new coach old connection

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Next day when Jennifer dragged her body up all she could feel was pain. Her body muscles were sore. Heck! I didn't even play against those aliens then why is my body in such a bad condition. She groaned and stepped in her washroom. After brushing her teeth she took a hot water  bath. Eww! I m so dirty. She could see dirt in water as she entered the jacuzzi.

But as long as she stayed in water she felt her muscles relax a bit. She felt like sleeping again but her alarm clock interrupted her. Oh shit its already 8:45.I have to meet mark in 15 minutes. She got out of water. Threw on her black shorts with a white oversized hoodie and clutched the front of her wet hair.
She wore long black socks that covered her knees and stepped into white basketball Snickers.

"Sorry I m late." She apologized as mark came into view and the time was already 9:20.
"When are u not?"

Steve was lying on his bed with a cover around his hand. Timmy also had plaster on his leg.
She sat on Steve's bed beside him."I hope these are nothing serious." She said pointing to the cast on Steve's hand.
"Nah doctor said its just a sprain." Steve replied. "same here." Timmy said from his bed.

"Yeah us too" max and Sam nodded.
"Thank god."
"I should have practiced more. Everybody got hurt because
because I didn't practice enough. I shouldn't be resting here. I need to go practice." Timmy started getting up but mark ran to him and gently pushed him down.

"its not ur fault guys. We need u to rest and get well soon. After all we have to defeat the aliens together." Mark grinned but Jennifer could see him holding his hand in a fist behind his back. She sighed but as she was about to get up Steve held her wrist and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Don't worry about us." He smiled. Jennifer blushed hard and nodded. Mark looked at them with his mouth wide open.

"What was that?"
"mark lets go." Jennifer held his hand dragging him out. "U r not telling about this to anyone" she whispered on their way out.

"I can't promise that." Mark snickered.
They both were headed to raimon. when
they reached there mark took out a ball from the remains of their soccer club room.

Jennifer squeezed marks shoulder "we will not let those aliens get away with this." her gaze was fixed at the ball. A twig snap was heard and the goalkeeper and female ace striker looked up to find Axel standing there with his hands in his pocket. They turned around to find Jude and Celia as well. Then from behind them came nelly and Silvia.

"Soccer is a game. Its not something to be used for destruction let's teach those aliens this lesson." Mark spoke.
"I m with u" Axel joined in.
"I m still standing because of revenge. We are going to play them again and we are going to win." Jude smiled.
"don't forget us." The four players turned to find Kevin Eric Nathan Tod jack and willy standing together.

"Ur cute little let's do it won't be enough. U need us." Kevin smiled and everyone cheered.
"That's right we have to defeat them." Coach hilmen appeared there with raimons principal.
"Come with me."

The team followed coach to the lightning training center from which coach took them to a hidden elevator and they went further underground to a big room with a huge screen. The chairman was standing in the room. "Let me start by saying. I m really glad u kids are alright. As u already know we don't have much time to waste. We have to pick up the number of players on your team and build the best soccer team ever."
Everyone got excited and cheered.
"And mark I m counting on u." Coach hilmen said.

"Counting on me how exactly?"
"I won't be there."
"Hein!" The team exclaimed.
"Mr seamore will be helping me with a very important project regarding aliea academy." Mr raimon explained.
"That means we will be without a coach?" Mark questioned pointing to himself.

"But Mr raimon..."
"Please coach don't leave us. We will be lost without u." Tod and jack requested.
"U will have a coach."
Just on cue the door of the elevator opened again. "Your new coach. Acqlina Schiller."

"What?"the team exclaimed.
Jennifer just stared at her with wide eyes. I dreaming? Is that really her? Lina?. Mixed emotions hit Jennifer all at once but mostly anger. After all she was the one Jennifer once thought of as her elder sister. The one who betrayed her.

No words escaped Jennifer's mouth. She just stood there like a statue.
"What's with these children." Lina started speaking. "Coach we won't be able to do it without u. Thats just weak. I didnt know I will be training bunch of spoiled brats. Plus they have already lost to aliea once."

"And thats why we will win." Mark said.
Jennifer shuffled to the back of the group not ready for a confrontation just yet.

"Tough talk is nice but my type of soccer is something u r not used to. So better get ready boys." She said turning around and flipping her hair with sass.
"U guys are dismissed. Go pack your bags and be ready tomorrow." Coach hilmen said. They all started walking back to the elevator.

Jenni went home and explained the situation to her mom and dad." So can I go?" She asked.
"Of course u can. There's a war out there and the best warrior is being summoned. Go fulfill your duties." Her father hyped her up.
"Have I told you how overdramatic you are dad?" She packed her bag and got ready.

The next day all of them were back at the big underground room. Today Jennifer was going to confront lina for why she ghosted her after her adoption. As she reached there half of the team was already present. Lina's eyes fell on her. They both made an eye contact. 'Why does she feel familiar'. Acqlina thought to herself.

"Hey Jennifer." Jude greeted making Jennifer break the eye contact.
"Hey." She smiled at him. As soon as the whole team arrived except for Axel Mr. Raimon played a recent news telling that there was an attack at some statue inogration and the president was kidnapped by aliens.

Axel arrived a bit late. He apologized and bowed in front of coach.
"So the president of our country has been held hostage by a bunch of aliens who are suspected to be related to aliea academy." Mr. Raimon continued.
"Lets get to work. We might find these creature sooner than expected." Lina ordered.

"Yes miss Schiller. U can start with showing them the inazuma caravan." Mr raimon said.
"What is inazuma caravan??" Mark asked.

Coach hilmen lead them to another room. it was dark. Suddenly lights turned on in the room. There in front of them was standing a blue and yellow mini bus.

Everyone looked at it with awe.
"I know u can do it. I know u guys can beat those aliens." Coach hilmen said to the team.

"Hai." The whole team agreed and proceeded to the caravan.
"Jennifer." Coach stopped her.
"Yes coach."

"u r a great player Jennifer and a great supporter. I know mark alone is enough to keep the team motivated but being the captain of a team is a very heavy responsibility so I m expecting he will fall one day so I am putting this responsibility on u to be the one who picks him up. Be by his side whenever he needs someone."

Jennifer bowed down."I won't let u down coach.". She threw one glare at acqlina and went in the caravan. All the seats were full. "Where am I gonna sit slintheads?" She asked.

"Come here." Nathan patted the seat between him and Axel. She made her way over to them and sat down. After that lina entered and sat on the front most seat. "Let's go Mr veteran " she ordered and inazuma caravan was off to a twisted and adventurous journey.

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now