day off

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The team returned back to the lodge. Jennifer called Nelly. The auburn girl picked up the call.
"I have got a tons of things to tell u."
"Really? then u better start moving that mouth."
"U know Axel's dad had requested to remove him from the team."
"Yes dad told me all about it."
"And I confessed to him."
"Uh that escalated pretty fast."
"It was more like I blurted it out."
"What did he say?"
"He likes me back."
Nelly squealed. "Thats great. Tell me the whole thing."
"Yeah. One day he asked me to come to his house to meet julia...............blah blah blah............and now we are in the international."
"So are u guys together?"
"Thats the thing. He hasn't made any move from then. He hasn't asked me out neither is he trying to talk to me about it. Its like it never happened."
"Do u think he changed his mind?"
"Maybe. I don't know. Its irritating."
"I think u should wait and see what happens. Maybe he is trying to gather his guts."
"But he already knows the answer. Then what's the problem. If he doesn't hurry up then I m moving on."
"Gee but its been just a week. U r getting so impatient. People spend years to get their crush to like them back. U can't wait for a month?"
"I m not a type of girl whose life revolves around a single guy."
"Because u have so many options in your life."
"u know sometimes I feel like why can't I have all of them. I want Shawn and Xavier and Axel and Eric and Mark ." she chuckled lightly.
"Not ur mark I am talking about my ex mark kregur."
"He is not My Mark."
"Oh c'mon its quiet obvious that u like him. Stop denying it."
"No I dont. shut up and BTW u want 5 boyfriends?"
"Way to change the topic girl. Ya. Its sort of a fetish. Can't help it." Jennifer shrugged although Nelly couldnt see it.
"then date them one by one." Nelly laughed.
"Yea because I m just that type of girl." Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Anyway I m going. Its dinner time. I will talk to u later."
"Bye. I miss u."
"Aww Nelly raimon said she misses me. How sweet."
" u r a bitch"
"That I am but this bitch misses u too so come back."
"We are going to meet soon I promise."
Nelly hung the call and Jennifer headed down. She was a bit late for Dinner. All seats were occupied accept for the one beside Caleb.
oh this is just my luck. She groaned internally and headed to sit beside him at the back.
"Can't u find a seat somewhere else?" Caleb asked bitterly.
"Do I have a I-am-so-happy-I-get-to-sit-beside-Caleb-stonewall expression on? Can't u see all seats are full?"
Caleb just clicked his tongue and turned away.
Why is he being so rude these days?
Jennifer grumbled on her food. Who cares.
After sometime coach Travis came in the room .
"Congratulations on winning this game. As suggested by one of ur managers I have decided to give u a day off tomorrow." Coach Travis looked at Cami.
"Cami it was ur idea?" Silvia asked her.
"Yes I thought it will be a good way to keep the team motivated."Cami blushed.
"Yay. Thank u Cami." The team started cheering and thanking her. Jennifer leaned on her chair grinning. Finally I can spend a day relaxing . Maybe I can also get some alone time with Axel. She didnt notice that Caleb was staring at her.
"Why are u smiling like an idiot?" He asked her.
Jennifer looked at him with the smile disappearing. " None of ur business."
Caleb again clicked his tongue.
The team returned to their bed.
The next day everyone woke up happily. Jennifer skipped to her bathroom and cleaned herself brushing and bathing.
She wore white crop top with a black tank top inside it and black denim high waist shorts. She tied her hair in a high ponytail like usual and put on a purple oversized flannel.

She headed out with the team. They bought lots of food and stuff. Roaming around in the markets. The girls also bought clothes for themselves. Axel was not paying much attention to Jennifer he was acting like everything was normal.
Does this guy have Alzheimer's .
Jennifer huffed. She shrugged and continued shopping. Jennifer's eyes fell on the ice cream parlor. "Come on guys let's buy ice cream." She chirped and ran to the shop. The guys followed her buying their favorite ice creams. Jennifer looked at the row of chocolate flavor.
"I will have one magnum chocolate truffle."
She told the shopkeeper who handed her the desired ice cream.
"That will be 75 yen ma'am" he said politely. Jennifer fished in her pocket and took out the money. She only had 50 yens left. She looked at her hand.
"I don't have enough money." She pouted and looked at the ice cream. She wanted to eat it but her luck is so perfect. She started extending her hand to return the ice cream but another hand appeared beside her putting 75 yens on the desk. She turned around to find Caleb in front of her. "U don't have to do it."
"Ur face looked like someone was asking u to kill yourself. Keep the ice cream. I'll pay." Caleb said with a stoic face and walked away.
"Thanks for the money sir." The shopkeeper said and Caleb walked away.
"That guy has some serious bipolar issues. First he flirts with me then he acts all rude and now he is being kind." Jennifer whispered to herself.
After having fun all day and being treated normally by Axel ,Jennifer returned to the lodge with the team. Axel showed her and Mark a big turtle soft toy that he bought for Julia.
"It is a souvenir gift for Julia. Do u think she will like it?" Mark and Jennifer sweat dropped.
"Yeah of course she will." Jennifer said scratch her cheek and chuckling nervously. Just then Darren came in the lodge being all dirty in his goalkeeper jersey. He went upstairs. Mark and Jennifer looked at each other then ran upstairs. Darren was heading to his room.
"U were practicing?" Mark asked him.
"Hai" Darren said running his hand at the back of his neck.
"We are gathering in Jennifer's room in ten minutes. Clean up and join us." Mark smiled at him.
"Sorry captain but I am tiered. I guess I will go to bed." With that Darren started walking away.
"Darren!" Jennifer shouted in a demanding tone. Darren turned back in an attention position. Pulling his body up so he looks straighter.(Not his sexuality his posture😂) "Hai!"
"U r going to clean up and come in my room in 10 minutes. Its an order from ur vice captain and one match captain.".
"H..hai." Darren replied and went to his room to clean up. Meanwhile the team gathered in her room. It was 7 o clock already but none of them were hungry as they had already eaten too much.
Darren came in after sometime in his jersey jacket. It looked like he had just taken a bath but he had a sad expression on his face like he was thinking about something .He came in and sat down beside mark.
"What should we do next?" Mark asked.
Jennifer started thinking. "Oh I know." She got up and took out a speaker from her bag. Connecting her mobile from the speaker through Bluetooth she played a song on full volume.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now