the match for italy

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The fantastic five walked to the Italy team resident and told Fidio that they will help him. The players who were injured were reluctant at first but mark can even convince a god to spare a devil with only a speech so whose the Italian team in front of him. The japan players called coach seamore and informed him that they won't be returning tonight as it was late and the matter about ray dark . Fidio offered them to stay at the italy lodge.

Jennifer was in her room. It was almost 10pm when someone knocked on the door. She walked to the door putting on her jacket and peeped slightly opening it. Fidio was standing outside. She opened the door fully. "Hey....its late.... u r not sleeping?"
"Yeah. Big match coming. By the way I was taking a round in the lodge when I found this in mailbox." He showed her a file."its for u I guess. It has a tag with your name on it." 
Jennifer Frowned "for me??" She took the file and thanked fidio as he went away.
After half an hour.
Mark woke up to drink water but on his way found Jennifer's room empty and her door wide open. He looked in the cafeteria then in the field she was nowhere. Finally as he went on the terrace he found the burnette sitting on the floor leaning on the railing and looking down.He walked to her and and sat beside her. When he looked up then only he realized that stream of tears were flowing down her cheek while her face was blank and silent. "Jennifer." He whispered putting a hand on her shoulder. She didnt move. She just extended the file in her hand towards him.
He opened it.

           Investigation  Case of the rosewood              spouse accident

27 September,20xx

1)Brent drake rosewood
   Occupation: CEO of the cascadrea enterprise
2) Eva drake rosewood
    Occupation: manager of the cascadrea enterprise.

A destroyed car was found inside the lake dimos . It was owned by Mr.Brent drake rosewood. Witnesses state that they saw the car going in the lake with Mr rosewood as the driver and Mrs rosewood on the passenger seat. After going through the evidence it is concluded that the accident was caused by a break failure. The body of the victims are still missing.

 The body of the victims are still missing

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Mr and Mrs rosewood.

Due to lack of any new evidence the Case is being closed.

"Thats your mom and Dad." Mark breathed.
Jennifer nodded in response. "They are dead. Its their accident investigation file. According to the date they died one year after I was born."
"are u okay?" mark squeezed her shoulder.
"I don't know mark. I don't even know why I m crying. I hated them. Its not supposed to bother me. But I feel hurt and sad."Her voice was shaking. "I feel numb from inside. No matter how much I try. They were the one who brought me on this earth. There was always a small part of me who wanted to meet them. Who wanted to know them. Who wanted to hear I love u from them but its not going to happen. Ever."
"Oh jenny." Mark hugged her. She layed her head on marks chest But stayed silent and motionless. She almost felt lifeless.
"I don't feel good."
"Don't let it get to u. I feel this is probably ray darks plan. He wanted to shake u before the game. Don't let him succeed." Mark held her tighter.
"Can we stay here for tonight? Please."
"Of course. I'll stay by ur side as long as u want me to jenny."
"Thnku so much mark."
And with that the teenagers slowly fell unconscious against eachothers.
When the sun rose Jennifer woke up. She was on marks hand. Mark was snoring.
Conscience-this is the second time u r waking up beside a boy.
Jennifer-I thought u weren't talking to me
Conscience- I am afraid if I leave u alone for any longer u will get us both killed.
She shook the orange headband boy. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Good morning jenny."
"Good morning." She smiled.
"Oww my hand feels numb."
"I'll take credits for that." Jennifer grinned
"I think you mean blame." Mark laughed. They both got ready for the match .

