u betrayed me again?

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Jennifer Shawn and mark were returning to the school when they found Silvia and Celia waiting for them by the schools gate.
"Hey mark." Silvia sounded worried." We have something to tell u. We saw coach with Xavier."
Jennifer frowned. "What do u mean with Xavier?"

"She was talking to him and from what we heard of their conversation it looked like they are working together and thats not all. Xavier even called her sister."
They all ran inside the school campus.

No no no this can't be happening u didnt betray me again lina. I know u didnt.

As they reached there the whole team was already present accusing lina of being a spy from aliea.
"Hey there marky. The coach was a little dirty spy from aliea". Sue said.
"U don't know that sue so shut your trap." Jennifer snapped at her. "Hey u can't talk to her like that." Eric protested. Jennifer just glared at him and looked straight at lina. Guilt was completely visible in lina's eyes.

No u r seeing things Jennifer. Lina will give a proper explanation to u.
"How do u know Xavier?"
"Are u really a spy?"
"Answer our questions. U can't escape this time."

"Are u an alien too?"
The team bombarded her with questions.
"Shut up guys let me ask her." Mark stopped everyone. "Is it true coach?"
Lina sighed. "Look its more complicated than u think. Aleias academy is not just made of aliens. There is more to it. Come with me to mount Fuji tomorrow and I will explain everything."

"What is at Mt Fuji?" Bobby asked.
"Its the alieas base." Jude replied to him.
Lina started walking away. "Lina." Jennifer stopped her in a shivering voice.She didnt attempt to hide her tears or her vulnerability. "Did u know from start that Xavier is in aliea?"
"Yes Allison."

The whole team gasped with confusion.
"Do u know everything about aliea?" Jennifer gulped.

"u betrayed me again." She said clenching her fist. "I gave u all my trust without a question and broke it into pieces again. What did I do to deserve this lina ?? TELL ME."
"Allison I really need u to come to Mt Fuji. I want to explain everything. Please." Lina walked away.
"What is going on jenny?" Axel asked Jennifer.

"U...u remember my so called elder sister who betrayed me?"
"Thats lina. Xavier called her sister because we all used to call her sister . Everyone in orphanage."
"Wait. Why did u never Tell us that? Jennifer say something."
Jennifer started walking away.
"Where are u going?"
"I need to breathe."

Jennifer headed home. She straight went to her room's terrace. Looking at the sky and feeling the breeze. The hollowness inside her was back.Soon it was night. Her phone started ringing it was Eric.
"U okay?" He asked.
"I will survive."

"I am not sure if I am ready to go to Mt Fuji Jennifer. Are u going?"
"I need answers Eric. I need to go and I will prefer having u there. Its a big situation of my life. I need u there." Jennifer spoke in a low voice.
"Okay I will consider then."
He disconnected the call. After dinner Jennifer again got a call. It was mark.
"Hey jenny." Mark chirped. He sounded a bit too happy. It was obvious that he was pretending to be happy to cheer her up.
"U don't need to use that pretended  i-m-so-happy-u-should-smile-too voice mark." Jennifer sighed.

"I told u she will catch it." Came judes voice.
Jennifer:Jude is also on call? U guys were doing a let's cheer Jennifer meeting or something?
Mark: yeah sort of.
Jude: we both are not the only one here.
Axel: hey there.
Jennifer: Axel too? U guys suck.
Mark: hey we are just being good friends.
Jennifer: yeah whatever.
Mark: u know that we are not sure if she was spy or not right? She did help us win those games
Jennifer: I don't know mark. I am betrayed way too many times to trust her again. Btw Eric called me earlier. He was not in a mood to go to Mt. Fuji.
Mark: yeah he is a bit angry.
Jennifer:are u guys going?
Mark: I trust coach. I will go.
Jude.: me too.
Jennifer: what about u Axel.
Axel:I will definitely like to join u in acknowledging the difficulties of ur life.
Jennifer (chuckling): u r the worst at this comforting thing.
Axel: I still made u laugh.
Jennifer:yeah right. Wanna practice for sometime guys??I am going to the riverbank.
Axel: I will join u.
Mark: I m going to my usual practice spot near tower.
Jude: I will see if I can join. I need some time to think.
Jennifer: okay then bye.

She disconnected and wore her soccer shoes heading out.
Axel and Jennifer reached the bank at the same time and saw Shawn practicing.
"U care about that guy. Don't u?" Axel asked Jennifer who just nodded.
They both went down to the field.
"Need help?" Axel asked Shawn with a smile.

"Why not." Shawn replied.
"U guys practice together. I still have got my new move to practice." Jennifer said and headed to the other goal post to practice flaming phoenix. She wasn't succeeding.

Soon it started raining. "Darn it."
Axel , Shawn and Jennifer ran to take shelter under the bridge. Suddenly a lightning struck down making Shawn couch down while shivering with fear. Both Axel and Jennifer kneeled beside him. "Its not an avalanche." Axel reassured him.

"Relax Shawn." Jenny added.
"No we are all going to die."
"No one is dieing Shawn." Jennifer tried to calm him. Soon the thunder stopped. Axel, Shawn and Jennifer sat there for a moment .
"U know I needed aiden." Shawn spoke up.

"For what?" Axel asked him.
"To be strong. After the accident I was all alone. I felt scared. One day suddenly aidens voice popped in my head. Whenever he was inside me I felt strong and powerful and whenever he was not I felt alone and scared. Slowly the real Shawn started drifting away In a hole."
"Can I ask u something? What is the meaning of perfection for u?" Axel looked at shawn with determined eyes.
"Its when me and Aiden play together."

Axel looked disappointed
"For me the game of soccer is perfect no matter if I m perfect or not. U can practice on your own." Axel got up taking Jennifer's hand and pulling her away with him.
"U will never find perfection. U r chasing an illusion."

"Hay wait don't leave me alone." Shawn shouted but Axel didnt stop."
After they were away from Shawn Jennifer asked Axel. "Are u sure we should leave him there?"
"Sometimes to protect people we have to leave them on their own Jennifer."
They both headed home to get ready for the next day trip to Mt Fuji.
Was that what lina did? She left me alone to protect me?.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now