the party

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The next day during breakfast Silvia told the whole team about the rules of FFI. The teams in group A were Italy, America, Argentina and Japan which meant they had to fight with each other to go to the finals. The best two would compete for the final match against two teams of group B. The team hyped up and went out to practice. They practiced and practiced. David and Kevin who were playing with the team after a long time were playing fantastically too but in between their hard work Silvia came shouting. "Guys gather up for a bit." The players left the ball and circled around her. "The england team has sent an invitation to us for a party tonight. The arriving time is six'o clock and we have to go formally dressed.
"What do u mean formally dressed?" Herley asked Silvia.
"She means we will have to wear a suit with a bow or a tie." Darren explained him. Herley thought of a really weird suit with a big bow and freaked out. "No way. They want us to wear that?"
"Wait. Formal dress? U mean we girls will have to wear dresses. Like long dresses with fucking heels. No I m going In jeans and top." Jennifer opposed.
"Its specially mentioned Jennifer."
"Then I won't go."
"That will be rude."
"Why is this fucking party even happening?"
" the letter says they want to know us better as we are their rivals in the first match."
"Well the first thing they should know about me is that I hate dresses and heels." Jennifer scoffed.
"Come on don't whine now. We are going shopping. Come with us. We will also buy suits for the guys."Silvia dragged her.
Jennifer changed into her casuals and headed out.

"Too revealing, too Bright, too short, too long."
Right now the girls were choosing dresses for themselves after buying the suits for boys. They sent Mr veteran back with the suits so that the boys can try them on.
Silvia, Celia and Cami chose a white dress.
"I need a white dress too." Jennifer looked around.
"I think u should buys a black one. It will match with the boys. After all u r one of the player. Cami came to them with a black dress. "What about this?" Jennifer looked at it. "Yeah it seems appropriate." Next they bought heels and headed back.

The team got ready. The three managers walked down the stairs and the team was left gaping at them. "U girls look so cute." Darren complimented them.
"Yes pretty girls."
"Stop staring guys." Celia blushed a bit. Kyle walked up to her extending his hand "may I?" Celia blushed more and nodded. "U look beautiful."
"U look handsome too." Celia complimented him back. David followed him and like a gentleman took Cami's hand. Walking her down the stairs. Then Jude followed and took Silvia's hand. They left the girls arm once they were down but celia kept her hands wrapped around kyles upper arm.
"u girls look better than I thought." Herley grinned.
"Better than u thought?" They squinted at him
"Sorry that was just a slip of mind." herley waved his hand in front of him.
"Now where's my little sissy??" Kyle asked.
"She had been whining for half an hour. Must be getting ready. She will be here any minute." Celia informed them.
Jennifer in her room took one last glance at the mirror. Her hair was tied in a low bun. Some of the hair of her bangs hanging in her face while most of the hair up in the bun. Two long strands dangling down from both sides of her bangs. Hey I actually look decent. She smiled a little. She walked out of the room and went near the stairs. The boys and girls were busy talking. Austin's eyes fell on her and he went still like a statue

 Austin's eyes fell on her and he went still like a statue

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