The Japan players and Italy team were in the field. Mr k turned out to be ray dark. Anger was radiating off the Japan players. His teams captain looked like duplicate of Jude.
"Wha....wait who is this ray dark?? A cheap duplicate of Jude?" Jennifer squinted.
"I  am not a duplicate. My name is.. "
"Yeah lemme guess. Kude Karp?" Jennifer scoffed.
"How dare u? U disgusting bitch!" the Jude's duplicate growled. The players of inazuma Japan and Fidio took a step forward. "What did u just call her u bastard?" Caleb shouted but Jennifer stopped all of them.
"C'mon guys let's show him what this disgusting bitch can do in soccer."
The match started. Ray darks team, team K was clearly dominating as the inazuma players were shook a little seeing them use all royal moves but better. Jude was not concentrating. He was not in his stable mind. Jennifer for some reason kept on thinking about her dead real parents but jude was worse. He was not even playing Soon Caleb ran and tackled the ball from jude harshly. "This whishy washy attitude is pissing me Jude." He shouted but David stepped forward and accused him. "we knew u will double cross us. Now what will u do? Score ur own goal?"
"Don't get the wrong idea here. Yes I was talking with ray dark privately but I was doing that just to show him I don't need his power anymore. We can defeat him. " he then looked at Jude. "Do u wanna stay ray darks puppet forever?" Caleb asked him firmly.
Jude clenched his fist. "I am not anyone's creation or puppet or pawn."
Jude stood up and stole the ball from caleb. The former royal players trio charged forward along with fidio. "David , Caleb give me a hand here." Jude shouted.
"No. U will be the one giving me a hand." Caleb whispered to himself. The Italian mid fielders were about to follow them when Jennifer interrupted." No, Midfielders concentrate on defense. Let those four manage the forward."
"U r a forward too right? Why are u not going up?"
She smirked."today I am a defender."
Fidio made a shot but the goalkeeper stopped the  shoot easily leaving everyone shocked. Then when Jude's duplicate. (I don't remember his name. Can u help me here?) Got the ball he dribbled forward and used a new hissatsu Emperor penguin X which was almost same as emperor penguin one. Mark was about to do dimensional hand  but the ball was so fast that he didn't even get the time and he was thrown in the goal along with the ball making the score 1-0
"Was that..." David gasped
"Emperor penguin one?" Caleb completed his sentence.
"No its not." duplicate Jude smirked."its emperor penguin X. Its not some trashy incomplete move that leaves a recoil on your body. I can use this move again and again." Then he looked at Jennifer. "So ur emperor penguin one is the cheap duplicate of my original move."
Jennifer gritted and the first half ended there.
In the second half the duplicate again used emperor penguin X . This time mark used hammer of wrath but it wasn't enough so he caught the ball and uses fireball punch on the ground do the angle in which he was thrown back got deflected and his back hit the goalpost. Mark winced but got up and started dribbling forward out of the goal leaving the players shocked. He passed to Fidio. He and Jennifer did great teamwork and broke through the defense line and finally Jennifer used flaming phoenix and scored a goal. This made Jude question what was he so afraid of. He has got all his friends by his side. He turned to Caleb. "Let's use it."
"U mean that move? But its still incomplete"
"We will do it this time."
Jennifer was hearing thier conversation. Look at these two. bestfriends forever.she thought and smirked.
Few minutes later.
Caleb and Jude used a new move but it didnt work. David got inspired seeing their teamwork and decided to trust Caleb . He offered to help them and suggested that their shoot lacked height. The trio again shot the shoot and shouting. "Emperor penguin number 3"
The ball made in. Team K tried to fight back. But when they passed to their captain he missed the ball and closed his eyes. It looked like he was having some trouble with his eyesight. Ray dark told them that he injected him with a program that his body wasn't able to hold. Jude shouted at his duplicate about how ray dark was just using him. It turnef out that he and his team were soccer players that desired to represent the nation in soccer but their dream were just unapproachable until ray dark gave them a chance so the duplicate tried to fight back but failed. His team encouraged him to stop chasing winning and to play their soccer. The duplicate finally realized it and opened his ponytail letting the dreadlocks fall down and he threw away his goggles.
"U look better like that." Jennifer complimented him and the game resumed. Team K lost the match but learnt an important lesson.
The match ended. Ray dark started clapping.
"Well played team orpheus. You have rightfully gained the position of Italian Representative but as for u japan." He switched on a big screen that was on the side of field. The inazuma team appeared warming up by a stadium bench.
"Axel, kyle?what is going on?" Jennifer frowned. Just then the commentator announced that the match against inazuma Japan and Argentina's team the empire was about to start. The five players gasped.

Sorry for the late update guys. Actually I am running out of motivation but I really don't want to stop this stry right now. So I may update slowly but I will surely keep updating. Again thanx for ur support and patience and enjoy reading.!!😃

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