problem over here."

"Typical Tuesday ." She sighed and hung his call.

"Kyle I guess those gifts will have to wait for sometime. We have another problem". Before Kyle could reply Jennifer disconnected and ran to the field. There were a bunch of weird looking people in weird dress again.
Jennifer ran to Jude. "Did rieze and his team get a makeover in last five minutes?" She asked.

"That's not Gemini storm. Its a new alien team." Jude whispered.
Soon the new team started disappearing.
"Damn dude at least rieze was hot."
Jude again gave her a judging look.
"sort of . .....A girl can't state her opinion here"

The raimon team went inside the caravan and headed out of Hokkaido with a new member Shawn frost.

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