dinner at my place

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(The pic above is of kyle.)
Mark decided to take the new members of caravan to his home. Jennifer told them all to come over for dinner. She headed home alone. As she stepped in her house it was quite. "Hello? Is there any presence in here? Make urself known." She shouted mocking and repeating the lines of some horror movie she watched. "Welcome back sweety." Her mom greeted. "Hey mom." She walked to her lazily and placed a kiss on her mom's cheek.

"Dads not home?"
"No he had some important meeting. He will be back by evening. U invited your friends for dinner right?"
"Yah. They will be here by 6. Where's kyle?"

"Up in his room."

Jennifer nodded and headed upstairs. Why do I live in a fucking mansion?why are there so many stairs? She groaned.
As she reached upstairs , instead of going to her room she knocked on kyles gate.
"Come in." Came a voice from inside. As she reached in kyle was working on his laptop.

She leaned on his doorframe.
Kyle looked up. "Jenny?" He grinned.
"Bro. Why that question mark in the end? I look so terrible that u can't even recognise me?"
"Yes "

Jennifer rolled her eyes and walked to him collapsing on his bed.

"Hey careful." He said removing his head phones from beneath her at the right moment so it dosent break.

"u look exhausted." Kyle looked at her.
"Yeah I m in my I-wanna-die mood."
"Want an ice cream trip??". kyle asked lying beside her.

"That will be great." Jennifer sighed.
"Then go and take a bath first. U r all dirty. I am not taking u anywhere like that. Especially when u r going to sit in my car."

"Thats a fucking car stop treating it like its your baby."
"But she is my baby.. If I had to choose between the love of my life and my car. I will choose my car" Kyle grinned looking at the ceiling."

"U r so stubborn" Jennifer sat up.
"Now go u dirty little shit. Wash your self."
Jennifer headed to the common washroom that kyle and she shared. Both their rooms were attached to the same washroom. She turned on the tap. Poured her favorite shower gel in water and stripped out of her jersey and undergarments. When the jaccuzi was full she entered it and lied down relaxing a bit and enjoying the chocolaty aroma of her shower gel. Then she wetted her hair and lathered up an expensive branded shampoo in her hair.

"Geez. My hair is full of dirt."
After completing her relaxing bath process she stepped into her room with a towel around her. let's see what should I wear. After debating with herself for 5 minutes she took out a thin strap black body fitting crop top along with black denim shorts and an oversized white jacked that covered half of her palms. She decided to let her hair dry naturally. After taking a glance at herself in the mirror she pulled on a pair of white basketball snickers and headed to kyles room.

She knocked twice. "Come in sissy." Kyle shouted as she entered his room.
"The aliens have thought u a very important lesson." Kyle said thinking.
"What?" Jennifer asked for once in her life expecting a serious answer.
"To knock before entering someone's room"

Why do I even expect something from this stupid guy.

the siblings headed out to eat ice cream.
While on the car ride Jennifer updated kyle on the latest events. Suspiciously kyle already knew about most of them. Even the events that take place after the match. The events that are not shown on TV but Jennifer didnt question him.
"Okay so the conclusion is that ur childhood boyfriend is an alien." Kyle said not taking his eyes of the road.
"No as in he is not ur childhood boyfriend or no as in he is not an alien?"
"No as in both."

Kyle shrugged. "Yeah he doesn't look like an alien. I mean aliens are supposed to have big heads and small eyes. He even knows how to speak Japanese. Why didnt u ask him if they teach japenese on whatever planet he came from?"

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