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The team came out with the trophy. "I can't believe it. We won." Jack started crying. "Don't cry jack or I will start crying too." Tod joined in with jack."Jenny what was that amazing kick back there?" Mark asked with curiosity.

"What do u think. U were the only one practicing a new hissatsu? Jennifer smirked."devils apocalypse was a move I invented just before I stopped playing soccer. I never perfected it as it takes lots of energy and drains me of my power but when u were busy with majin the hand I thought maybe it will come in use. Though it still drains me of my power" Jennifer's phone in her pocket started buzzing.

Her arms were around Axel's and jude's shoulder as she was injured badly. "Take out my phone Axel." She told him. "From ur pocket?" He asked.
"No. From my mouth. I ate it during breakfast."
Axel rolled his eyes and hesitated for a second.
"I m not telling u to put your hands in my pants I m just talking about back pocket so why are u hesitating?" Jennifer rolled her eyes. Axel went red. "Can u stop being so blunt? Its embarrassing." Axel scolded her.
"What are u being shy about. What happened to your arrogant ass?"
Jude shook his head. "Its just two minutes after we have won the game and u guys are already fighting."

Axel sighed and took out her phone.
"See it didn't hurt did it?"
"Shut up. Your mom was calling."
Jennifer removed her hand from Axels shoulder and took the phone.
"If u can do that u could have took the phone out yourself." Axel looked at her sideways.
"Oh I just wanted to feel your hand." Jennifer replied.
"Ahem. Was that sarcastic?" Jude asked with a smirk still holding on to her by her waist.
"Of course it was sarcastic u disgusting creature." She made a cringed face. Everyone laughed.

"Anyway Axel u should run to the hospital tell Julia about our victory." Mark gave him a thumbs up and then they both shook hands. "Thanks for all u have done. I mean it." Mark said.
Axel nodded.

"Ayye, I m coming with u. Don't forget it." Jennifer stopped him.
"Why are u going?" Mark frowned.
Jennifer showed a big scratch on the side of her arm and said. "Do these look like pretty tattoos to u?" sarcasm was running in her veins along with the adrenaline.

U know when Jennifer is excited she gets really sarcastic. Weird but one of her trait. She removed her arm from around Jude. "I guess I can walk now." she said and limped towards Axel as they both made their way to the hospital. "Did she just get 10 times more sarcastic?" Mark frowned.

"Actually." Jude chuckled from beside him.

Axel stopped by a shop to buy flowers for Julia. "Do u think she remembers me?" jennifer asked Axel with nervousness. "I don't know. Maybe she does." They reached the hospital and opened Julia's gate. "Hey Julia I have someone special who wants to meet u." Axel whispered. Jennifer wasn't able to build up the courage to enter but some how she did.

Seeing Julia's face tears started forming in her eyes but she held them back."its me Julia. Do u remember me?" She slowly spoke. "We won the game Julia. Your brother won the game. Wake up and hug him. He is waiting." Jennifer's voice started cracking. Axel went to the vase to put the flowers he bought in them. "Jules wake up na." Jennifer begged her. She couldn't see Julia like this so she turned around. "A..Allison. Is it u?" A sweet feminine voice came from behind her. She turned around as Axel dropped the vase."yeah its me Jules. I m right here."Jennifer AKA Allison kneeled beside her bed.

"Axel" the girl on the bed whispered next.
"Julia." Axel had tears in his eyes and so did Julia same with Jennifer though she kept on wiping them away. She hated being vulnerable.
"We won Julia." Axel patted her head and smiled.

After half an hour jenny was getting all bandaged up when she received a call again. It was from mark. She answered the call."Hey mark how's everybody at school?"

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now