ocean waves

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The team was in a boat heading to okanawa. Jennifer was seated on the railing of the boat with her feet dangling above the ocean. The light breeze was moving the strands of hair on her face.
"Jennifer be carefull. U might fall down." Mark said concerned about her.
"I won't chill out." She told him.
Mark came and stood beside her.
"U look excited". He commented seeing her face.

"We are getting Axel back. Finally I can beat the shit out of him for leaving us in between. It will be so fun." She grinned.
"Don't get your hopes up. We are not so sure he is the flame striker after all right?" Eric said sitting on a sofa while sue was still clinged on his arm.

"I am positive its Axel. Even if it turns out to be someone else I will beat the shit out of him too cause he used the title that only Axel can have." She smiled innocently.

"Darling we can have our honeymoon here." Sue squealed.
"Eh!" Eric got uncomfortable.
"Aren't u too young to have sex?" Jennifer raised her eyebrows making both sue and Eric fluster.

"What are u blushing for sue. Honeymoon is just a secretive word for married people going out to have sex." Jennifer rolled her eyes.

"I...I didn't mean that" sue said after a brief moment of silence.

"Then dont'n use the word honeymoon." Jennifer scoffed.

"Willlyyyy" they heard jack's voice.
Jude , mark , Eric , tori , sue and Jennifer all ran to check what happened. Willy had fallen in water. Without thinking Jennifer untied her jacket from her waist , running towards the ocean. She stepped on the railing and jumped in water clasping her hands together above her head.

As she entered the water she looked around only to find willy already being saved by someone. She came on the surface of water , her ponytail had gotten loose and hair was sticking on her face. She started swimming towards the shore. Everyone was already around willy scolding him. Jennifer walked to them pulling her shirt away from her body.
"U alright?" Nelly asked her.

Jennifer nodded and then sneezed. Silvia put a jacket on her shoulder. Jennifer smiled gratefully at her.

"u moron. What the hell were u thinking?" She scolded willy.
"Let's not make a big drama out of it." Willy said sheepishly, slouching down.
Jennifer then looked at the guy who saved willy. He had pink hair and was wearing goggles.

He looked back at her . " You are a good swimmer. Only some people have the courage to WILLINGLY jump in th great  ocean" he said putting emphasis on willingly and giving a side look to willy.
"Thanks." Jennifer nodded .

Water was dripping from her hair. It somehow made her look even more sexy. Atleast thats what the whole team was thinking while staring at her except for jude ,who just looked at her as a really good friend or I might say bestfriend. Though he did admit that her looks were breath taking.

Later the team discovered that they missed their boat because of stupid willy and have to wait till next day for the next boat.

"Let's practice then." Mark chirped.
"Where exactly?" Jennifer asked looking around.
Mark pointed to the sand. They used two poles and a net to make goal post on both sides.

" I m gonna go change." Jennifer mumbled and went inside the caravan which was transported there in the same boat. She wore her black shorts and a long sleeved black t shirt tieing its end in a knot revelation a silver of her stomach. She let her damp hair down and headed out mentally thanking her mom for packing an extra pair of sports shoe with her stuff.

She reached the sand field and sat on the bench.
"U r not going to practice?" Shawn asked her.
"I want to but my hair is wet. I dont want sand sticking on it."
Shawn just nodded. "U look good with ur hair down."

"I don't look good otherwise?" Jennifer raised her eyebrows.
"U always look gorgeous."
She looked at the ocean. Wide open , deep and calm. She started tapping her heel rapidly on ground.
"Hey what are u doing?" Shawn asked her.

" The ocean. I want to surf." Jennifer replied like a child. Just then she saw the guy who saved willy surfing on the waves.  He jumped from his surfing boat and landed on the shore. " U guys again." He smiled and suddenly his surfboard landed beside him scaring everyone for a bit. He went away and laid down near the sea on a mat.

Tori and sue decided they will try butterfly trance. On the first go they failed and the ball went in wrong direction hitting the guys surfing board which fell on his face. Jennifer bit her cheek holding in a laugh. That guy came towards the team. "Who hit that ball." He asked.

"That's me. I m sry." Tori said in a low voice. For a second everyone thought that the guy is going to burst out on tori but he didnt. Instead he said. "Thanks I was about to sleep and miss the big waves that are about to come. " he kept a hand on tori's shoulder then turned away and started walking. Sue looked back and forth those two and grinned like a devil. Jennifer looked at sues expression. "No sue don't even think of it. Tori will kill u."

They tried butterfly trance again but this time the ball again headed towards the ocean. The pink hair guy was surfing there. He kicked the ball back and it want towards Darren with full force and Darren wasn't able to save it. The new guy walked back towards the team.
"Have u played soccer before?" Mark asked him.

"No" he replied with a shrug.
"Wow will u like to try it?" Mark jumped like a kid.

"Nah. I am not interested." That guy said.
"Its good he said no. There's no way an armature like him will be able to play . we don't need a lousy like him." Jennifer smirked taunting the new guy just like Axel had taunted her on the first day.
"What did u say?" The guy was angry. "I will play." He folded his hands.
Jennifer's smirk became wider.
He introduced himself as herley king.

Mark gave him a ball and he made a shot which passed the defenders with incredible speed. Mark barely stopped it. Then he tried taking a pass but his timing was all over the place. The team practiced and practiced. Harley was good at defending . Tori and sue finally succeeded at butterfly trance but what left everyone in shock was that herley used a hissatsu too. Its name was tsunami boost. Mark tried saving it with fist of justice but didn't succeed. Jennifer walked up to him extending her hand. "U really need to work hard to perfect that move Mark.".

"Yeah I guess you are right." Mark nodded taking her hand and getting up. Everyone complimented herley and went to the caravan.

It was night. Jennifer walked out of the tent only to find Shawn sitting on a bench on the beach. She sat beside him silently.
"The ocean looks so beautiful at night." She mumbled.
"Yes it does." Shawn nodded.
They sat there in silence listening to the ocean till Jennifer started feeling sleepy and walked back to the tent .
I was getting bored while writing this chapter so this is a bit boring and short. I really want to skip to the part where Axel comes back. I miss Axel😫

Lets Play Soccer Together. (Inazuma Eleven Various X Oc) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now