against secret service

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When the inazuma caravan reached the site of accident from where the president was kidnapped they were not being allowed to enter the park but Nelly being Nelly dialled her father and the team got the permission. On going inside the whole team got separated to search for any clue or evidence that might lead them to the aliens. Jennifer saw this as the perfect moment to talk to acqlina without making a scene as acqlina was standing alone. She walked up to her.
"U don't remember me do u ?" Jennifer asked her.

Lina raised her eyebrows. " do We know each other ms. Argent?"
Jennifer mocked a laugh.
"Ms. Argent? I got my answer. Well why should I be surprised. After all u left me alone all those years back. Not that u were going to remember me."

Realisation bumped into lina. Those dark brown locks and brown orbs flashed in her memories." Ur names not Jennifer is it?"

"Clearly its not"
"U still feel the need to ask that?"
Lina's eyes widened. "Allison rosewood. What the.... U have changed."

Jennifer shrugged. "People change. U r the one who taught that to me. Tell me that there was a reason u left me alone after my adoption sister"

Lina gained her composer and stayed silent for a second.Jennifer was really wishing a yes for the answer. She didn't want to believe that lina really left her alone in vain but lina's answer pierced through her heart.

" No there wasn't".

Jennifer nodded. Unable to speak a word. She started heading back to help mark.
"Allison." Lina whispered. Jennifer stopped not turning around. Lina looked over her shoulder with her arms crossed. "U r not telling the team about us. U r Jennifer for me and I m coach for u. That's the only relationship we hold."

"Of course" Jennifer scoffed. "After all the team will hate u if i tell them about u and me." She stuffed her hands in her pocket and walked away.

After sometime jack called the whole team as he had found the black ball.
Mark tried to lift the ball but it was too heavy and he wasn't able to raise it above few cm from the ground.
"But those guys were kicking it around it was a normal soccer ball. " mark tilted his head.

Suddenly a group of bodyguards came there accusing the raimon of being aliens." u guys have the black soccer ball with u. U guys are those alien freaks."
"What are u talking about. We are not." The team protested.

"We just found the soccer ball in the river." Mark explained
"Why should we trust u?"
Mark groaned. "We are not aliens."
Then a girl wearing the same bodyguard suit came there. "What's happening here." She was looking approximately the age of Jennifer.

"They were found here with the black ball. They are suspects but are denying the accusation." One bodyguard explained her.

"We are not aliens." Nathan and Kevin chorused.
"But u were found here with evidence." The girl spoke.
"Hey u pinky hair weird cap girl. Go wear specs or something. Do we look like aliens to u ??" Jennifer snapped.

"The more u r denying it, the more I get suspicious of u." The girl squinted.
"Why don't u prove it that u r not aliens."
"Yeah that sounds Like a plan. What do u want us to do?" Mark asked.
"Play a soccer match with us."

After fifteen minutes
The raimon eleven was gathered in the football field.
"How is us playing soccer going to prove that we are not aliens. That girl is a nutcase." Jennifer sighed.

When the team asked their coach for any instructions she said do whatever u want to do.
The match began with raimon having just 10 players. The bodyguard team which call themselves the secret service giving a tough fight. After first half the score was 0-0 and coach ordered Kevin , Nathan and jack to sit out.

"What are u insane? How will we play with just 7 players?" Kevin shouted.
"Jude and the mid fielders work hard to fill their position." The coach said and turned away. The second half started and  the game started moving faster than first half. Jude figured out after sometime that kevin, Nathan and jack were hurt and thats why they made the game move slow.

U r still smart lina. Jennifer smirked. Yes Jennifer was angry at lina but seeing her stand there watch over the team somehow made her feel secure and happy. Mark saved one of the secret services shot using majin the hand surprising the shit out of coach lina and their opponent.

He next passed the ball to Jude and made the Tri phoenix formation with bobby and Eric. The pink hair girl was going to use her hissatsu 'the tower.' But Jude smirked saying. "Fooled u.' And passed the ball to Axel and Jennifer who used fire Tornado double drive scoring a goal. The team cheered together.

After sometimes the raimon eleven were sitting on ground and the pink hair girl came to talk to them. "U guys played well. I wouldn't have expected anything less from the raimon eleven."

"Yeah thanx."Mark rubbed the back of his head. "Wait what?."
"Yeah I knew u guys were not alien. I just wanted to play u guys. I m presidents daughter and I want to fight alongside u guys to bring back dad." She smiled.
"U r president's daughter?" Jennifer asked dropping her jaw.

"Yes I am." The pink hair nodded.
"glad to meet u....u r ?? Who are u?" a sweat appeared on marks head.
"Victoria but u can call me tori." The girl smiled. shaking hands with mark.

Suddenly a telecast appeared on a screen in the park. It was rieze, the captain of the aliea academy team saying that they will demonstrate the power of aliens using soccer. One of the presidents bodyguard informed the team that the telecast source was Nara television center. So it was the next destination of inazuma caravan along with a new member. Tori.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now