part of the team

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Jennifer woke up and was feeling excited. she wasn't really sure why.she got ready and skipped downstairs. She was humming a tune while eating.
"U look happy today"her father said. "Nooo?" She shrugged.
"Is it about any guy??" Her father asked her.

"Dont be stupid. Of course not"
"well if u say so."
She and kyle had decided that they will just walk to school from that day onwards. Using car for such short distance was useless. As jennifer was walking towards her schools building mark crossed her shouting "frontierrrr".

Jenny had closed her eyes and hold the hem of her skirt to keep it from flying up."why is that guy always so excited??"she said to herself. After keeping her stuff in class she headed to the clubroom. As she slided the door she found everybody with great excitement shouting "yeaaahhhh".

She tilted her head. "Jennyyyy" mark shouted.

"Oh boy! I m right here. No need to shout"she said putting her fingers in her ears. "Yeah sry. I m a bit excited". Before Jennifer could ask the reason for his excitement Axel spoke up "to what do we owe the pleasure ms. Jennifer argent?" Axel mocked."how do u know my full name??stalker"she frowned "don't flatter yourself. We are in same class if u haven't noticed"

"Are we?" Jennifer started thinking. She didnt remember seeing him in the class then again she didnt really notice anyone except for her bench partner who kept on nagging her on the first day."anyway. I m here to join the club."Jennifer stated and Axel smirked "I knew it. She is one hell of an egoistic girl" he thought.

"Really?" Mark asked and grabbed her hand shaking it constantly. "Mark u will tear her hand off" the guy with blue hair pulled him back. "" Jennifer said "Nathan, Nathan swift" the bluette completed her sentence. "Every body introduce yourself to our new member." Mark ordered. "I m jack wallside".the big guy said. "I m timmy" said the short guy.
"I m Sam"

"Steve" a guy with brown hair said with a tint a red on his cheeks.



"Kevin, but u already know that".

"I m Celia hale. I m one of the manager"


"Oh the deserter right?" Jenny asked "no the strategic withdrawer" he said adjusting his specs.
"Yeah whatever. but that makes only 11 of u. There should be a 12th right??" She asked.
"Its jim,I m right here" Jim spoke spookily coming behind her. She visibly shivered and turned around. "H...hey Jim . I will prefer if u don't do that again." she sweat dropped. "This is so good. We are going into the football frontier with so many new players." Mark exclaimed. "Football frontier??"Jennifer asked.

"yeah Nelly got us registered. Isn't it great?" Mark smiled . Jennifer just nodded "so who are we up against?" She enquired. Everybody looked at mark with expectation."we are up against..."he said"I don't know". The whole team dropped their head and sweat dropped.

"U will be up against wild junior high"the coach said coming inside."that's the team that played against royal in finals of some local tournament."Celia said
"No way. We are playing a team thats that good?" Mark asked with his usual enthusiasm."now don't get so excited Mr.Evans. U guys will be probably anhilated in the first match itself. Oh and one more thing.." Before he could continue a thin tall guy popped his head through the gate.

"Hi I am bobby swift." He said. "A strange guy aren't u? Willing to join this crappy team." Saying this he the coach walked out. "What an ass" Jennifer said "why is he even the coach of our team?".
"Just ignore him" said Nathan looking at her.

. "hey bobby" Silvia greeted the new guy.
"u r Silvia right?" .
"yeah" .

"U guys know each other??"mark asked them."yeah we go way back."Silvia smiled with her eyes closed.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now