challenge from a god

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The next day everyone was practicing recklessly. Jennifer and Axel were still not able to perfect fire tornado double drive. "What is wrong. We are perfectly in sync." Jennifer sighed.
"I don't know"
"C'mon let's try again".
"There is not much different between u and mark." Axel chuckled.

"Shut up and move Mr arrogant."
After some time Nelly , Silvia and Celia came with rice balls. "C'mon guys . We have made rice balls for u guys."
Everyone jumped with excitement. Even Jennifer ran to eat. Food was her only weakness after all. As soon as she saw Nelly swatting marks hand away she retreated her hand with the speed of lightning.

"Go first wash your hands." They all properly washed their hands and only after checking if their hands are clean they were allowed to eat. The whole team devoured the rice balls though some of them were extra salty.
Next day was Sunday.

Mark was at his usual spot practicing with tires while Axel Jude Eric and Jennifer were watching him. They all were wearing their casual outfits. "Are u guys sure we shouldn't help him?"eric asked."we could have helped if his enemy would have been someone else but right now his fight is with himself"jude replied
" he is fighting to find his heart"axel added.

"Maybe thats what his grandfather ment when he said majin the hand is done from heart." Eric shrugged.
"Thats deep." Jennifer said thinking "Hey Eric, your mom is coming over today. U will come with her right?" Jennifer asked Eric.

"Yeah sure."
"Good cause I have to go shopping and u r coming with me."
"i just remembered. I have to meet Silvia later."

"Oh okay." Jennifer's face dropped. "Why do I feel like I m being replaced." She wiggled her eyebrows teasing him.
"Hey no. U will always remain my best friend. No ones changing that." They both exchanged a smile.

Next day everyone was practicing hard again. Axel and Kevin shot dragon tornado and Eric and Jude used twin boost. The ball headed towards mark but someone stopped it. It was a blonde guy with really long hair and red eyes. He stopped both of those shoots with one hand each.

"Amazing u can stop dragon tornado and the twin boost both at the same time. U must be an awesome goalie." Mark chirped.

"Sure but I m not a goalie though." The mysterious boy said. "Our goalie would have stopped those pathetic shoots with the tip of his finger."he boasted.
"When u say ur goalie u mean Zeus's goalie right? Byron love." Jude stepped forward.

The team: what?

Byron turned towards mark. "U must be mark Evans. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Byron love and I m the captain of Zeus Jr. We know all about u thanks to master ray."

"So Zeus is connected to him" Jude said
"Right girly boy what do u want to challenge us or something?" Kevin asked.
"Don't be rediculous. A challenge implies that I would be picking a fight with u. But I don't intend to fight u guys at all. Infact it would be better if u guys don't fight with us."

"And why is that?"
"Because u will loose of course. when humans fight gods the outcome is an obvious conclusion".
"U r calling ur self god?"
"What ?u can't tell?"
now it was Jennifers time to speak up. "Hey u wannabe god. Why don't u stop bragging and show us what u actually got".

Byron turned towards her and observed her for a moment. "Looks like raimon has a goddess among them too." He smirked and bowed bending one knee with his hands in front of his waist.
"eh...I m complete human u freak."she rolled her eyes.
Jennifer's conscience- thats not completely true. Your pow...
Jennifer-yeah but he doesn't need to know that.
Conscience- but maybe u r a god after all. I mean u can bring tiny earthquakes.
Jennifer-will u just shut up?!
Conscience- u don't listen to me these days. Bye.
"My apologies. I mistook u for Aphrodite. U surely have a beauty of Aphrodite" He smiled in a teasing manner.
"yeah whatever"

He then turned to mark again. "I think u should give up and stop practicing if u don't want to face humiliation."
"Shut up. Who are u to come here and talk about being god. Practice is what keeps us alive. Practice is our food." Mark bursted out.

Byron giggled. "Isn't it a cute saying? Practice is our food." He then threw the ball up and almost disappeared. When everyone looked up he was there flying with the ball.
"What the...."
"Did he just fly?"

Byron kicked the ball and it speeded towards mark. As it hit mark he got blown away. Though the ball got deflected and went from above the goal post but mark was hit hard. Everyone ran to him." Mark ....hey say something are u okay.?" Jennifer shook him. He slowly opened his eyes and got up saying Byron to shoot again. "C'mon shoot again. Hit me harder this Time."

He shouted but his legs were shaking. He wasn't able to stand. Byron laughed. "Impressive. You are the first one to even lay a finger on my god ball. I am looking forward to this match even more now."and then he disappeared.
Mark went insane practicing. He kept on practicing and practicing and practicing.
"This is not good." Jenni sighed looking at him. Thats when coach spoke up. "Team we will be having a training camp tomorrow."

"We will sleep at school and cook food and learn other stuff."
"But coach we don't have time for this stuff. Our match is day after tomorrow."
Mark whined.
"U will do as I say Evans." And with that the training camp plan was fixed.
"C'mon mark. There is a saying from where i come from. Haste makes something something something. I don't actually remember." Eric smiled innocently.
"Its haste makes waste, Eric."Jennifer sighed and shook her head. "No wonder u always got a C in English."

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