finals against royals

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The match against royal started soon. Jennifer ran flawlessly dodging the defense of royals. She passed the ball to Kevin while Kevin and Axel used dragon tornado which Joe stopped using his power shield.

"Tch" Jennifer turned around. Jude started dribbling towards raimons goal. He passed to a player who used wrath shot. Mark will easily stop it. Both Axel and Jennifer thought together but were surprised when the ball passed his fist and hit the post. Royal got a corner kick. Jude made a normal shot but the ball slipped through marks hands again. "Get ur mind in the game dumbo." Jennifer scolded him. Jude was again dribbling through the field he was about to make another shot but Axel stopped it. Both Jude and Axel were putting all their force on the ball from opposite sides. The impact made Jude stagger back. His leg was injured. He limped off the field.

Jennifer saw Celia come up to him and put an ice pack on his leg. No Jude u were the wrong one. She can never hate u. Jennifer was missing kyle. For the first time in her life she was missing kyle's non stop rambling and teasing  But kyle wasn't the only person in her mind.

There was a certain blackette female too but she wanted to push her thought as far away as possible. The game resumed. Raimon used shots after shot. Fire tornado ,dragon crash. "Fire tornado" it was Jennifer this time. Joseph used his power shield and stopped it but it required a bit more power than others shots to stop.

" u got a strong shoot." he smirked. "But not strong enough.
"Don't get all cocky. That was my warmup shoot".
The match continued. Royal used emperor penguin no. 2 and scored a goal. After the first half score was 0-1 with royal at lead. The second half started. All the defenders of raimon ran towards the goal. They started covering it for mark. Jack Nathan max Tod bobby all of them were badly injured. Royal used wrath shot it was about to hit Nathan when Jennifer jumped in front of the ball. She got pushed backed due to the impact and her back hit the goal post. As she fell down she started coughing badly."I m cough cough fine."

Jennifer stood up slowly and took a deep breath. She flinched as she felt pain in her back muscle. "Why did u do that jenny. Protecting the goal is my job not yours. " mark said to her with concern. "Well today u are being a total sucker at ur job. I m here to win mark and u r being so careless today. U disappointed me." She gave him a cold look and turned around. Mark felt a lump in his throat. What am I doing?.

When royal used death zone bobby protected it using his face. The impact was hard and he had to get carried away from the field . Everyone had gathered together ."hey mark" Axel called and as mark turned around he faced a combined shoot by both jenny and axel right on his stomach.

Axel walked towards him "that shot had all my passion for soccer in it. When I m on the field nothing else matters." and Axel walked away. "Good one" Jennifer smirked at him. Mark finally looked like he was back in his senses because when the twin boost headed towards him he stopped it using a new hissatsu "blazing knuckle".

"Hey Axel I got an idea use fire tornado okay?" Saying that jenny started running forward. 'What's she doing ?' Axel thought but obeyed her anyway. Mark passed the ball to Axel and he used fire tornado. As the ball hit the power shield Jennifer used fire tornado too. "Your power shield uses power waves to block the ball but it has a weakness. It can only stop ball that come from a long distance. The shot broke through the power shield and it was a GOALLL!. "Oh yeah!"

Jennifer jumped punching the air.
"so damsel in distress turns into warrior on the field eh?"Joe said with a smile.
"Hell yeah!"

The match resumed . Emperor penguin headed marks way again but this time he stopped it . jennifer and Axel both nodded at each other. As Axel got the ball he headed for inazuma drop ."hey Evans c'Mon" Jennifer shouted and mark knew what she meant. The trio jumped on jack and shouted "inazuma one drop." It broke through Joe's maximum power shield and it was again a GOAALL!!
The whistle blew and match ended with raimons victory.

"WE DID ITTTT!" mark jumped on jenny and they both fell down. The whole team followed and jumped on them . Poor jenny was trapped below . "Guys I m human I have bones . u r crushing meeeeee!" All of them got up laughing . " I m sry guys i made u work hard for me." Mark apologized. "C'mon evans don't be stupid and don't keep the crowd waiting ." Nathan said and they all looked up. The whole crowd was cheering for raimon. They waved their hands up. Are u watching me Xavier?" Jenny thought with a huge smile complimenting her face." Hey Celia " Silvia came to her and told her something.

Jennifer didn't hear it but decided to talk to Jude . As she was heading there she saw Celia and Jude together.. Did she just teleport or was I walking too slow.
"U made a deal with ur father to adopt me as well??" Celia spoke
Jude looked at her and nodded. "Yes I did . I did everything I could to get u back ."

"So that's why u didn't contact me all those years because of the deal??" Again a nod. Celia's eyes were filled with tears by now. "Jude I m happy as who I m ,I m happy as Celia hale ,u don't have to worry."
"I see u have got good parents then"
"Yes . Nothing has changed u r still the same Jude. U r my brother." Celia smiled and jumped in Jude's arms. Jude twirled her around and hugged her back.

Looking Over Celia's shoulder she saw Jennifer looking at them and smiling. He nodded slightly and Jennifer nodded back. "What's up with these two??" Mark whispered to Silvia. They both were also hiding behind a wall and watching "I don't know." Silvia shrugged and responded.

The award ceremony took place and mark jumped high with holding the trophy in his hand.

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