the selection match

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That day during dusk Nelly met with Silvia , mark and Jennifer and informed them that she was going overseas to study. "U r leaving before the big match?" Silvia asked her .
"Yes. I really hope I could see that match."
"But u will come to cheer in our international matches right?"
"Yes Jennifer of course I will." Nelly faintly smiles. Jennifer gave her a hug.
"Take care of the team and mark for me."
Jennifer nodded.

Time skip(match day)
Both the teams gathered around the field. Jude's team gathered around him putting hands on eachother's shoulder and bending down.
"We may be rivals earlier but we are teammates today so let's put aside our difference and win this game." Jude said.
"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.
Jennifer glanced at Austin who was standing beside her. Austin looked up at her. He was sweating from nervousness.
She gave him a warm smile. "Don't worry kid. If u play with all ur potential u will be selected."
Austin nodded at her smiling a bit.
Jennifer ran to the field.
The match began.
Time skip(end of match) {the lazy me just came out.😅}

Everyone was lying on the ground and panting.  coach seamore Hilman walked upto them with another man. The team gathered in a straight line.
"Cami's father?" Mark whispered.
"U know that man?" Jennifer asked whispering back.
Mark nodded.
"Okay kids. Meet the coach of inazuma Japan." Coach seamore introduced the man.
"But why are u not our coach?."
"I m sure he will be able to bring out ur capabilities alot better than me."
"My name is percivial Travis. I will be your coach. Now let me announce the names of the representatives who are chosen." The new coach began. Jennifer bit her lower lip with nervousness.
Jennifer looked up at his brother giving him a thumbs up.
MARK EVANS and lastly
Jenny smiled widely. Those who were not selected were obviously disappointed but they came to congratulate the chosen ones.

"Those of u who are chosen have the responsibility to carry the feelings of those who are not chosen along with u."
With that coach Travis and coach seamore went away.
Soon the only ones left in the field were the representative of inazuma Japan.
They gathered around in a circle putting their hands around eachothers shoulder and bending down.
"We made it in. Now let's take down the world." Mark shouted.

Jennifer and kyle returned home to take their stuff as they were going to stay in the training camp.
"We won't be returning for long mom."Jennifer told her mother.
Her mother sighed."Since we came to Japan we are not getting much time to spend together."
"Don't worry mom we can go on a long vacation when I return." She smiled sadly.  Her mom gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"That's not fair. I m going away too. No one is saying they will miss me."kyle pouted.
Both Jennifer and her mom laughed. Jacy (their mother.) Placed a kiss on kyles forehead too. "I will miss u too son."
The siblings returned to the school.

The team gathered in the field. Coach Travis was already there.
"U guys will be given a bunk for urself. The managers will stay in A block while the team will stay in B block.
jennifer is the only girl on team but u will be staying in B block with the players so boys I won't tolerate any indisciplined behavior."
"Hai." The team chorused and headed to their room.

"Wake up jenny." Silvia shook the sleeping beauty.
Jennifer stirred around for a bit. "Five more minutes mom."
"What's with everyone calling me mom. I M NOT UR MOM NOW GET UP."
Jennifer hastily got up making her fall on the ground on her butt.
"Ouucchh! can u be more loud?"
Jennifer put her fingers in her ears. "That was sarcasm . Oh wait practice. O shit yeah practice." Jennifer jumped up from the floor and ran to the washroom. What she saw left her stoned at her place. "Why is my bathroom same as the one I had at home along with a big swimming pool size bathtub???"
Silvia stood next to her. "Ur dad got it constructed within last two days. He knew about the team selection thing and he was quite sure u will get selected . He said u r a bit peculiar about the cleanliness of ur washroom."
"Should I be happy that  he DID this or shocked that he did THIS."
"Right now u should be worried that u r going to be super late for practice." Silvia smiled at her and left her room.
"Oh crap."
Jennifer brushed her teeth and got ready. She didnt have much time for breakfast so after stuffing her mouth with a toast she headed to the field. The team was already there with coach. "double crap."
The coach was introducing the team to his daughter and their new manager Camilla Travis.
Jennifer ran and stood beside Jude giving him a sheepish smile while Jude returned a U-R-DEAD look.
"Argent!" Coach shouted making her flinch. "h...hai."
"U r late and u didnt eat anything before practice. Discipline is the first thing a sportsman has. If u can't be punctual then I will more than gladly throw u off the team. Don't think of yourself as special just because they call u the ace striker or the flaming empress or whatever. Here everyone is equal and team let me get this straight this goes for the whole team u r never going to make it to finals with ur current abilities."
The team gasped.
"Don't look so shocked. Its obvious. I have been ordered to train u from ground one so start ur practice."
The team jogged to the ground. "He is a bit sour." Jude whispered to jenny who was looking down. She looked hurt. "No Jude he is right. This shows the seriousness level of the world. I need to take it seriously." Jennifer whispered and ran ahead of Jude. Just before they were going to start Austin came running to the ground shouting. "I m here I m here. I m so sorry I am so late. I tried reaching here before but all the traffic light were red." Austin apologized to his teammates.
"Don't worry Austin. Let's start practice."
During practice all the team members were getting scolded by the coach. Nathan had the ball and he was trapped by jude ,Tod and max.
"Nathan pass it to Thor." Jennifer shouted. Nathan saw an opening and passed to Thor.
Next when Jordan kicked the ball towards mark , jack used the wall and defended the ball two times.
"Wallside!" Coach Travis shouted. "Come here."
"Did I do something wrong coach?" Jack asked nervously.
"U r not doing anything. U r just standing there. Thats not called defending. U r the teams player not a rock." Coach scolded him hard. "And u over there." He looked at Nathan." Why did u pass to Thor? Because Jennifer told u to? Don't u have a brain for yourself. Will Jennifer have to tell u what to do every time?"
Nathan was speechless.
Kyle dribbled the ball past jude. He was heading for the goal.
"Over hear kyle." Jennifer asked for a pass. Kyle looked at front 'but the goal is open for me.' however he passed to Jennifer and Jennifer shot the ball.
"Argents" coach Travis shouted. Jennifer flinched again.
"Yes coach." They both whispered.
"When u had the ball and the goal was free why did u pass to ur sister? Jennifer. Why did u ask for a pass. Don't u know an unnecessary call can confuse your player?"
"Sorry coach it won't happen again." Both the Argents shrunk a little.
The day went by with coach scolding everyone and everyone working their ass off.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now