oh shit!

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The morning light hit Jennifer's face.She stretched her body and slowly opened her eyes. As the previous night memories hit her brain she shut her eye again. That was a dream, that was a dream please be a dream!!
She tried to get up but a firm grip on her waist prevented her. As her sensory neurons started working she felt light breathing on her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder.What the fuck I am spooning with Caleb stonewall!!! 
She turned around to face him. Their faces were inches away. Caleb was sleeping peacefully. He is so cute when he is asleep.She shook him lightly. "Caleb." She whispered. No response. "Caleb."
He stirred and opened his eyes.
"Uh oh good morning."
"Move ur hands."
He did as told and Jennifer sat up hiding her face in her palms. She groaned."we did it didnt we?"
"No we didn't do 'IT'. We just made out for a while. Thats all."
She looked at him squinting. "By 'it' I meant our make out session. What did u think?"
Caleb put his hands behind his head and raised his brows.
Jennifer realized what he meant. "U r so gross!" She threw a pillow at his face and huffed. "Ugh!" Her body again fell on the bed. "I shouldn't have done it. Oh boy! This is bad."
Caleb looked at her a bit hurt(?) . "what do u mean? U don't like me?"
"No I don't. I mean I like u but not romantically. What happened was just lust of the moment thing." She stared at the ceiling.
"I believe the correct phrase is heat of the moment"
"Thats not the point." She grumbled.
"I m sry I kinda pulled u into it." He sighed.
"Yes u did. U bastard." Jennifer snapped.
Caleb chuckled for what felt like the first time in his life. "Why was I even expecting a no its not ur fault reply.?"
Jennifer turned her whole body towards him. "Do u like me or was it just u know attraction for u as well."
Caleb turned towards her too."don't flatter yourself. U r just hot and i dont  love. Though I can make love."
Jennifer scrunched her nose showing disgust "u are just thirteen u douche bag and its good that it was just attraction because this was a one time thing. It ain't gonna happen again."
"So what ?u r going to ignore me for the rest of my life?"
"No we can still be friends if u want."
"Friends with Ben...?"
"No dont add a with there. Just friends."
they fell silent for sometime. Jennifer closed her eyes as Caleb was still observing her
"Do u have a crush on someone?"
Her eyes shot open.
should I tell him?
Conscience- never talk to me again in ur life. Ever.
"Yeah." She breathed.
"On whom?"
Caleb laughed.
"What are u laughing about?".
"Nothing nothing. So does he know?"
"Yes but he isn't making a move maybe he doesn't like me back." She sighed.
"I don't think thats the case. Who wouldn't like u?? Maybe he is just scared." Caleb thought out loud.
Jennifer smiled looking at him
"Why did u ask?"
'Because I thought I could take the vacant spot.' He sighed thinking to himself
"No reason. Just asking."
Jennifer got up.
"U r going?" Caleb followed her action.
"Yeah i have to return to my room. Don't want others to know about this." She shrugged and walked towards the door.
"U r ashamed of being with me." Caleb whispered so Jennifer couldn't hear him but she did. i am being rude. Its my mistake I let him in now I can't just go away like that.
she walked back to him and gave a peck on his lips. "I had fun last night." She smiled. Caleb wasn't expecting this. He was left a bit taken aback as she exited his room.

As she stepped out she saw Jude. Oh shit!
"What were u doing in caleb's room?" Jude asked her suspiciously.
"I....I went in to ...um...return the money he gave me yesterday. You remember i told u he payed for my ice cream."
"But why is ur hair so messed up. It looks like u have just woken up."
"Because I have. I woke up and went to his room to return the money."
"Okay?" Jude was not satisfied he was still suspicious.
"What's with this question and answer? I m going to my room to get ready. Bye".
She walked briskly to her room and cleaned herself getting ready.

During breakfast everything was normal till Cami went to give Caleb his plate and spoke up. "hey Caleb u have a rash below your jaw. Are u allergic to something?" Jennifer choked on her food and started coughing. She had used a concealer on her hickey but this idiot huh!. Axel pattes her back. "u okay?" He asked concerned. Jennifer looked up"ya ya i am okay."
"yeah i am allergic." Caleb replied with a smirk. "To mosquitoes. Its a mosquito bite mark."
"That big?"
"Yeah it was a big mosquito who liked biting hard." Caleb glanced at jennifer sideways. Jennifer became a blushing mess. It was a humiliating experience. She mentally thanked that kyle was not in the room but
Jude wasnt dumb. His mouth fell open. When he and Jennifer made eyes contact. Jude mouthed."seriously?"
Jennifer looked away.  After breakfast as the team was walking outside Jude stopped Jennifer and stood in front of her with his arms folded on his chest. "Start speaking."
"Okay fine but promise u won't judge me."
"I wouldn't have judged u but Caleb stonewall?"
"See what happened is I went to return Caleb's money last night."
"Last night? U stayed in his room for a whole night? what did u guys do? "
"Eh we sort of cuddled."
"Cuddling don't leave hickeys".
"Uh we made out and then we cuddled."
"SHHHHHH please don't shout."
"wait u two didnt....."
"No Jude thirteen years old don't have sex."
"But why him?yuck."
"He seduced me. He is a good seducer." Jennifer shrugged. "U r not going to tell anyone right? Pleaseeeeee."
"I won't but if u have decided it then stay careful. Don't let him hurt ur feelings."
"No no no . its not like that. I am not doing anything with him ever again. It was just a one time thing."
"This just made it worse.Before I start judging u even more let's get back to practice."

