dont go axel

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The Gemini storm were present on the terrace field of Nara television center.
Mark challenged them to play a match against them.

"We are obliged to play by rules and u guys have just 10 players so I will have to decline the offer." Rieze said.
"The 11th player is right here." Tori shouted taking out her bodyguard uniform and revealing a raimons jersey.
"Where did she get that from?" Silvia scratched her cheek.

"U aliens destroyed my school and my teammates and most of all my one week hibernation plan. U asses are going down today." Jennifer snapped.

The match started and once again the aliens were surpassing the raimon eleven with their inhuman speed.
After 30 seconds of start of match the Gemini storm scored a goal. The match went ahead with Gemini storm scoring and scoring. Jennifer got the ball . She started dribbling. Rieze came to intercept her. "No u don't" Jennifer shouted doing a rainbow and passing him. "Impressive." Rize whispered. Jennifer tried dribbling against two more players but failed. The ball got snatched.

The match was exhausting the players.
Jennifer and Jude both started observing their opponent's passing pattern and finally got a hang of it. Jude intercepted the ball from one player and Jennifer was already in the perfect position for him to pass. She got the ball and passed to Axel who used fire tornado.

She looked at the ball with expectation but was shocked when the ball passed from above the goalpost. Normally she would have scolded him but thought he might already be under lots of pressure. Next Jennifer intercepted the ball and passed to Nathan.

They used fire rooster but the ball missed again and Axel fell down on his side. What is he doing?.
The first half ended with score 10-0.
Jude and Jennifer explained the team the passing pattern of Gemini.

"Wow . U guys are really good observers." Mark praised his teammates.
"U might have found out the pattern miss argent and Mr sharp but that dosent mean u guys can win against them as u might have already noticed that their speed and skills are way better than yours" coach lina explained.

"Then what should we do coach?" Jennifer asked putting an emphasis on the word coach.
"Here's the formation. Everyone of u will stand in a line and go for attack."
"But then the field will be clear for them if they pass the first line." Nathan protested.
"Then u better make sure they don't do it." And coach turned towards the bench.

The second half started. The formation was totally messed up. Mark started facing double the number of balls he had been facing earlier. "This is shit." Jennifer cussed as she saw mark facing shots after shots and getting injured. At last rieze shot one last shoot which looked like a hissatsu technique but really really strong. Mark used majin the hand but the shot broke through majin the hand and Gemini got its 32nd goal.

The match ended with 32-0. The team was standing together debating on coaches last formation and her doubting her skills.

"we should call Mr. Raimon and ask for a replacement." Kevin stomped on the ground.
"Wait Kevin. I want to listen to coaches reasoning before we do anything." Jude stopped him.

Jennifer was just standing there with her arms folded. Listening to them quitely.
"What reasoning."
"After the first half we all had pushed ourselves to our limits. If we would have tried to fight them with my statergy in the second half what do u think would have happened?"

"We would have ended up in hospital like Jim and Steve." Nathan spoke.
"Exactly." Jude nodded.
"But that doesn't mean we leave all our pressure on mark to save our butts." Kevin reasoned.
Just them mark walked out of the caravan. "No guys. The coach gave me an opportunity to understand their shoots. I think now I will be able to stop them." Mark grinned.

"So thats it? Coach saved us from injuries. Gave mark experience and prepared us for the next match at the same time?" Willy wondered.
"Yes." Jude said.

"There she is coming." Jack informed the whole team. Lina came walking to the team and stopped in front of them. She turned towards Axel and said. "Axel from  now and effectively u r out of the team." She ordered.
"Whaaat?" Everyone was shocked.
"But we need him coach."
"He is our ace striker."
"We can't win without him."
"Are u doing this because he missed those shots?"
"no thats not the reason. Right coach?"
"I was simply asked to make the best team in the country and that team dosent need Axel blaze." Lina replied to all their questions.

Jennifer clenched her fist. "Thats not how we work." She bursted out. "Thats not how raimon works. We don't leave people behind. Axel is not going anywhere." She protested.
"My decision is final."  Lina stated with a stoic face.

Axel started walking away. Jennifer and mark both ran after him. "Wait Axel. Don't u want to take revenge on those aliens?" Mark shouted.
"U can't walk away just like that." Jennifer shouted too. "We have to win together. We have to reach to the top together. I m not done fighting with u."

"Sry guys I can't help u anymore." Axel spoke looking over his shoulder. Both mark and Jennifer noticed few drops of tears in axel's eyes as he turned around.
"Don't go Axel." Jennifer whispered for one last time and bit her lower lips holding in her tears.
Mark suddenly started shouting.
"u r coming back Axel. I know u r. We will play together again."

Mark and Jennifer started returning to the team with their heads low.
"Where's Axel? Did u find him?" Eric asked them . Jennifer stayed silent so mark replied. " he walked away."
"Why didnt u stop him idiots?" Kevin growled.

"I tried." Mark whispered.
"So thats it he isn't coming back?" Bobby asked.
"No. He will come back. I know he will." Mark said.

Just then lina got a message saying there is a ace striker in hokido so they will have to go there. All the team members climbed inside caravan but Jennifer stayed back. "I was happy lina. After so long I was happy for once. But u couldn't stand seeing it." she whispered and headed to caravan.

Lina stood there stunned. 'U have got me wrong Allison. I never wanted to hurt u but I can't tell u just yet.' lina thought to herself and followed Jennifer

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