The team practiced hard while Darren was busy trying to learn a new goalkeeper hissatsu of his own.  Apparently he was sad that he was only using mark's old hissatsu and didnt have anything of his own. So that got him worked up.
Caleb and Jennifer were visibly coordinating better than before. Jude was eyeing both of them .The day was like any other practice day as the team trained to fight for their next match against Argentina.

But the next day of practice was not so normal. Jude, David and Caleb none of them were concentrating properly. Jennifer passed to Jude but he missed it. Coach called the three former players of royal off the field. "u guys are not concentrating." He scolded them.
"But coach." Mark said but was interrupted by Jude
"No mark he is right. We are not concentrating."

After sometime Jennifer and Mark both noticed Jude walking away.
Jennifer passed the ball to Axel. "I'll be back in sometime."she told him and ran after Jude as Mark followed her. They both ran side by side around the city until they finally spotted him and David getting inside the bus. They ran after them and jumped on the bus.
"Mark and jenny?" Jude exclaimed. Jennifer looked around and saw David and Caleb both there."did we just crash a former players of royal secret meeting?" She asked raising her eyebrows.
"We think that ray dark is back." Jude whispered in a worried voice."and he is on this island. We saw him."
"Really? So is he here to destroy this tournament as well?" Mark asked.
"We don't know."
"And u morons were going alone to stop him?" Jenni raised her eyebrows crossing her arms.
"Two of us are but we think Caleb here is finding him to join forces again. We both saw him alone with dark." Jude looked at Caleb.
"Is it true Caleb?" Mark asked him.
"Who knows" Caleb leaned on a rod folding his arm.
Jennifer turned her head towards him. He won't do that. He just pretends to be an ass.
"I don't think so. I trust him." Jennifer told Jude. Caleb looked at her with a blank face and then clicked his tounge. He is definitely bipolar.
"Why wouldn't u?" Jude scoffed. Jennifer shrunk a little. That hurt her. Jude had never talked to her in that tone.
"no she is right. I trust Caleb as well. He is as important of a friend to me as u both are Jude and David." Mark grinned.
"Where are we going?" Jennifer asked Jude.
"To the Italy area. He is somewhere around there."

All five of them reached the Italy area and started roaming around. After half an hour of walking Jennifer spotted a familiar face.
"look there's Fidio." Jennifer pointed.
"The logs are going to fall." Jude shouted just on cue the bundle of tied wooden logs that were rested against the wall started falling on Fidio. Jennifer immediately put her hand forward , a pink glow appearing around her hand as well as around the log. The logs stopped falling like their top were just hanging in air by an invisible thread. "Run!." She shouted to Fidio who was under the logs, still holding on to them with her magic. She grunted. "Fucking heavy logs." As Fidio was away from below the logs she dropped them and wiped her forehead. "That was close."
The players ran towards Fidio who was shocked.
"are u okay?" She asked him. "Physically yes , mentally no because I think I just saw u stopping those logs when u were standing 5 feet away."
"What's wrong with that?"
"Literally everything. Normal people can't do that."
"Listen Fidio its complicated. I'll explain later . well what are u guys doing here? Shouldn't u be practicing?"
Fidio explained the five of them that someone named Mr.k has taken over as their coach and thrown all of them off the team. They have to play a match against the members he chose so as to remain in their position but five of their player conincidently got hurt today just the day before the representative match.
"That doesn't sound like a coincidence."Jude said putting his finger around his chin.
"U mean that Mr.k planned those incident. A national coach won't do that."
"The thing is we know someone who would. My dad always says one is an incident,two coincident and three a pattern and here u have got five."
Jennifer told him.
"So u think ray dark is Mr. K?" David asked her.
"Maybe or maybe not."she shrugged.
"fidio u need 5 players right? There are five of us. We can help u." Mark suggested him.
"I came here for a different purpose. I am not helping." Caleb turned away and started walking.
"He is right Mark. Right now finding RayDark is our top priority so I m out too." Jude started walking away too with David.
"We are sorry Fidio." Jennifer apologized and walked away too as mark followed. The five of them split up to find ray dark. When they met again Jude told them that he talked to ray dark but he didnt see him as he was somewhere behind a door and that maybe Mr. K is ray dark so the five decided to help Fidio.

Will u believe me if I say I forgot to post this chapter and it was supposed to be posted 3 days ago. Hehe anyway I have posted all my drafts now and I have still not started writing the next chapter so the next update will take some time. Till then enjoy reading this chapter again and again😁😁


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